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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:


1) Big E is a face. He wasn't going to be doing some sneaky Seth Rollins shit with his cash-in. Just no. This was exactly how he'd do it, regardless of whether they're hot shotting it or hitting the panic button or whatever else. It fits who he is perfectly.

2) They've spent ages building Lashley up to a point where he actually seemed a pretty legit champion. So they did the smart thing and made him look strong in defeat. Is that really such a bad thing? Who the hell watched that and thought 'oh but Big E barely beat him..'? Hardly anyone I'm sure.

3) 'You only beat me because I was injured' is a decent way to continue the story if they want to. Again, why's that a bad thing? It gives Lashley an out and it allows Big E to step up and prove himself properly.

4) I'm genuinely curious as to when you think Big E was ready for a title run years ago? When would you have put it on him?

I don't disagree with anything you say here in isolation. Personally though, I think the biggest negative aspect of it is that people genuinely like Big E so much that doing the cash-in the Van Dam way (announcing a challenge in advance for a PPV), giving a prolonged sense of anticipation, video packages of his entire journey and building to a PPV match with Big E and Lashley as two titans with Big E finally winning the big one, that was a ride people wanted to go on, and they threw it away.

When people say they wanted Big E as champion, what they really want is to be a part of a quest that would make him. That's the fun part. They just slapped the belt on him with a few hours notice to create a moment that has now passed. 

The reason I say this isn't to be a downer, but because now it's all in the follow-up since they rushed this part. And that's where their track record is cow shit.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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36 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

I don't disagree with anything you say here in isolation. Personally though, I think the biggest negative aspect of it is that people genuinely like Big E so much that doing the cash-in the Van Dam way (announcing a challenge in advance for a PPV), giving a prolonged sense of anticipation, video packages of his entire journey and building to a PPV match with Big E and Lashley as two titans with Big E finally winning the big one, that was a ride people wanted to go on, and they threw it away.

When people say they wanted Big E as champion, what they really want is to be a part of a quest that would make him. That's the fun part. They just slapped the belt on him with a few hours notice to create a moment that has now passed. 

The reason I say this isn't to be a downer, but because now it's all in the follow-up since they rushed this part. And that's where their track record is cow shit.

Bryan at WM 30 and Kofi-mania are two great examples of where you followed their journey to win the title, and the reactions confirmed that. This is like when they gave Goldberg the title at the Georgia Dome, a way of trying to pop a big rating for one night, rather then have a build up over a period of time. 

@DavidB6937they could have put the belt on him at anytime. Sure, they could have had a build up program, but thats the only reason why. Hell, we all thought his big push was when they split him from The New Day at the draft, but again, couldn't pull the trigger. He's over, he has been over for years, only the writing and creative have stopped him having a title challenging storyline. Also, I disagree with Lashley needing to go out strong. He just had a fight with Randy Orton, a pretty long and brutal one, and he hurt his leg post match. If anything having Big E be dominated by Lashley then made him look weak in my opinon.

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2 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

It's a smattering of posts postulating on how another promotion might have affected the creative direction of Raw.

Sounds like it would make an interesting topic by itself?

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Is there anybody that doesn't like Big E? What a lovely gem of a bloke he is. It'd be great if this was a serious commitment rather than a hotshot that fizzles out. In the ideal world he's the babyface that finally dethrones Roman Reigns. He's so blatantly the guy. Still, it's pretty cool to see him, Bobby Lashley and Bianca Belair all being framed as legitimate centrepiece stars. 

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Ohhhhhhhhhhh, UKFF!

Just checking in to express my enjoyment of Big E winning the big belt. He got removed from next week’s UK shows a few weeks back and, as he was one of the main acts I was looking forward to seeing, I was a bit miffed/confused at the time as to why he was taken off the tour. Watching Raw this week answered why!

Great to see him on top of the mountain. I love New Day so much. 

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13 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, UKFF!

Just checking in to express my enjoyment of Big E winning the big belt. He got removed from next week’s UK shows a few weeks back and, as he was one of the main acts I was looking forward to seeing, I was a bit miffed/confused at the time as to why he was taken off the tour. Watching Raw this week answered why!

Great to see him on top of the mountain. I love New Day so much. 

Fucking hell, it's Lord Lucan...

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