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WWE launches new U.K. series - NXT UK


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49 minutes ago, dopper said:

I thought it was a great show, enjoyed every match. But the feeling I had at the end was that Devlin needed the win way more that Bate did.


Tyler Bate has had a good run with the UK Title and also unsuccessfully challenged for it at the last UK Takeover.

Compare that to Jordan Devlin who is in the form of his life and seemingly ready for a big push on this brand, but he lost.

I guess it depends what their plans are going forward.

I don't mind Devlin losing if it's followed up correctly. If he gets a decent push towards the title, avenging his loss to Tyler by winning the big one. Then you've got a ready made challenger in Bate to make things interesting.

I thought Devlin looked really good in defeat and Tyler clearly had to work for the win. It's one of those matches where both men come out looking much stronger than before.

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Fun show. Enjoyed Bate/Devlin, the women's match and the ladder match. Put me down as another one who thought they made a mistake not putting Devlin over. This felt like his coming out party and the big win would've solidified him.

Only downside was Joe Coffey, who just doesn't feel good enough for the spot they seem insistent on putting him in. Both against Pete Dunne and now WALTER he's been exposed as not a main event guy.

Still though, this is easily the best wrestling photo of 2020 so far.


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I wonder where they go now from a booking perspective. It really demonstrates how little depth they've got going for them, because once you get past the top guys in the main event scene, they're so ridiculously thin on the ground. Let's say for the next Takeover they headline with WALTER/Dragunov, and I'll be generous and let them have Pete back so they can run BSS/Imperium - what else do you throw on with that?

Devlin's lost his last 2/3 big matches, the women's division isn't going to improve any if they've got the PROGRESS lads running the show so you can't bank on anyone from that side being given the spotlight that women have been afforded in NXT, your workrate guys like A-Kid, Andrews, Ligero etc have absolutely no heat, so who do you push? Coffey hasn't worked as a main eventer, nobody is buying Ohno as a proper threat, Bate's an option but that would be the third big match him and WALTER have had fairly recently (if you count their PROGRESS efforts).

Are we going to run back Eddie Dennis vs Dave Mastiff as a title eliminator? I don't even watch the weekly show and that's giving me the fear.

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3 minutes ago, AdamTH17 said:

I wonder where they go now from a booking perspective. It really demonstrates how little depth they've got going for them, because once you get past the top guys in the main event scene, they're so ridiculously thin on the ground. Let's say for the next Takeover they headline with WALTER/Dragunov, and I'll be generous and let them have Pete back so they can run BSS/Imperium - what else do you throw on with that?

Devlin's lost his last 2/3 big matches, the women's division isn't going to improve any if they've got the PROGRESS lads running the show so you can't bank on anyone from that side being given the spotlight that women have been afforded in NXT, your workrate guys like A-Kid, Andrews, Ligero etc have absolutely no heat, so who do you push? Coffey hasn't worked as a main eventer, nobody is buying Ohno as a proper threat, Bate's an option but that would be the third big match him and WALTER have had fairly recently (if you count their PROGRESS efforts).

Are we going to run back Eddie Dennis vs Dave Mastiff as a title eliminator? I don't even watch the weekly show and that's giving me the fear.

Zack Gibson.

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Enjoyed that show. Thought the first two matches were fine if unspectacular, but it picked up several gears with Bate vs Devlin. Really enjoyed that, and all the kickouts that might have annoyed me if it had been Johnny Gargano or Adam Cole there, didn’t. They felt that bit more organic here, I don’t know. Thought that was the best Devlin has looked in WWE and Tyler Bate is just the best. Loved the image of Saint, Regal and Triple H applauding from the balcony at the end.

Liked the ladder match a lot, a few things I’d never seen before and everyone looked to be working their arses off. If it didn’t quite reach the glorious chaos of the American one from Takeover XXV it was close. I would probably have had Imperium win though.

Main event was better than Coffey vs Dunne from last year - the two bigger guys clobbering each other was a better dynamic. Spectacular ref bump too. Nice to finish on an angle to build Worlds Collide, even if it was a bit odd from a crowd perspective, because of course you’ll cheer the Undisputed surprise, but then they are heels... but then so are Imperium... 

Week to week NXT UK is completely missable but they do deliver on their Takeovers.

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Network shat the bed halfway through the women's match when I tried to watch it last night, so I've missed most of it.

Trent Seven vs. Eddie Dennis is an early contender for the worst match of the year. Super spooky menacing entrance in a glossy American-style production, immediately ruined by "from Swansea, Eddie Dennis". A Razor's Edge for not even a near fall barely a minute in. A Razor's Edge to the floor as a set-up move. A fucking Burning Hammer attempt. All in the opening match. You'd laugh at it done in earnest on a 2002 FWA show.

I've only seen GIFs of Tyler vs. Devlin, but between the weird neck-springboard off the ropes being done as unnaturally as Ambrose ever did the old Les Kellett rope rebound, in to a slow motion Spanish Fly, and then an interminable "fist fight" sequence, makes me think I'm going to fucking hate it.

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I thought that was an excellent show. First time watching NXT UK since around a year ago and pretty much everyone impressed me, except Les Dennis who is the least threatening big guy ever.

Bate/Devlin was superb. It's almost sickening watching two lads with that combination of youth, talent and good looks. Triple H looking on like a proud dad was lovely.

I really liked the main event too, much more than the Coffey/Dunne or Walter/Dunne matches. Not sure what it is about Coffey but at times he reminds me of a young Triple H in the way he carries himself. Hope he eventually gets a run with the belt.

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Next year they need to get Vince watching on from that balcony.

Only watched the first 3 matches so far, but it’s been OK so far although I don’t think there’s anything that Toni Storm can do to make me like her. She’s got two facial expressions, ‘Moody Pout’ and ‘About to Burst into Tears’. How the fuck are you supposed to get behind her as a babyface 

And Eddie Dennis’ dragon mask, what a twat

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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

and then an interminable "fist fight" sequence, makes me think I'm going to fucking hate it.

thats one of my least favorite spots in wrestling, it just looks terrible. Even worse when they shout "Frye! Takayama!" over it.

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8 hours ago, BomberPat said:

.I've only seen GIFs of Tyler vs. Devlin, but between the weird neck-springboard off the ropes being done as unnaturally as Ambrose ever did the old Les Kellett rope rebound, in to a slow motion Spanish Fly, and then an interminable "fist fight" sequence, makes me think I'm going to fucking hate it.

The neck off the ropes thing was incredibly jarring. Made no sense and had me audibly saying 'this makes no sense'. Which momentarily took my attention away from the match. 

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