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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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4 hours ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

So....we reckon Pac costs Darby tonight in a rage because he didnt get the title shot? Most logical development and neither has a big match for the PPV.

Never even considered that, but it's a cracking shout. Would be a cracking match too. 

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35 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Never even considered that, but it's a cracking shout. Would be a cracking match too. 

Completely agree. I'd never heard of Allen before he did that match with Cody on the mini-PPV thing AEW put on, but he's really impressed me and has made me a fan. I honestly think he and PAC will tear the house down(if the match does indeed happen).

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I’m trashed and wasn’t really paying attention because I was busy explaining to my mates that undertaker and Kane aren’t really brothers and that I remember mankind being thrown off the cell.

But I’m pretty sure that was a good episode. I’ll have to watch it again sober to write anything of relevance.

They all though Allin was cool though

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Cracking episode this week. Every match felt big time and with the exception of a pretty flat ending it was quality start to finish.

I'm finally coming round to Riho, though nothing Britt Baker has done has impressed me yet. Her Mandible Claw/Crossface submission has heel wrote all over it, hopefully her homecoming next week is a big heel turn.

All the tag matches were really good in spite of Marko Stunt, who to be fair put in a shift. What a huge let down expecting the debut of Luchasaurus and getting him though. Thankfully the crowd stayed hot during.

The Mox/Pac breakdown was brill and made perfect sense. Mox wanted to carry on his blood feud, Pac wanted to keep his undefeated streak. Pac vs Mox next week should be interesting. Big fan of "From Newcastle on Tyne, he is a BASTARD".

Main event made Allin look impressive as, despite Jericho not putting on a great performance. Allin's strikes are some of the worst in the business but you forget about them pretty quick when he does a no-handed whisper in the wind. He's arguably better in the ring with no hands. Bit of a flat ending though, but I suppose you can't do a stable-size brawl every week.

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Another good episode, although the crowd felt pretty flat at times. It took away from the main event for me, a hot atmosphere really would have added to that.

It’s also becoming clear that there’s a serious problem with the women’s division. That match felt like a throwaway, WWE divas era title match, albeit of a higher quality. What I mean by that is that it was thrown out there early in the show with no real hype or build-up. There are virtually no storylines featuring women wrestlers right now either and none of the female wrestlers have been made to feel like stars. I really hope they tackle this particular problem quickly. 

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6 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

The only way I’ve found to watch in HD on the hub is buying ITV Player through Amazon prime. Rather pay Fite+

The 90 minute version is in HD when downloaded on Sky. 

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General feel, again. Colourful, familiar voices on commentary, good crowd, authentic direction and production. What it should be.

The hot start. They went straight into the action and then produced a surprising angle right out of the blocks. The match was really decent too. Seemed a lack of focus on Chris Daniels from everyone involved and Sky seemed pissed that he fucked up the finish but overall, a really good opening.

A squash match to establish Santana and Ortiz, to allow the commentators to just put them over for a few minutes and to set up the challenge to the Young Bucks. Simple and effective. Particularly liked them talking into the cameras all the time. Everyone hates that aspect of WWE and this felt much more "real".

Cody Rhodes video. Aside from DDP's atrocious Dusty Rhodes impression, this was good stuff.

A great showcase for Darby Allin. I'm not a huge fan of throwing world title matches on TV, especially when it's so obvious one guy isn't winning but they did a great job of elevating Allin to Jericho's level, even to the point of not having him eat a clean finish despite having his arms tied behind his back. Really liked his make-up with "champ" written all over him and he continues to look really good as their pet project.

Mox/Pac vs. Page/Omega was just a fun brawl between four guys who feel like stars when they're in together. Will come to some downsides but enjoyed this.


No Luchasaurus. Boo.

Mox/Pac vs. Page/Omega had three guys in black trunks and the other in dark tights. Who let this happen?

They are burning through marketable matches. Moxley vs. Pac for next week for instance. I get why but I think it's going to come back and bite them at some point.

Who the fuck are the heels? The worst thing about their crowds is that they cheer everyone at some point. Not consistently, just for whatever their big spots are. I think that on the booking sheets the Inner Circle and Pac are heels. I've honestly no idea who else is. If anyone.

The women's stuff feels like a token effort. i barely care enough to make it a negative but it's rubbish.


Very enjoyable show. Still needs more promos and pre-tapes for me but the squash match and little Moxley promo showed some signs of progress. I'd be mostly worried about burning through competitive matches if I was them, the roster isn't so big it can take it.

I'm not going to be a dick and start comparing it to NWA. They're both really good. Why can't we just have nice things and enjoy them?

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Apparently the Luchasaurus not being on the show due to injury was announced a couple of hours before the show. It’s only just shown up on my twitter feed. 

48 year old Chris Jericho trying to skate. That few seconds was more memorable than anything on that shit show of Raw this week. He’s the best. 

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Kazarian made a Tag while he was outside the ring, and Rey Fenix tagged Pentagon while both were inside the ring. A No DQ that still had Rope Breaks for Submissions?

Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?

Both of those examples of tagging were shite. People got up in arms about Montez Ford making a tag from the wrong corner so I expect the same criticism here. Two teams who have been in the tag game the length of time those four blokes have and they still pulled off that lazy shit.

Rope breaks in a Street Fight match are fine though. It's a Street Fight, not Falls Count Anywhere. When you're out of the field of play, the fall or submission attempt doesn't count.

Apart from those dubious tags, this was a great show. Hell even those tag matches were good. Marko Stunt really went all out to prove his worth in the Boy And His Dinosaur trio, and I think he succeeded. Jim Ross needs to fuck off with the Jungle Jack bollocks though.

The big semi-main event tag was a great television match and the main event was insane, with Darby getting himself over with his tried-and-tested armless spots. I hope they wait a while before properly debuting Orange Cassidy after that, otherwise his arms-in-pockets spots are going to look tame by comparison.

The women's match was harmless but nothing spectacular, and I'd say the women's division is definitely the weak point of the show right now. Still, nothing offensive, just nothing to sink the teeth into.

Yep, three for three so far. Good stuff.

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I have no problem with rope breaks in a No DQ match, and hate that WWE treat them otherwise.

Like @Accident Prone said, it's no DQ, not falls count anywhere. A hold or pin that breaks the plane of the ring is still invalid, and the referee should still call it as such, the only difference is that the referee can't disqualify a wrestler for refusing to break the hold - but any submission earned while in the ropes would still not be recognised.

The tag stuff is unforgivable, though - I'd sort of put some of it down to the Lucha Bros being used to working lucha rules tag matches, but then it's on the ref to enforce it and, besides, they've been working in the US for years now. Unless AEW have drastically different tag team rules to most US promotions (I know they have a ten count rather than a five count, and haven't done enough to explain/establish this), it's not good.

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