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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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3 hours ago, unfitfinlay said:

God, I hope he does.

It'll be fucking hilarious to see him getting a taste of what he's put Twitter through over the past few years. I can't wait to see him ranting about Apple and Google refusing to carry it, investors and advertisers pulling out and finally suing everybody in a desperate attempt to recoup his losses.

Let's face it, it's not going to work is it?

Graham Linehan set one up called "Glindr" after he was kicked off Twitter for his transphobic tweets. It has almost a thousand users, apparently. Yet they complain about the left being the ones with echo chambers. 

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33 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Graham Linehan set one up called "Glindr" after he was kicked off Twitter for his transphobic tweets. It has almost a thousand users, apparently

It's apparently not accepting new members, so I assume a number of those 1000 were people signing up just to call him a nob.

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18 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I actually respectfully disagree with you here dude and I think it's completely the other way. This guy has convinced the majority of the world he is a total fucking idiot and a complete laughing stock but I don't believe that is true and he is actually much much smarter and more switched on than he ever wants people to know, If those people pointing and laughing stop and actually work out he is calculated and Knows exactly what he is doing and he knew exactly what his words would ignite on Thursday morning which is why he is a truly scary character. 

I think he was very close to ending his term and getting away with many of the things he should be made to answer for in front of a judge ext but his ego & his stupidity stepped in and at the final hurdle he did what he has done and now I think he will end up in some serious serious trouble. I also realise even without being president he is a powerful figure with powerful friends and assets so weather he gets the right punishment for his crimes we will have to see. But when Facebook/Instagram/Twitter are the first in line with the absolute balls to say what you have done is unacceptable your now banned from using our platforms just shows what a huge black mark he has made for America and American politics. 

You may well be correct as me saying this on FB elucidated the same response.

One thing Trump is not is daft; I agree with that and he is a man likely to act to draw the "he is a loony" remarks.

The reason I stand by my commenys (as much as I respect yours) is even the Republican press are reporting concern from his fellow party members.

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1 hour ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:


A pretty good summation of just how serious the "protest" was.

When I first saw on the news that Trump supporters were storming the Capitol Building I didn't initially hear that they'd managed to evacuate all of the Congress members to a secure location. So when they started talking about shots being fired on the Senate floor my stomach turned and I had to go for a walk with the anxiety of thinking they might be killing politicians. It really doesn't bear thinking about if they'd been successful.

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It's incredible just how far down the rabbit hole Trump supporters are. I've seen loads of screenshots saying shit like "Pelosi has been arrested", "the military are preparing to take over" and "We had Black Ops team who've managed to get evidence that blows the whole thing wide open". They are like one of those end of the world cults who keep delaying the actual date, but never ever admit that they were wrong.

It's not just the total wackos either. Republican Politicians on Twitter are bitching about Trump's social media ban as if that is anywhere close to the biggest problem he's facing right now. He's utterly fucked isn't he? Even IF he escapes legal consequences, he's a businessman whose businesses are built on his name, which is now toxic. Companies are falling over themselves trying to distance themselves from him, even indirectly, but these idiots still think they can pull the "We need Unity" card. So now companies are beginning to distance themselves from them too.

It's fascinating to watch. I wonder what it's going to take for reality to finally hit them.

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If you want a Monday morning boost, other than Arnie, the #NoFlyList hashtag has several videos of people who thought they could storm the Capitol building and then hop on a plane to resume normal life at home without consequence.

There's some "fake news" vids on these hashtags. They're normally just vids of no-mask morons being dragged off planes from a few months ago that people are posting for likes.

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It's probably just me. That Arnie speech is certainly extremely well delivered and powerful, especially as concerns his post war upbringing in Austris. But comparing what happened at the Capitol last week to Kristallnacht troubles me.

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8 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

It's probably just me. That Arnie speech is certainly extremely well delivered and powerful, especially as concerns his post war upbringing in Austris. But comparing what happened at the Capitol last week to Kristallnacht troubles me.

I felt it was a lot closer to the Beer Hall Putsch. Not that history always repeats itself exactly along the same lines, but, looking at the way things are in the US, such as the fact that Trump still has such a large supporter base, and that the American far-right is still enjoying large-scale support from the right in general, this could, worryingly, be merely a precursor for much worse. I really hope that this wasn't a Weimar Germany 1923 moment, and that we're still heading for Nazi Germany 1933.

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