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Nick James

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  1. Had no idea where to place this picture, but apparently HHH and Nick Khan held a meeting to discuss bringing WrestleMania to London (🙄). This picture is just phenomenal. "Just hold the fucking mini belt, Sidiq, or we will make you hold it!"
  2. Regardless of what anyone thought or thinks of Osprey prior to joining AEW, or even still for that matter, there's absolutely no denying he's been a tremendous signing for AEW and is definitely in the right place where he is. Whether he's trying to prove the 'running from the grind' bollocks wrong, or has genuinely grown as a person, he's exactly where he needs to be and is putting a serious shift in for the company as a whole. Easily in the Top 5 AEW signings so far. I think my Top 5 signings since the creation (outside of people from the first episode / All Out) are: 1. Moxley 2. Danielson 3. Christian 4. Osprey 5. Swerve
  3. They should have struck while the iron was hot. There's not many bigger names than Hendry right now, he's everywhere. On podcasts, radio shows, everywhere you look, getting great reactions in NXT, he seems to be there. I would think yes, clearly now IS the time. Anyway, that aside, the show looked great. Had a real old school TNA feel to it plus the a large crpwd was great to see. Hopefully this isn't a false dawn and is onwards and upwards, they've got a decent buzz going at the moment.
  4. LOLTNA indeed. Just when they get some momentum with an open goal in front of them, they take the shot and miss the goal by so far, the ball ends up in 2014. Fuck sake.
  5. That Erick Rowan video was heart breaking, just pure emotion pouring out of a guy who has lost two best friends in a short space of time. I'm truly rooting for him to be a success now. What a bloke.
  6. I've never heard of this guy, but he's made me a fan with this video right here. He has another funny one pinned to his profile, just really good stuff.
  7. I think I read that TNA revised Graces contract to expire in Jan 2024 rather than later in the year which, considering her constant posting about WWE on social media, can only mean to sign with NXT. I've seen a lot of comments about the deal being very one sided with WWE sending their more 'unknown' talent, which is half true, whilst they aren't sending Trick, Perez etc as of yet, Izzi Dame and Tatum Paxley are at least NXT regulars. You've got to imagine it will have drawn more eyes to TNA than previously, not so much to see the NXT talent, but more for who might show up. The issue is that TNA tape in blocks and the spoilers are out there so other than the PPVs, there isn't much excitement with it not being live.
  8. Jericho retweeting Elon Musks support for Trump, his wife must be happier than a pig in shit right now.
  9. Punk has ALWAYS been a snipey prick. Always. From the 'pipebomb', to 'x number of years I left Professional wrestling', to what he says these days. He hasn't changed and has always come across incredibly bitter at things, the only difference is that he's no longer aiming it WWE so the audience that lapped it up previously, not take offence. It's 2024, I can't believe people are still getting angry at shit he says and taking it to heart.
  10. I agree Solo actually needs the belt otherwise he will have lost to Cody then Reigns will slap his arse. May as well release Solo after that. Cody loves Homelander so much, him teaming up with Reigns could be his Homelander / Butcher moment.
  11. I have stared at this picture for a good 5 minutes and I can't work out if it looks more like Hangman, Dax Harwood or The Butcher. One thing I do know, is that you have to have a smashing moustache to pull off that kind of menacing gurn without it looking like the vending machine has just taken your money without dropping the goods.
  12. I know it's not to everyone's taste, bit Bo Dallas is rather good in this role so far and I'm actually enjoying what they are doing. Similarly, I feel like Damian Priest has really grown into the role as champion and has actually been better than people give him credit for. Drew should be the odds on favourite to win Money in the Bank and cash in the same night, only to be screwed a 3rd time by Punk. Get the briefcase over and done with in one night. On the other side of the coin, if Chelsea Green doesn't win, then it'll be a travesty. She's TV Gold and would do a lot more with the daft briefcase than any of the others. Character of the year for me. Jey Usos entrance was fantastic. Just really good stuff that makes him feel big time. WWE are on a great trend of getting people over lately. It's a shame the 'Yeet' stuff is ridiculously overplayed, because Jey is a decent mid/upper mid card guy. I've enjoyed Raw quite a lot as of late since trying to switch my brain off and focus on the positives, it's the best way to go. Same with all wrestling really.
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