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AEW All Out 2021 - September 5th


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15 minutes ago, DCW said:

Punk in the crap tights was an odd choice on his part, but match was better than I expected. Delighted Bryan is there too, don't give a shite about Cole in all honesty and him debuting directly before Bryan and diminishing his pop was a bit annoying. Could've debuted Cole on Dynamite/Rampage and it would've felt bigger and more unexpected and not took anything from Bryan's arrival.

Still, very good show and AEW definitely have serious momentum now. Interesting to see how mad Vince reacts.

You can think Cole is shite but they did the right thing debuting him there in Chicago. Hear the pop he got? 


And Vince won't react. He doesn't care.

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I think they keep them around as noone could believe Bucks, Nakazawa, Omega and Cutler doing believable beat downs. They are the right 'fit' for the image of big guys beating up the little guys, otherwise its just not believable. 

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34 minutes ago, JohnKringler said:

You can think Cole is shite but they did the right thing debuting him there in Chicago. Hear the pop he got? 

Helped by the fact that Bryan coming has been talked about for a couple of months now and Punk has dropped hints in the last couple of weeks. Cole is fresh off of leaving NXT only 2 weeks ago. Granted there was speculation that he was going to sign, but Bryan was expected, Cole not so much

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So a company of shit pathetic cowboys who are fuck all like Stan Hansen, CM shite, Chris Jericho, all of a sudden Adam fucking wanky Cole, have finally given me a reason to watch.

Bryan Danielson is a ten from len. But the title on him and let him rule the place. 

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56 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Helped by the fact that Bryan coming has been talked about for a couple of months now and Punk has dropped hints in the last couple of weeks. Cole is fresh off of leaving NXT only 2 weeks ago. Granted there was speculation that he was going to sign, but Bryan was expected, Cole not so much

I definitely preferred @Supremo’s idea of debuting Danielson at All Out and Adam Cole on Raw, but you can’t have everything I suppose. 

Can I just say again, that fucking tag match. Brilliant. The Young Bucks are the best heels in forever because you just want them to lose sooo much. 

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From watching BTE, the crowd chanting for Lucha  brothers as young Bucks entrance was superb. After what 20 years of fans cheering the heels to be “cool”, the heel/face dynamic in aew always seems to be respected by the audience to go the way it’s being written. 

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12 minutes ago, Louch said:

From watching BTE, the crowd chanting for Lucha  brothers as young Bucks entrance was superb. After what 20 years of fans cheering the heels to be “cool”, the heel/face dynamic in aew always seems to be respected by the audience to go the way it’s being written. 

Its not always that clear. They get it right most of the time but Cody certainly has muddy waters with his character. And Britt is a bit confusing at the moment.

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All time classic PPV. Everything was good and all the right people went over. Great stuff up and down the whole thing. 

My favourite moment was a heartwarming moment with Penta and his kids quickly turning into a gross one when he got his blood all over them.

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Very good show. Seemed quite dominated by former WWE types, but if anyone was watching that and was new to AEW they would at least see homegrown guys looking the equal of the likes of Miro, Jericho and Punk. (Apart from QT Marshall of course)

Hope the Kingston result leads to him winning the title in New York.

Cage match was a lot of fun, Penta looked terrifying with the torn mask and the blood everywhere. I wonder how his daughters felt getting their dad’s blood all over their faces.

Jericho and MJF got me by the end, superb selling of the lower back dropping breadcrumbs for the second finish. 

I liked Punk’s look with the tights. He and Darby worked well together. Good match.

The ending was some pretty impressive stuff. I’m not fussed by Adam Cole but he fits right in with the Elite. And then Danielson! Thrilling.

The only thing that could have made it better would have been if the Elite were backing away up the ramp, up the ramp, up the ramp… and then Hangman Page’s music hit and he turned up too. They’d finally be outnumbered, their time at the top over. There’s still time for that another day…

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I think its up there with the Bash 89, WM X7 and MITB 2011 as all timers. It was non-stop the whole night. Big Show coming out was like "cheers, I could do with 5 minutes." The pacing of the card was genius.

