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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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From a company perspective, it's not so terrible in terms of going forward. As said above, they're on TNT in their home market, which is several times bigger. They've already got a big base to expand from, and, assuming their programme does well in the US, it's something they can take back to the table when negotiating with any UK channels, including ITV if they so choose.

But this has been an absolute shambles in a very short space of time, so if they really want to get a chunk of the UK market, they need to start thinking fast.

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1 hour ago, Ricc1PW said:

This is so shit.

I'm as traditional a viewer and casual fan of AEW as they come - I won't be watching on a streaming service for 5 quid a month, and although I'll probably skyplus the sunday morning 2 hour show, I don't see how I'm likely to avoid spoilers for 4 DAYS, and how it can avoid being completely butchered in the edit.

a real let down.

I guess it's to try and get people paying for the Fite subscription through FOMO? As regards them moving the go home when there's a PPV on, why not just stick the show on in that time slot anyway? I wonder whether the thing with Fite has forced them to leave a certain amount of time between the streaming and a broadcast showing, or whether that's the time it'll take AEW to make the show suitable for broadcasting using our advertising rules and standards for that time of day. 

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I suspect it isn't finalised yet, so hopefully this is a short-term problem. My biggest question is if it'll be on the ITVPlayer, and - if so - if there's any chance of it going up before it's aired.

As a repeat, early on Sunday mornings is great. Just trying to get something more realistic first.

Edited by Chris B
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13 hours ago, kidzero said:

Well Éire's not in the uk is it. 

Ireland calling. We all speak English. 

Also doubt you talk about going on holidays to Deutschland, or perhaps neighbouring Österreich? 

Kind of funny to see AEW stepping in a bit of dog shit, here. Admittedly after the initial excitement of Double or Nothing, I've fallen completely out of the loop with them. Other than having to gently rectify YouTube's suggestions for me, to stop endless thumbnails of the Bucks, Cody and his missus coming up constantly, looking incredibly satisfied with themselves. 

I think it was Rick who said words to the same effect a few months back, but I really am doomed to WWE. Despite their current creative woes and the fact that your moral compass goes out the fucking window as soon as you come into their orbit, they're the only guys in town who do the kind of wrestling I want to see.

I'm basically hiding behind the big bullies of the playground. They treat me like garbage, but I can't get my kicks hanging around with this weird hybrid of TNA, ROH and r/squaredcircle. It doesn't feel canon. I'll wade through the self congratulatory bullshit, nod appreciatively at some of their lovely matches, then go back to the big boys and wonder where their next big angles might be coming from. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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8 hours ago, Supremo said:

I wasn’t aware they could just wham in-house adverts or idents on to fill the time and keep within Ofcom standards. Now I finally understand why I’m staring at that Raw logo for so long whenever I catch it live!

Knowing that, it sounds a lot more like ITV fucking them off and them needing an excuse. 

For context, here’s the bollocks Cody was spouting a few months back.

My first job in TV was exactly that, filling Sky sports schedules with idents, filler content (those little 5 minute retrospectives on football, ever seen one of those even though it’s not on the EPG ?) and holding bumpers to make sure the schedule for the day fell within OFCOM guidelines.

There were shows delivered 36 minutes long for an hour slot that we’d put filler content in every break.

Its harder in live because it needs to be manually manipulated by a TX operator as the live broadcast is never going to match exactly the running order of a pre-prepared schedule. But it’s definitely doable.


Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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The first few months of AEW have shown just how much a wrestling company trades on goodwill rather than quality content, and how much the PG SUX community is still a thing.

All the shows so far have been fairly shite, but everyone has forgiven that because it’s the hot new brand who don’t even want us to call them dad, and they allow blading and don’t script promos and are going to give us real sports style wrestling like Orange Cassidy, the Young Bucks and Luchasaurus. Every bit of gobshitery from the promoters has been brushed off as fine.

Until their UK TV timeslot comes along and turns out the show will be PG, now AEW SUX. Of all the lies they’ve told about the company, this is the only one that’s caused upset. Apart from that time UK fans had to put hand in pocket for one of the other shows.

It’s not 1994. We’re all going to read the results on a Thursday and watch it on illegal streams anyway. What does it matter what time it’s on ITV? 

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I find the "ITV told us this" defence a bit of a weird move. If someone points out that some information is untrue is it really a wise idea to go on Twitter and say that it actually came from the business partner that you're still trying to negotiate a better deal with? This is obviously one of many reasons why I'm not a billionaire.

At the end of the day Cody said one whopper too many (at a time when they were saying things they knew their audience wanted to hear) and they probably have priorities other than learning about the television industry of their secondary market. TNA had a better TV deal in the UK (for viewers) than the WWE and better ratings, still meant fuck all in the end. 

Personally I think a one hour show on a Saturday morning is a perfect wrestling slot. Add some Batman style graphics over the weapon shots, do the old black and white for any blood and I'll happily watch it over me cereals while in me dressing gown. Proper wrestling that. 

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