Might be worth having this as a part two thread, like a refresh similar to the new season football threads
Back on topic I’ve gotten back into regularly collecting comics, 4 series in particular, Thundercats and its spin offs (Apex one shot and Cheetara with another, Lost, starting next month), Creepshow (picked up the Valentines special this week to wrap up the Volume 3 run), Turtles of Grayskull (though that finishes its 4 issue run next week) and Power Rangers Prime (a refresh without the original 6 but set in a future Angel Grove)
I also get a few TPBs for birthdays/Christmases or on cheap deals on Amazon or in comic shops, latest ones being Volume 1 of the Skybound Transformers series, Volume 2 of TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures and Volume 1 of Power Rangers Unlimited Power which compiles the first 6 issues each of the Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers split series