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Petty Annoyances

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"He just loves to have fun!" - well who doesn't? Surely that's the definition of fun?

We could fill this thread with WWE-isms. Even watching 70s stuff on the Network, Vince can't speak like a human being - he strikes me as like one of those pricks who thinks that using a lot of big words will make him sound smarter, only the sportscaster equivalent of that.

His steadfast refusal to use (or let anyone else use) pronouns on commentary leaves him saying things like, "that certain individual, being one Mr. Fred Blassie".

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Something that always puzzled me from my first years as a fan, was Vince calling every Atomic Trop on Summerslam '92 a "Reverse Piledriver".

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1 hour ago, Slapnut said:


Not trying to have a go at the two of you, but this is the wrestling equivalent of “should of” for me. Petty on my behalf, but it drives me mad.

Add in “Kahn” instead of “Khan” and I’m with you. Sometimes I think people do that just to piss me off and if that’s the case, I hope they never change. 

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On 5/19/2020 at 2:28 PM, Tamura said:

When wrestlers in a singles match apply an abdominal stretch and use the ring rope for supposed added leverage, it's like the laws of physics don't exist.

Don't get me started on that 90's spot of the wrestler inside the ring tugging on the top rope while his opponent was stood on the ring apron while also holding the rope, causing him to somehow flip over into the ring.

In a more modern annoyance, there is way too much of the crowd of wrestlers standing around for ages and waiting to catch a wrestler taking a big bump onto them.

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There are a couple of things that have started to grate on me in ring introductions, mainly in AEW (and mainly because I haven't watched a full WWE show in a thousand years). 

"He is the self-proclaimed..." Number one, of course they are. Number two, way to dump on your heel's heat from the off by not being intimidated in the slightest. I know Brodie Lee's falling flat, but it makes him look more of a joke when your announcer is smirking at him. Get a load of this guy, eh fans? Fnar Fnar Fnar.

Rattling off the wrestler's catchphrase as part of their intro. Again, another one that dumps on the heels, but comes across really awkward too without the charisma of the performer carrying it. "He claims to be better than you, and you know it..." He's better than you at saying that too.


One last thing for ring work, any time a wrestler gets sat in the top rope and has his legs thrown over the ropes so they can work a super plex spot, it just shows either they were too scared of dropping their nuts on the buckle doing a proper lift, or they were too lazy or inexperienced to actually work a cut off spot to get up there. And I'd rather than watch the opponent fail to pick you up and botch than watch you jump yourself into position on your hands on the top rope for a boost.

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Wrestlers springboarding into an RKO (or Sweet Chin Music) when they’ve never previously used a move that involved springboarding. Punk just about got away with it at ‘Mania that year because he uses a springboard clothesline.

Selling a single finisher LIKE DEATH when it’s hit during a promo segment, rather than within the context of an actual match.

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The way any one-fall multiman match is No DQ. Not so much the policy, but the explanation that it inherently has to be that way because if somebody gets DQed, who wins. 

That's nonsense. If somebody gets DQed, they fuck off to the dressing room and the match continues/restarts, just like would happen in any sport with multiple individual competitors like the 100 metres race.

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On 5/22/2020 at 8:10 PM, HLSXN said:

Selling a single finisher LIKE DEATH when it’s hit during a promo segment, rather than within the context of an actual match.

I can handle the idea that getting hit with a move cold might do more damage than when you're warmed up and mentally prepared to be hit. Especially if you get clocked from behind first.... 

15 minutes ago, JNLister said:

The way any one-fall multiman match is No DQ. Not so much the policy, but the explanation that it inherently has to be that way because if somebody gets DQed, who wins. 

That's nonsense. If somebody gets DQed, they fuck off to the dressing room and the match continues/restarts, just like would happen in any sport with multiple individual competitors like the 100 metres race.

I might be remembering wrong, but I'm fairly sure one of the first wwe triple threats was rock/hhh/xpac for the ic title, and the rock tried to fuck off the match, only for the ref to say that if he was counted out, it would restart as a 1v1 title match.... Was very confused when they dropped that rule. 

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On 5/21/2020 at 2:53 PM, GeronimoJacksBeard said:

Triple H went through a phase of using 'industry' during his clean shaven colourful trunks phase, i'm sure.

What he really overuses though is - "Here's the thing..." Doesn't annoy me, but i've always found it a bit of an odd turn of phrase. He loves it.

Yes! There was a point when that really started to wind me up. He was doing it every week on Raw. Dave Meltzer uses it all the time as well, I wonder if one of them got it from the other.

Fair play to Slapnut, the Hornswaggle thing is a huge annoyance for me.

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20 hours ago, JNLister said:

The way any one-fall multiman match is No DQ. Not so much the policy, but the explanation that it inherently has to be that way because if somebody gets DQed, who wins. 

That's nonsense. If somebody gets DQed, they fuck off to the dressing room and the match continues/restarts, just like would happen in any sport with multiple individual competitors like the 100 metres race.

I feel like this has only been a fairly recent thing too. I don't remember it being mentioned a few years ago but these days it's constant. 

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24 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I feel like this has only been a fairly recent thing too. I don't remember it being mentioned a few years ago but these days it's constant. 

Feels like an unfortunate evolution. No DQ means you can sit outside and wait for the others to finish their spots without worrying about stuff like count outs or other psychology.

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52 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

Yes! There was a point when that really started to wind me up. He was doing it every week on Raw. Dave Meltzer uses it all the time as well, I wonder if one of them got it from the other.

Meltzer's got about 10 verbal ticks that can be infuriating. 

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Bret Hart and the second rope elbow. If he was going to land it it’d always be like this;


But every time he dropped the elbow the traditional way, you knew he was going to miss. Similar with Ted DiBiase and that falling second rope backwards fistdrop thing. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him land it.

Have a Smartie every time a wrestler starts a story during a shoot interview with “What happened was...”. And watch yourself balloon.

Also, fuck Conrad Thompson and his “telegram, telephone, tell a wrestler” shite. Although I think hating that one’s perfectly reasonable and not petty at all. 

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