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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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The fact that The Acclaimed always get one of the biggest pops from live crowds should be enough for Khan to realise "hey, we got something here".

The Undisputed lads tend to get little to no reaction. Fans cheer and sing along with Adam Cole's entrance but are usually fucking dead for his matches.

Speaking of bad booking, House of Black's look so fucking great when they come out the potential for them is huge. Shame they're booked so terribly. Proper top level act potential. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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Dynamite starts at 7am where I live, and this was the first time I can remember that I didn't sit through the whole thing before going to work. I watched up to the main event and left it for later. I knew it would be a decent standalone match but yep it wasn't the right match-up for this night. I was convinced Andrade was gonna win the battle royal when he came out last, and was far more intrested in seeing him against Moxley even if the result would have also been obvious.

I shook my head and said aloud "no no no no don't do this" when Christian was starting to challenge the Bucks and Hardys to the inevitable ladder match. Please don't do it Jeff.

Eddie Kingston was great though!

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1 minute ago, Chili said:

Waiter, I think you've given me too many belts. 

Also Tony Khan proper fancies the Undisputed Era doesn't he. Proper wrestling fans who like proper wrestlers make for awful TV sometimes. 

I’m not even sure the Undisputed Era are proper wrestlers. 

Particularly Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly, they cloak their work in this sense of wink-winkery so as to try and retain some level of cool. They’re just awful. 

When WWE lost Cody to injury, the accusation was they were screwed because of how thin their roster is. AEW’s roster, on paper, is nowhere near as thin yet they lose CM Punk and THAT show is what they serve up? Somethings wrong, there.


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I could put up with just about everything on the show, except the one thing. There was absolutely no need to retread Hangman/Cole. Cole shouldn't have been there. Hangman cutting that promo and ending on the reaction of challenging Okada would have been nice & simple way to build to their match.

Instead we got Cole picking apart the promo leaving Hangman standing in the ring like a mug.

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1 minute ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

AEW’s roster, on paper, is nowhere near as thin yet they lose CM Punk and THAT show is what they serve up? Somethings wrong, there.

If anything, the AEW roster is stacked. Full to the brim with huge potential, dream matches and exciting feuds. They don't seem to want to or be able to actually anything very good with them at the moment though for some reason. 

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I stayed up for that last night and I am demanding a refund from myself for doing it. It was all over the place, the company is rammed with titles until all of the ROH ones fuck off so let’s have one more. We just had weeks of two tournaments so here’s another. Tony needs a holiday. Take a month off and let someone else steer the ship through July as tv numbers drop anyway. 

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I haven't watched the show, but have seen the new belt online, how many do they have now? Is this an actual title or one of the tournament ones that are just a prize at the end? With the talk of them also bringing in Trios titles, it feels really overkill at this point. Again, not seen the show so only going by what I have seen so could be completely wrong if its just a prize for a tourney. 

Also seeing that Jeff has been booked in ANOTHER ladder match after having to be removed from a 10-man tag last week for being fucked seems very, very irresponsible. Especially after all of the slagging WWE has taken for letting Cody go out there injured over the last few days. Granted Cody had torn a pec, but Jeff looked like he is one bad fall away from being unable to move. 

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1 minute ago, Nick James said:

I haven't watched the show, but have seen the new belt online, how many do they have now? 

With this new title it'll be six official AEW titles. And that doesn't include the FTW, AAA, ROH and Owen tournament belts which we see around wrestlers waists every week which would bring the total up to about 15 or something.

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The weird thing is if you were to list the issues with WWE, one of the main ones would easily be too many belts and a lot of them meaning absolutely nothing. So that's a trap you would think could be easily avoided by a new company like AEW. It's not rocket science. I actually thought they were doing a fantastic job with the titles they did have.

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What a bag of wank that show was. 

New Japan. Kyle O'Reilly. Adam Cole. Will Osprey. More belts. Jeff Hardy must die. Shite battle royale. More tournaments. Jungle Boy looking a mug. Hangman looking like a mug. Hangman going 50/50 with another no-name. Wardlow's stupid explanation. Boring women's title match. 

The only things I liked on that show were that they decided to go with Wardlow taking the TNT title (I'd like to fucking think so). Kingston having a good promo, and PAC hitting the Black Arrow since we don't see it too often. 

Tony Khan needs a proper lashing over the ridiculous decision to book Jeff again so soon, and then to decide that it needs to be in a ladder match. Dreadfully irresponsible. 

Edited by WeeAl
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