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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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8 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

June 15th  Road Rager - Jericho v. Ortiz in the Hair v. Hair match

Jericho ain't spending all that money on the Rooney special to have it shaved off. 

I'm very much in the camp of hating 'shoot' promos, however, the MJF one was captivating in a way that I feel it towed that fine line of not going too far in the way of making out everything else is fake. Hopefully it's not shoot after shoot now, could do without Tony doing a shoot promo on Rampage next. The best thing they could do is play it like MJF is being completely ignored.

Also, MJF is 100% in the right with what he says, I just hope this doesn't lead to a heel authority storyline. Tony doesn't have the chops for it and MJF should never ever be a face.

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I don't want MJF as a face and Tony Khan having any on screen deal. If this angle is MJF being ignored, brilliant. It's the fucking fans cheering him like he's some rebel I'm not into. Like when Miz had a shooty at Bryan. 

Punk messed up a springboard slightly, so the kid can't work, take the strap. 

Edited by Chili
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I rode into work this morning high as a fucking kite after that show. Fuck me, that is the good shit right there. The MJF promo was incredible. Mox vs Garcia was incredible. The Assboys/Acclaimed combo is incredible. Ruby/Toni vs Jamie/Britt was the best women's tag match in AEW history. A helluva show, and AEW usually fails at these post-PPV Dynamites so I'm even more delighted. 

Edited by Accident Prone
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30 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Jericho ain't spending all that money on the Rooney special to have it shaved off. 

I'm not sure he has, looks like a Toppik special to me. His bald patches were egregious in the match on Sunday, so I reckon he's going to bite the bullet. 

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Worked shoots live and die on crowd reaction and delivery imo and as much as I'm not a fan of them I can't deny that MJF hit it out of the park on both counts. 

It wasn't Eric bringing up Sid's scissors to zero reaction TWICE or Russo just flat out confusing everyone with nonsensical bollocks.

Anyway imo that was the best Dynamite in a while and probably the best post PPV Dynamite ever. 

It's my heart that is broken. 

Oh Miro you beautiful, beautiful man. So happy to see him back and putting Johnny Names in his place.

Everything was good to very good imo. Show flew by compared to recent weeks. 


Actually one thing I wasn't big on was Handsome Wardlow being stuck in some silly legal bollocks with Sterling. 

Edited by The King Of Swing
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A brilliant show and interested to see how it progresses. I feel like Punk could really do with a heel turn but I don't see a face MJF working. I'd be happy to be proved wrong.

I guess everything with MJF and the "situation" is starting to make a lot more sense to people now.

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Like Supes, I was deflated by the "I don't drop people on their heads" line, but otherwise I was a big fan and it's an interesting direction for the character. Criticising the ex WWE guys is going to turn him babyface, though maybe that's the point.

Miro's ongoing feud with the Lord is one of the better longer term stories in wrestling, top work.


I'm probably supposed to be bothered about Tanahashi, but I'm not. Let's see what they do to get me bothered.

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The worst part of the MJF deal is that it's made Wardlow an afterthought. MJF should be angry and losing his cool because he's just lost to Wardlow in decisive fashion, not because he's not getting paid enough and a load of behind-the-scenes shit. Hell, surely the natural counterpoint to "I'm the biggest star and deserve to get paid more" should be "didn't you just lose?". The focus, coming out of a star-making match for a hot new babyface, shouldn't be on the heel who just got squashed.

Long-term, I have a feeling they're going to drag this out, have him be the super-heel for Forbidden Door by having him keep talking about not caring about dream matches or NJPW or whatever, but with the long term goal being him beating Punk and threatening to take the belt to WWE with him, just openly ripping off the Summer of Punk. But if it's anything like where we started, it's going to be a long, tedious ride to get there.

