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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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12 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

A kind of developmental-lite relationship with Impact Wrestling might work, I'd not considered that. There's certainly enough quality on Dark that Impact could benefit from using. 

Impact's roster being so compact and having two hours to fill every week means that most match ups feel a bit samey, which I suppose is almost the opposite problem to AEW. Not the worst idea ever and probably benefits all parties, especially after this current storyline has died down.

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I've only watched the Sting debut, but fuck me is there's anyone in wrestling who just gets it it's The Stinger. He can do more with a slow walk and a glance to the audience than most wrestlers could manage with all the over-emoting in the world. Considering he made his name as a high energy babyface, it's phenomenal how good he is at grasping that less is more. Completely unexpected, and loved the music and intro video - wrestling melodrama done perfectly. I have no idea where they go from here, how they capitalise on it, or what Sting will even be doing - I don't know if he's going to wrestle for them or not, but being signed to a multiple year deal makes me assume he must do. 

I imagine we'll get some childhood wish fulfilment stuff with Cody teaming with Sting. Maybe that will end up being the deal for the Shaq match - rather than trusting him to carry a whole match, we end up with Cody & Sting vs. Shaq & Whoever.

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4 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I imagine we'll get some childhood wish fulfilment stuff with Cody teaming with Sting. Maybe that will end up being the deal for the Shaq match - rather than trusting him to carry a whole match, we end up with Cody & Sting vs. Shaq & Whoever.

Yeah, can't see Sting wrestling a straight-up singles match but a tag team effort or something involving a lot of smoke and mirrors makes a lot of sense.

Personally not sure about having Sting as a full-time weekly character though. Even in TNA he seemed to come and go, and while there's more worth than the fleeting appearances the WWE were using him for, having him on weekly at this stage kills a bit of the allure for me. What exactly can he do apart from walk down the aisle and look menacing?

Mind you, bring back Joker Sting and I take my words back.

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Was loving the main event until the last few minutes. Can't remember the last wrestling match that had my heart in my mouth on the near falls like that. Also, Kenny as a full on heel champion with Don Callis as the mouthpiece has huge potential and I can't wait to see where it goes. So unfortunate though that they got in their own way with the convoluted flat finish. What is it with every fucker in wrestling in 2020? Keeping it simple and straight forward seems like an impossible task. The bollocks with the chairs, the doctors and Don Callis on the apron did the impossible and made Moxley look like a dumb, unlikable babyface and it took the oomph out of Omega cheating to win for me. Massive shame. Don and Kenny legging it was hilarious. I haven't paid TNA no mind since Ace's and 8s. . . so eh. Don't know what to make of that. It would be cool if AEW use it to help develop their inexperienced talent I guess.

Surprisingly good Battle Royal. Easily their best yet with good execution and storytelling. The Page/Dark Order interactions were perfect, Sky and Spears were fun and actually got over and the Inner Circle were a riot. I'd almost forgotten how much I loved Jungle Boy. Nowhere near enough of him on Dynamite. Is Luchasaurus injured? 

Sting!! Sting appearing was a great surprise and feel good moment. The entrance was class as was Tony being overjoyed. It's a shame I can't enjoy anything involving Cody without a bunch of cynicism attached. He's out of control at the moment and the sooner Darby Allin gets away from his orbit of bloated bullshit the better. The Sting thing feels like another "Hey, that sounds cool!" moment, rather than something with a plan and direction that sticks, just like the Shaq shit that's gone nowhere. 

I'm still not feeling AEW's heel group and tag team booking. Team Tazz shouldn't be losing already just like Death Triangle shouldn't be losing already.  

Kenny Omega for worse booker of 2020? Big LOL at Shida's first feud of any substance being their version of Seth Rollins vs The Fiend.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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2 hours ago, unfitfinlay said:

I was really enjoying the Main Event until the weird spot with the chairs, which really threw it off. The finish felt a bit off as well. Callis was trying to get the match stopped, dropped his microphone when Moxley punched him and Omega hit Moxley with it. How is that a screwjob?


A) It was at the least implied that Callis "dropped" the mic by deliberately chucking it to Omega.

B) Omega specifically requested a gentleman's agreement not to use any weapons.

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14 minutes ago, JNLister said:

A) It was at the least implied that Callis "dropped" the mic by deliberately chucking it to Omega.

B) Omega specifically requested a gentleman's agreement not to use any weapons.

Fair enough about the Gentleman's agreement, I suppose, I just don't think the stuff with Callis came off as well as they'd hoped. It felt like the Commentators went from "Callis is showing concern for his friend, and rightly so" to shouting about a screwjob really really quickly. It doesn't even make sense from a kayfabe point of view either, since he was asking the Ref to stop the match. What if the Ref had listened?

Doesn't help that the microphone bit wasn't even the finish, which is something AEW have been guilty of before.

I appreciate I'm nitpicking here though. It was still an amazing show, and, even if the execution was slightly off, Callis being all "Fuck you guys! See you on Impact!" as he and Kenny ran to a waiting car makes it obvious that they'd planned something.

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The Sting reveal was note perfect. For a start, Sting still looks like a superhero and someone you'd want a figure of. The entrance looked proper big time too - I hope they stick with the snow effect for it, as that was a nice new wrinkle to the aesthetic of his act.

No idea what his body can handle these days, but I'd be more than happy with him just popping in every once and a while before an eventual match here he's proper protected.

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