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This Time with Alan Partridge


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‘The Wests’ completely wrote me off and I’m not sure why. It wasn’t even the best line in the series so far, but for whatever reason it made me lose it. Probably because it was the last one of him rattling off names.

But yeah, this is definitely him collapsing and Jennie cleverly letting it happen. It’s going to end so well/badly.

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The Andy Coulson reference was lovely work being Coogan.

I don't get what's funny about the kitchen implements ordering system though. It makes perfect sense and, to be fair, works a treat with the set of hooks in my kitchen.

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15 hours ago, JNLister said:

The Andy Coulson reference was lovely work being Coogan.

I don't get what's funny about the kitchen implements ordering system though. It makes perfect sense and, to be fair, works a treat with the set of hooks in my kitchen.

I think it's the fact that he had to spend the night in prison completely alone for the thought to occur to him, when this is usually how drawers end up being organised anyway. His uravelling so much in a single night shows what a state he's in.

There are some great layers to the show. Jennie's relationship, Ruth's needling. It really feels like a massive blow up is on the way as everything builds and builds.

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It was delightful seeing John Thompson again given he lives down the road. The right minor character to exist in the 'new' Alan. The bit at the end where he just drops his whole bit in the credits and asks Alan how he's really doing and Alan replying with '... four'. 

Tim Key really does internal panic well.

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Talking about the little details you only notice on a second or third viewing, I've only just noticed Simon mouthing the words off the auto-cue while Alan is speaking. Is this something he has always done? 

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Strongest overall episode of This Time so far, a good bit above the Martin Brennan/Come on Eileen show which was my favourite up til now.

Besides the excellent prison segment, poor Simon & his porridge, Jenny turning the screw and the John Thompson cameo- Alan nervously flirting with the makeup girl was great too. 'Please don't report me, I'll be suspended!'

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22 hours ago, JNLister said:

I don't get what's funny about the kitchen implements ordering system though. It makes perfect sense and, to be fair, works a treat with the set of hooks in my kitchen.

For me it was twofold. Firstly the presentation, which was stupidly over the top. The 3D rendering of the whole house, splitting to zoom to the kitchen then further zooming to the drawer. Could have just started with the drawer, but superfluous graphics and Partridge narration go hand in hand.

Secondly, it’s the notion that in spite of the system being practically useful, it’s superbly daft that Alan not only thought the train of thought was worth sharing with the nation but actually got it cleared for broadcast on BBC1. The celebration of the mundane is a bit of a Partridge trademark in my eyes.

11 hours ago, scratchdj said:

I also love the attention Tim Key gives to Simon, his slight-but-constant nervousness and sense of uncomfortableness is perfect.

I’m led to believe some people don’t care for Simon but those people are - there’s no other word for it, sa-a-ad. He’s pitch perfect for his desperation for Alan’s approval and and as a victim of the blunt force trauma of his scorn when his incompetence rears its head. Alan is often best with strong support to bounce off as long as the support doesn’t overshadow him (Lyn for instance is brilliant) and Simon is great. Of course it helps if you’ve seen all of MMM and appreciate the story they’re building on even if it’s not essential.

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You knew the second episode was going to be better from the off, with the over-the-top guitar being added to episode two’s opening after Alan had pointed out the theme tune had been tweaked slightly in the first. 

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20 hours ago, air_raid said:

but actually got it cleared for broadcast on BBC1.

This is where the series is at its weakest for me, really - the idea that he got this nonsense cleared by BBC1 tends to be where the plausible deniability falls down, because surely the whole point of Partridge is that he doesn't have anything like that sort of clout? 

That said, the rest of the episode was fantastic, and one of the best yet. The return of Joe Beasley was masterful, and there's so much going on that looks like Partridge is going to just fully collapse. His list of potential favourite prisoners had me howling at how long it went on, and at his pronunciation of "Mandela", before it even got to "The Wests".

I echo the love for Sidekick Simon too. He's so brilliantly awkward and sometimes so cringeworthy it's hard to watch, but in the exact opposite way to Partridge. While Alan is unjustly over-confident about everything, and completely misses social cues that should rein him in, Simon is just wholly uncomfortable and unsuited for television, and brings out the miserable bully side in Alan. Their relationship in MMM was much more two-way, but the moment Alan started to feel like he was back on the path to success, he just started treating him as utterly superfluous, even though he presumably got him the job in the first place. It's such a great dynamic.


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Yeah, Partridge is exactly the kind of prick that forges friendships with relatively average people when he’s (in his mind) slumming it down there with them but then discards them nay steps on them as soon as he gets a whiff of returning to the big time. See also, Michael. 

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3 hours ago, BomberPat said:

This is where the series is at its weakest for me, really - the idea that he got this nonsense cleared by BBC1 tends to be where the plausible deniability falls down, because surely the whole point of Partridge is that he doesn't have anything like that sort of clout? 

You must not be familiar with the nonsense they put out on the actual The One Show then. The reason for me it is believable is because of the actual films they would show. I say that not as an avid One Show viewer, but as someone who would listen to The One Show Show podcast where they would dissect the show.

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