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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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What the fuck do I know, anyway. Nikki’s already posting loads of lovely fan art on her Twitter. Fair play to her. I bet that’s a huge rush for something you pitched yourself.

I hope I’m proven wrong and it’s a huge success. When the majority of the roster do adhere to the, “JUST WRESTLE,” approach maybe a colourful superhero, no matter how crap it looks, is exactly what’s needed.

Speaking of which, is there a particular reason for why Ricochet is now wrestling in scruffy, black tracksuit bottoms? As if the lad wasn’t already fighting an uphill battle!

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On 6/22/2021 at 3:28 PM, DavidB6937 said:


Aye, the minute she got the memo saying she was on her way to the "main roster". Career suicide. No homemade superhero costume is helping anyone sink any lower than the general booking.

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To be honest I used to watch it (not got BT) and cut the series link a few weeks ago. Bored of Lashley and McIntyre every week on there and then a bit of 'RKBro' and Charlotte being Charlotte and that's your hours 'highlights' done 

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3 hours ago, Perry said:

Channel 5 are booting their Raw highlight show over to the Paramount channel from July.  Just proves that no fucker is watching those either.

Can you imagine how popular any WWF show would have been on terrestrial TV over here in the early or late 90's? 

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On 6/23/2021 at 12:36 PM, BomberPat said:

I think the distinction is that Nikki isn't a superhero. She's Nikki Cross dressing up in a homemade superhero outfit. 

Pretty much my view. Give me a daft cosplaying gimmick over a three month long program about a possessed doll any day of the week.

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4 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:


Wow. If this sticks then surely Mero'd in record time.

I had no idea Scarlett wrestled too. Like a broken clock, maybe Vince is right on this one.

Looks like the create a wrestler when you'd just started if and your mum calls you down saying your dinners ready, so you've saved your half assed job.

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Not the first time they've done something like that with "call-up" entrance - Lars Sullivan sticks in the head as being very similar to this, going from having that cool visual of being lit from behind with all the smoke so all you could see was his "unusual" silhouette, to just walking out with all the lights on full.

I think several of these NXT entrances are things that are very closely choreographed (we've seen Triple H doing on the Breaking Ground show) and designed to work in Full Sail/the PC, but they don't necessarily translate well to the literal bigger stage.

Ricochet, Nakamura & The Ascension are ones who kept the same basic entrance, but it never looked quite so good out of Full Sail, for various reasons.

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there's definitely a different approach to lighting; NXT tends to like a darker colour scheme, with the lighting focused almost solely on the ring, with spotlights for entrances. Main roster WWE is way too brightly lit, with no difference between the lighting on the ring, the ringside area, or the crowd, and bright colours everywhere. I'm a firm believer that wrestling should look a little dark and dingy, and WWE just looks too clean - the difference in entrances is absolutely part of that.

Also, they're probably not going to bother sorting out all the timing and camerawork with a different crew for a match nobody's watching.

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I'd agree with you on that Pat, however FWIW my wife (who is very casual at best, basically is aware of wresting because I have it on but is definitely invested enough to know who most people are & what they're doing at the time etc)  hates NXT because it's dark & dingy, far preferring the bright & colourful look of the main programming.

I think her favourite bit of when I dragged her to all 4 shows over Summerslam 2019 weekend was seeing how bright & colourful the set is for that PPV...

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I think the best way to sum up the state of Raw for me is one of their new writers they've just hired to write the show Kenice Mobley was just on a podcast and happily admitted having absolutely no knowledge of wrestling to get the job and then proceeded to get Bobby Lashley's name wrong as their World Champion.

I know they hire from outside the field a lot, but if you've absolutely no interest or knowledge of wrestling, you can understand why it all just feels a bit stagnant and blah for 3 hours each week. It'd be like a teenager writing for Last of the Summer Wine.

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37 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Main roster WWE is way too brightly lit, with no difference between the lighting on the ring, the ringside area, or the crowd, and bright colours everywhere. I'm a firm believer that wrestling should look a little dark and dingy, and WWE just looks too clean - the difference in entrances is absolutely part of that.

I think the biggest problem with how bright it is is that it doesn't match the product. In the mid-80s, they consciously brightened things up and it was a big part of the expansion and differentiating WWF from "rasslin". In 96 and early 97, when they were in grotty venues or big ones with the lights turned down, WCW did the same, big, bright, quality production that put them to shame. The 80s WWF fit that colourful environment. So did 96-98 WCW with their Cruiserweights, international talent and the contrast of their big faction being black and white. It was a subtle but beautiful touch. The problem with WWE now, like almost everything you try and put your finger on is what they are? They don't have many larger than life characters and the ones they do are either comedy acts or dreadful teen horror. Everyone else is just there. They're not telling stories, they're not cutting promos, they're not bursting out of the screen in anyway. You've got this big bright world that doesn't really matter. It'd be like playing the intro to the Teletubbies and then four blokes in jeans and T-Shirt jump out and tell your kids their names are Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La La and Po. That's probably Vince's next faction.

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22 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

I think the best way to sum up the state of Raw for me is one of their new writers they've just hired to write the show Kenice Mobley was just on a podcast and happily admitted having absolutely no knowledge of wrestling to get the job and then proceeded to get Bobby Lashley's name wrong as their World Champion.

I know they hire from outside the field a lot, but if you've absolutely no interest or knowledge of wrestling, you can understand why it all just feels a bit stagnant and blah for 3 hours each week. It'd be like a teenager writing for Last of the Summer Wine.

I'm not sure that's entirely fair. Now, obviously a writer for WWE should in theory have some knowledge of the product, but good writing, especially for fictional stories should transcend the subject matter. If WWE are trying to find a new fanbase and attract new viewers, hiring writers who aren't boxed in by the tropes of traditional wrestling stories isn't necessarily the worst way to go. If a writer is good, they should be able to adapt their style to fit the vehicle. 

As for the bit in bold, I don't think that's down to the quality or background of the writers necessarily, but that they have to continue writing under the stewardship of someone who reportedly changes direction at the drop of the hat, and who they have to cater their work towards in order to keep their jobs, regardless of whether it makes sense for the actual product or not. 

Edited by mim731
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