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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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Goes to show that this may have been the weakest Dynamite to date considering the majority of the posts in here are about Vince McMahon.

Add me to the list of people fatigued by all the matches, I did wonder at one point if this is what it feels like watching Raw. None of them particularly grabbed me either - I enjoyed Rhea Ripley vs Bianca Belair on NXT more than anything on Dynamite this week.

Chris Jericho was absolutely wonderful this episode. Highlight of the show without question, and he elevates whoever he’s involved with. Pity that Cody felt he just had to get a dig in at WWE.

Also a pity that when Cody was being goaded out that the camera kept catching the almost completely empty side of the arena.

Didn't like the non-finish in the main event - but then I wouldn’t have wanted either guy to lose either. Thought they’d found a great way out of it that got PAC his heat back after the pin last week when he blindsided Moxley with the chair... but then they just went and had a match anyway. 

Was the women’s match the only one this week where nobody did a 450?

I enjoyed (didn’t enjoy) the fact that commentary made a big deal of “NOBODY kicks out of the Falcon Arrow” when whoever it was kicked out of one, and then someone kicked out of one in the next match and then someone kicked out of a top rope one in the match after that.

Oh, has anyone else noticed that for all they insist wins and losses matter, a surprisingly high number of people seem to be ... well ... about 50/50?

Not my favourite week, as you may have guessed, and I’m certainly no more interested in the PPV than I was beforehand. Give me an eight man tag of the Inner Circle against the Rhodes, MJF and DDP and I’ll be happier again.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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55 minutes ago, Statto said:

I've always liked Cody, all the way back to when he did his dad's HoF induction.

But he's given himself an obnoxious amount of pyro.

Whether it was in the commercial break or not, Cody giving himself a full Wrestlemania pyro entrance for an in-ring promo isn’t doing anything to dispel the idea of AEW being nothing more than his own personal vanity project

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Tope. Tope. Tope. Super kick. Super kick. Huracunrana. Tope. Dive. Dive. This is awesome. Mug to crowd. Mug to crowd. Hand signal. Dive. Tope. Super kick.

Inner Circle and Cody's Lads in a fantastic segment.

Dive. Tope. Dive. Super kick. Mug to crowd. Dive. Tope.

Moxley and PAC have quite the intense brawl but I want to hear from Moxley. As Supremo says, the best promo in the business hasn't spoken a single syllable in 8 hours of TV.

Come on AEW. Calm it down. Give me some clear heels and faces. Once again the Lucha Bros are playing to the crowd when only a week ago they put Daniels on the shelf for 6 weeks. Be heels for Christ sake.

This show could be so much better than it is. Sign Ryback for one.

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2 hours ago, Michael_3165 said:

He is about 90 isn't he? Never the best worker as it was! 

There are worse posters on this forum than you, but none that are as consistently wrong as you.

Edited by Devon Malcolm
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4 hours ago, BomberPat said:


I'm also generally not convinced by "WWE has sabotaged people who were over" - because, again, we don't have access to the same metrics that they do. I don't know who shifts the most merch, has the most social media engagement, sees the biggest increase in ratings or house show attendances when they're on the card, let alone who's moving even less publicly visible metrics for them, like who's turning up earliest to every show, who's prepared to learn Mandarin for their Chinese press conferences, who's fitting in the most public appearances and charity glad-handing, and so on.


I reckon there is an element to “Smart fans” about it. Because they are wise to the workings of a match, they think they are wise to the workings of the business. 

Criticise what you see on screen by all means, but I still think the most successful wrestling promoter of all time knows the business better than us. 

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Interesting that after a few weeks they're suffering from similar things to what WWE do. Not saying it's on the same level but having talent and not using them properly and lack of long term booking etc. AEW isn't delivering nearly as different a product as it could be.

The real interesting thing will be if they actually listen to feedback.

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46 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

The real interesting thing will be if they actually listen to feedback.

Even on their worst show so far there were still examples of them listening and trying to improve.

This week, they at least started to address how badly they'd positioned the supposed top guys. Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks actually winning some matches decisively and video highlights of Kenny murdering Janela on Dark and winning the AAA Title. That all helped to position The Elite as the stars they should've been from the start. If nothing else, I've got loads of faith in them trying to get better. They've already come a long way compared to where they were a few months ago.

Having watched it back again, I also don't think enough has been said about that Cody/Jericho angle. What a fucking belter. Pure pro wrestling. For the longest time in WWE you could tell whenever Jericho had his fingerprints on something. Whether it was punching Shawn's wife in the face, disguising himself in a mask to attack Rey Mysterio or the Festival of Friendship, there was an extra level of quality and creativity whenever Chris was able to sink his teeth into something. And whilst the first half of the year consisted of everyone pretty much just laughing at his ego and physique, I think since AEW has gone weekly Jericho has really proven himself to be something special and one of the most exciting things in the business right now. Able to essentially book his own stuff, we're seeing what a cracking mind he's got for this. Blowing air horns to interrupt Cody's promo and hilariously screaming, "that's what you get when you mess with the Inner Circle!" despite having just gotten the shit beaten out of him, he's probably my current heel of the year. That he's already delivered great promos, great angles, fun matches and gave guys like Allin, Guevara and LAX such a rub in the space of four weeks is super impressive.

Edited by Supremo
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Loved the angle involving Chris Jericho taunting Cody from the private box. I'm not a fan of the overt focus on the ring, but I must say that as a result the concourse brawl did come across as more special than it otherwise would.

All the tag team matches, and it may just be the modern style, seem very samey and over choreographed though.

Edited by garynysmon
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Don’t really know much about wrestling these days, but what I do know is that MJF is a star in the making. He has it. Even the little wink to the camera behind him as they were going up to the box. Tremendous. 

He’s the best thing about the show not named Orange Cassidy.

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Just now, garynysmon said:

All the tag team matches, and it may just be the modern style, seem very samey and over choreographed though.

Private Party looked super green on this show.  Yeah they come up with some innovative stuff but whiffed on an awful lot of it.  Didn't care for the Bucks match either, maybe it's because it was something slightly different with an overweight guy in bad condition and he's not like nigh on everyone else in that division, but I thought the SCU/Dark Order match was the best of the bunch. Bryce Remsburg was also badly overplaying his part in the opener.

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1 hour ago, wordsfromlee said:

I thought these AEW Dynamite shows we’re selling out almost instantly? 

The camera side was very empty in this episode so maybe I read it wrong somewhere. 

nah, last weeks show had a huge empty section too and they announced it as sold out.

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Chris Jericho is brilliant and that angle was outstanding, not much more to add except I've enjoyed every episode of Dynamite so far, even with probably too much wrestling. Who's the lad with the vignette? He looked quite the hoss which I think is what AEW needs. 

Two acts I'm not on board with though, Brit Baker and Dark Order. The Southampton lass looked ten times the threat and had ten times the character as Brit did, and i know we aren't supposed to judge their looks but I almost rubbed one out to the tits on tha masked lad.

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