This theme tune gets stuck in my head every time I hear it. I was pleased to notice them using it on the adverts for the latest revival of the show, which aired its first episode tonight and, sure enough, it's the classic song from 1992 being used again.
Gladiators is a format that seems to have significant value compared to many other 90s Saturday night formats. It's been broadcast across ITV, Sky and now the BBC, probably owing to the simple yet effective nature of the show. For me, what gives it its global appeal is that it's about as 'pro wrestling' as a game show can get - a sentiment only aided by the likes of Mason Ryan, Nick Aldis and even Hulk Hogan across the pond being involved in its various different versions. The contenders are the plucky faces, fighting from below to try and get on top, drawing you in as they get smashed to the floor with giant cotton buds, resulting in you willing them to throw coloured balls into hoops and run up escalators to reach their goal. That's before you even mention the likes of John 'FERST HWISTLE' Anderson and classic heel Wolf, a character so charismatic that the Americans stole his gimmick for their revival in 2008.
As a kid, I loved watching with my sister on the TV in the spare room, so it was a nostalgic experience sitting down to watch it with my own children this evening. Sure enough, from a brief glimpse of the general reaction, it seems this latest version has found an audience too and hopefully this can lead to more series down the line.
Oh, and since this is the UKFF I assume I am probably obliged to mention Jet at some point. There was a significant lack of cartwheels on the updated version.
Thoughts on Gladiators? We can go brand new or classic, just don't mention John Fashanu.