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2020 Celebrity Death Thread


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17 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

Fully agree, and in addition to this, becoming ‘famous’ has become so much more achievable and accessible. People have become rabid with trying to become famous. They will attempt YouTube channels, or social media accounts in the attempt to become noticed. 
They will say and do incredible stupid shit, because unfortunately, it’s a proven formula.

One of the Paul brothers (YouTubers) are synonyms with being absolute cretins. Trashing rented properties, general verbal abuse towards others, scripted bedlam, all on video, gaining millions of views and advertising revenue in the process. One of them went to Japan, to a forest associated to people hanging themselves. They found a dead hanging body, filmed it, and put it on their YouTube channel. 
It obviously had backlash, people kicking off, calling them out for it, giving them lots of shit for it and Youtube stepped in. It equated to fuck all, they still have one of the most successful channels, are living incredibly wealthy, famous lifestyles and soak up any negative shit they get, because it all adds to potential views, and therefore ad revenue.

Then that lad on a flight last week, who stood up on the flight and said out loud along the lines of, “Hi everyone, I’ve just been to Wuhan and I feel very sick, just letting you know”.

He filmed himself doing it, then admitted afterwards it was a stunt for his social media accounts.

Being abusive has become part and parcel of this new style of fame. Whether it’s the viewers trying to be shocking from behind a keyboard, or whether it’s out YouTube presenters slagging off other channels, encouraging their fans to join in the slagging match, in preparation for a staged boxing match 😐

Some of us now at a certain age might remember "The Word" on Channel 4 back in the early to mid 90's, and it's segment of "The Hopefuls", featuring young adults whom would proudly proclaim that they'd do anything to get on the telly, wherever it would be by french-kissing a granny, drinking the liquid from a sponge just used by an obese man to wash himself with, or drink one's own vomit. It certainly raised some disgust back in its time, even if it was late Friday night on Channel 4, but these days with what certain YouTube "celebs", non-entities and all in between now do to try and get noticed, most on the stuff done on The Hopefuls would now be considered lame.

The sad thing is that there is actually decent stuff on YT made by knowledgeable people enthusiastic about what they do that is as well as entertaining is also either educational, informative or well written. You just have to try and wade through a ton of shite first before finding at least the half decent stuff, and that's before daring to even look at the comments section on most videos that might make you hope that the Coronavirus will wipe out all of humanity so nature can hit the reset button and start it all over again. In the past you had people acting as some sort of barrier between producers and viewers/listeners that ensured nearly all of the crap was filed before it was made available to audiences albeit with some collateral damage along the way. I suppose it's a bit like the alleged "filter" that Vince McMahon and some of the other writes the WWE had back in the late 90's that ensured that some of Vince Russo's worst ideas never made it to air.

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Mental health really needs to get sorted out in this country. I've been going through the system for 18 months. Seen a councillor once, seen a psychiatrist once.If your pills don't work, you need to wait another eight months before another one sees you. A real joke. Scotland this is.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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50 minutes ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

Mental health really needs to get sorted out in this country. I've been going through the system for 18 months. Seen a councillor once, seen a psychiatrist once.If your pills don't work, you need to wait another eight months before another one sees you. A real joke. Scotland this is.

When I was working for a mental health support team in an educational setting, I had 4 fully qualified counsellors on my team. It ultimately resulted in people signing up for courses just to access our support service as it was better than what was available on the high street.

When I started that job over a decade ago, I worked 5 days a week with approx 35 students on my caseload (they disclosed mental health, wanted support, required specialist mentoring from me, along with crisis intervention and I’d link in with their external teams/doctors frequently), that was my role on a daily basis. 
When I left in December, I worked 3 days a week and had 92 students on my caseload. Absolutely impossible to manage and highlights the rise in need for support for mental health in young people.

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7 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

Mental health really needs to get sorted out in this country. I've been going through the system for 18 months. Seen a councillor once, seen a psychiatrist once.If your pills don't work, you need to wait another eight months before another one sees you. A real joke. Scotland this is.

Not much better in England tbf.

I would hope this tragedy makes people step back and realise that no matter whether a person is famous or not you never know what they are going through in their lives. Not everyone feels able to talk openly about their mental health due to the negative stigma that surrounds it - nor should they feel they have to. 
Piling on someone through social media with negative comments or tearing apart things they have said/done, whether it be for 'bants' or because you feel there is a justifiable reason, can be incredibly damaging and it's not always as easy to just 'log off' or 'ignore it' for the person on the receiving end.


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