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8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

The worst part of the MJF deal is that it's made Wardlow an afterthought. MJF should be angry and losing his cool because he's just lost to Wardlow in decisive fashion, not because he's not getting paid enough and a load of behind-the-scenes shit. Hell, surely the natural counterpoint to "I'm the biggest star and deserve to get paid more" should be "didn't you just lose?". The focus, coming out of a star-making match for a hot new babyface, shouldn't be on the heel who just got squashed.

Long-term, I have a feeling they're going to drag this out, have him be the super-heel for Forbidden Door by having him keep talking about not caring about dream matches or NJPW or whatever, but with the long term goal being him beating Punk and threatening to take the belt to WWE with him, just openly ripping off the Summer of Punk. But if it's anything like where we started, it's going to be a long, tedious ride to get there.

Considering they seem to be trying to keep MJF just on the heel side of the line, I can see them doing it at All Out.

Maybe FTR can turn on Punk and it turns out they’ve been Pinnacle plants all along. Who knows. I’m here for it though.

The only possible loser as you say, is Wardlow. I didn’t think his entrance really worked and the crowd seemed flat from the off. I hope he stays over and it wasn’t just the case of the fans hating MJF enough to love Wardlow.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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What I find interesting about the MJF worked-shoot stuff is that since its inception, AEW has been seen as the babyface company with the nice boss compared to that big bad WWE and it's evil overlords. Yet by having MJF on TV bringing up very legitimate grievances against the company, they're risking some of the fans turning on the company itself. Regardless of how good the storyline ends up being, it's something that may backfire on the company in the long-run if it leads to people thinking 'AEW treat their homegrown talent no better than WWE'. 

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I am not a big fan of worky-shooty bollocks on TV. Having said that, the delivery of that promo was something else, even if the content wasn't exactly to my tastes, and I'm willing to see where they go with this. I let out an audible "ohwow" when he said "you fucking mark", but mostly because I didn't realise I was watching a Fite TV rip and thought MJF had just said "fucking", live on TBS at like 8:30pm, with Warner Discovery execs sitting in the crowd.

I really enjoyed Dynamite. It felt fresh. Some of that was seeing Miro in the first time since forever. The only bit I didn't like was Adam Cole's music hitting and everything to do with him, Bobby Fish and, to a lesser extent, KOR. But I guess I'm going to have to get over this since TK clearly loves them.

Also: I know it was because of the arena setup, but they should do that thing where the Khan-tron or whatever extends behind the tunnels and provide a weird portal effect whenever someone is walking out for every show.

Seems we may have a nice, hot run of shows coming up. Blood and Guts, Forbidden Door, Road Rager etc.

Edited by 69MeDon
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The funniest thing about MJF's "not dropping people on their heads" line is that that it is actually one of his finishers. Having read the reactions on here beforehand, I feared it would be the standard smarmy alienating bullshit that worked shoots usually become, but as someone rightly pointed out, the delivery was absolutely spot-on and kept it right. No pausing after a flat zinger that no one in the arena cares about. Just a bitter, embarrassed brat lashing out.

Poor Wardlow. Without the guards and cuffs, he's just a lonely guy walking out to silence. They tried to make a big deal of his dreadful tinnitus-inciting music a big deal and it fell completely flat. He needs direction fucking sharpish, and Sterling had better have some burly associates to throw in Wardlow's way.

I think I'm the only person who thinks Jericho's hair looks boss. Not objectively good, but perfect for that aging GNR rock star look. Loved the gang in white cutoff jackets. Brilliant angle from start to finish, from finally cutting his own music, to Eddie giving it prime lary fat kid, to getting me hyped for not one but two matches. 

Lol at Johnny Placeholder coming in to get twatted about the place. A decade ago, I'd've classed him as one of my boys, but his look belies his actual years which seem to be creeping up with him. I genuinely thought he was on drugs at DoN, and his timing kept falling off here. But meh. The greatest man who ever lived is back, and he's coming for God. 

Notable absences, Hangman and Danielson. Obviously there's a Friday show, so selling the effects of the PPV makes sense for at least one week. Patience, Cave.

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