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The many sins of Cody Rhodes


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I'm curious if Cody will be the one to bring it up, or if that will fall to a "shocking shoot promo" from one of his opponents. I can see them just giving him the Drew McIntyre, "he left, came back, and is better now than when he left" treatment, without stopping to question whether "wrestlers get better when they leave WWE" is a narrative they really want to be putting out there in the first place.

I can already hear Michael Cole robotically shouting "THE FORBIDDEN DOOR!", though.

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19 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I'm curious if Cody will be the one to bring it up, or if that will fall to a "shocking shoot promo" from one of his opponents. I can see them just giving him the Drew McIntyre, "he left, came back, and is better now than when he left" treatment

I see where your coming from, but I honestly don’t think that they’ll able to help themselves. The main difference being that Drew didn’t (to the best of my knowledge) go around trashing WWE about holding him back or other such nonsense. The biggest place Drew went was Impact, a show watched by so few people (and even less these days) that it barely even registered, who cares about Impact? 
With Cody they have “reads the dirt sheets” section of the audience to play up to and is coming in from the #2 promotion in the country. You could argue that Drew coming from Impact was also him coming from the #2 promotion, but drop the off from #1 to #2 at that time was much larger than it is now.

Worked Shoot Bollocks is definitely what’s going to happen, whether it’s from Cody or whoever his opponent ends up being.


Edited by WyattSheepMask
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19 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I'm curious if Cody will be the one to bring it up, or if that will fall to a "shocking shoot promo" from one of his opponents. I can see them just giving him the Drew McIntyre, "he left, came back, and is better now than when he left" treatment, without stopping to question whether "wrestlers get better when they leave WWE" is a narrative they really want to be putting out there in the first place.

I can already hear Michael Cole robotically shouting "THE FORBIDDEN DOOR!", though.

I'm sure all Cole will say is "could it be?"

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

Does he bring the dog out?

I can see Bruce and Vince seeing it and going "that's it! You're now "Dogged" Cody Rhodes! You show such tenacity and you've got a dog"

Or Vince pulls a Mr. Burns. 

Vince: Give that dog a push. 

Nick: But what about Cody? 

Vince: Who? Oh him, he can have a stunner or two. 

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Fucking hell, I’d forgotten about when Cody brought his dog out and set a bunch of fireworks off! What a berk. Top of the list of sins, that.

His debut will be exactly what you expect. Cole will shout, “IT IS? COULD IT BE? OH MY GOD! THE FORBIDDEN DOOR IS BROKEN OPEN!” and then Cody will do some knowing, smug, have-your-cake-and-eat-it, wanky meta promo that’ll be too busy alluding to everything everyone will be assumed to know, without actually saying anything or building anything up. Probably dye his hair black to make some daft, convoluted point you won’t understand because you aren’t clever enough. Then Seth will come out and cackle.

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I bet Cody owns that music, come to think of it. This is something that would be somewhat new to WWE - someone coming in and using the music they've used in AEW. Although it would have been genuinely hilarious if Cody had got Tony Khan to buy the rights to 'Cody Rhodes' rather than doing it himself.

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