Punk, Bryan, the Elite, Jon Moxley, MJF, Darby, there's some big name players on this roster. Endless posibilities.

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This show had more 1997 energy than any show that actually happened in 1997. A complete home run from beginning to end, a promotion that is clicking everywhere, molten hot, with what feels like limitless potential.

And speaking of 1997, that CM Punk match was the most poetic end to the Wednesday Night Wars imaginable. The winners doing a Bret Hart tribute match whilst Triple H and HBK’s territory dies a sad, humiliating death? Beautiful. Bret should re-release his book with an extra chapter covering this.

Suzuki! Fantastic! I can’t wait for him and Dadbod Moxley to kill each other on Wednesday.

That fucking cage match though! Holy shit. Greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Easily match of the year. I can’t remember the last time anything in pro-wrestling was as cathartic as watching the Young Bucks finally get theirs. It was almost a shame for their run to finally end, but fuck me was it satisfying to see all their antics catch up with them. What a final few minutes! Proper jump-out-of-your-seat, punch-the-air finish! YES! Fucking get in! Finally! Take THAT, you little shits! And then Penta bleeding all over his kids was the most heartwarmingly disgusting moment of all time.

The difference between this match and their ladder match two years ago perfectly illustrates where AEW has exploded in quality. They always had the talent, the lads could always deliver in the ring, but to now have these characters and stories that I’m completely invested in? Heels that I’m desperate to see lose? Babyfaces that I’m living and dying with? Some of the greatest facial hair in the history of the sport? Fried gold.

Also, it can’t be overstated how fucking refreshing it was whenever the Bucks would do something underhand or shitty, it was always Callis who’d use the, “but it’s legal!” line. After what’s felt like decades of babyface announcers in WWE undermining every heel on their roster by saying shit like that, I swear they purposely did it here with Don just to troll them and show how it’s supposed to be done.

Fair play to everyone involved. Not only has this company completely revolutionised the credibility of stipulations, but this will go a long way to re-establishing gimmick matches too. Next time some heels are being locked in a cage? I’m going to believe this is where they’ll finally get their comeuppance. I won’t be left wondering how they’re going to book their way out of it or try and troll the fans. Madness that this ever needed to be re-established in the first place, but here we are.

And then Bryan Danielson’s smiley face came out and I lost my fucking mind. Amazing. Perfect. Not that it comes as any type of surprise, but just watch this scrum.

Imagine ever letting this man go. He’s the most charming, honest, endearing man in the business. Fucker would be worth millions just to be your company spokesperson, never mind - you know - also being the best wrestler in the world and the most beloved babyface in decades. Punk coming in felt big in the moment. Bryan coming in feels like a game changer that’s going to last for years.

Again, it’s almost fitting. More than ever WWE are looking for replicants who all talk and wrestle exactly the same, so it makes perfect sense that the one outlier would jump ship without them even realising what they’ve lost. Farewell, Daniel Bryan. You are the last man. Your kind is extinct.

But yeah. One of the greatest Pay Per Views I’ve ever seen. I haven’t been this excited for the following episode of a pro-wrestling show since Wrestlemania 14.

Edited by Supremo
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Very good show and I feel this is just the tip of the iceberg with this roster now with some of the cards they have the potential to put on. It is absolutely stacked with Punk, Danielson and Cole now added to the mix.

I thought the PPV was paced really well, the women's battle royal and Wight/QT weren't particularly interesting but they did their job in cooling things down after big matches. Miro/Kingston was a terrific opener and Moxley/Kojima was really good also.  Even though it was jarring to see Punk in those tights, him and Darby was a strong match. He'll only get better the more he gets back into the swing of things. Wasn't really that hyped about Omega/Christian by the time it got to it but they had a good one as expected.

The cage match was 100% the best thing on the show however. Can't wait to see what's to come.






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