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  • Birthday 04/19/1985

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  1. Someone at WWE’s media team definitely read the thread on videos didn’t they?
  2. Might be worth having this as a part two thread, like a refresh similar to the new season football threads Back on topic I’ve gotten back into regularly collecting comics, 4 series in particular, Thundercats and its spin offs (Apex one shot and Cheetara with another, Lost, starting next month), Creepshow (picked up the Valentines special this week to wrap up the Volume 3 run), Turtles of Grayskull (though that finishes its 4 issue run next week) and Power Rangers Prime (a refresh without the original 6 but set in a future Angel Grove) I also get a few TPBs for birthdays/Christmases or on cheap deals on Amazon or in comic shops, latest ones being Volume 1 of the Skybound Transformers series, Volume 2 of TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures and Volume 1 of Power Rangers Unlimited Power which compiles the first 6 issues each of the Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers split series
  3. How have NXT come second in worst show of the year, ahead of NWA Powerrr? And the Bucks getting tag team of the year over Fraser and Axiom is bizarre as well
  4. I’m like this occasionally when I’m signed out from my EBay account and have to get signed back in by getting a code texted to me or when I’ve not used iPlayer or Crunchyroll for a while and have to go on the web browser to verify my login
  5. So one of my favourite parts of the Rumble is the surprise entrants, be it someone who’s been long term injured or retired, NXT talent, past talent coming back for a one shot deal, a big debut or a return to the company or, in the case of the last two women’s matches, a champion from another company With that said, what is everyone’s wish list for this years matches, a top 5 if you will, with the criteria being as follows (with reasons if you wish) 1 from NXT 1 injury/long term absence return 1 alum 1 TNA 1 debut or re-sign My lists are Men’s NXT - Trick Williams Return - Randy Orton Alum - Matt Cardona TNA - Joe Hendry Debut/Re-Sign - Ricky Starkz Women’s NXT - Roxanne Perez Return - Becky Lynch Alum - Victoria (so she gets a crowd pop) TNA - Masha Slamovich Debut/Re-Sign - Jordynne Grace (guest last year but now officially signed to the company)
  6. Felt so sorry for the red contender on the women’s side, that fall from The Edge looked nasty, the men’s eliminator was a thriller though, not sure why the Scottish guy seemed to stop after the first go on the travelator Speaking of bizarre choices, Legend completely ignoring his man on the wall and almost reaching the top himself, first botch in the series?
  7. Wouldn’t surprise if they did a number of TNA vs NXT matches for that show given its history as NXT’s home for 6 years until the Pandemic moved everything to the PC
  8. Always loved his interaction with Vince right after the Owen swerve at Survivor Series 94, McMahon is all somber and almost in tears that Bret had lost the title whereas Gorilla was pissed that Owen stooped so low as to manipulate his poor mum into throwing the towel just so the Nugget could see Bret’s title reign end
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