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  1. Any recs for book podcasts? something along the lines of 'If books could kill' where they break down shitey books like the blind side & all Michael Lewis's rubbish, but without the smarm levels of its two hosts, who have disappeared up their own holes the last few pods. I've become a bit jaded with podcasts in general lately & have found myself going back to audiobooks. Bob Mortimer's autobiography is my go to to cheer meself up after a crap day!
  2. DCW


    I used to go through a rake of magazines, even as a kid. I'd be getting the official PS1 magazine, Shoot & Match, Irish football league magazine called Kickin. When I got big into wrestling I'd be getting WWF or Raw too along with Power Slam and WOW magazine when I evolved into a smarky teenage tosser. My aulder brother was big into cars so he'd have Max Power magazines stashed under his bed that I really 'enjoyed' too, as they were basically Loaded or Nuts magazines with a few pictures of a Honda Civic or whatever thrown in. I'd then get NME, Hot Press and Kerrang later in my teens when I was all angsty and deep. My ma was a sow for books, papers and magazines too. All those Women's Own and Take a Break stuff, plus the National Enquirer which I could never understand why she'd bother with! I'd rarely buy any magazines these days, only the ones that come with the Saturday paper. Same for papers too really. My ma would get 2 in our house each day when I was a kid. A morning and evening edition. We'd get the weekly local paper which is long gone and had the best letters section, with the same 2 lads writing in each week complaining about important things like speed bumps or foxes eating their bins. Basically that Accidental Partridge Twitter account in print form!
  3. Bryan no selling the initial uppercut from Claudio was a bit shite to begin with, but bag spot was pretty crap-looking too. Mox turning on Bryan doesn't need that hokey bollocks at all. Pity cos Perry/Bryan was really good, even if the crowd were fairly dead for the majority of it. We'll get a great match out of Mox/Bryan, it's the story leading up to it that I'd be worried about. Willow/Stat was an absolute cracker of a match. hats off to both of them.
  4. Wasn't expecting much as Netflix are involved, but was hoping they'd at least dig a bit into Vince's childhood which was by all measures not a very happy one and likely influenced just how big a piece of shit he ended up as. But nah, I've no interest in Cena/Rock/HHH and Bruce poxy Pritchard toeing the new company line about putting smiles on faces or whatever.
  5. Delighted this is back. Resorted to Twitter and even breached squaredcircle on Reddit before I remembered why I actively avoid both of those shiteshows! Ian on Twitter provided some respite at least. Also, probably a stupid question, but how do you go about becoming a paid member here? I really appreciate this little corner of wrestling internet and fried breakfast sanity, so interested in contributing something!
  6. When I was on the dole and crammed back into my parents box room I used to watch Raw live too, as I'd nothing at all to get up for in the morning other than collect my hundred quid down the post office. This was around the time of Bret's match with Vince at Mania, when WWE was completely in the shitter too. Dark auld days!
  7. My sister was born when I was 11 and my Ma was absolutely knackered looking after her as she was quite old having her, so we ended up getting lots of takeaways for the first few months when she came home. For a chubby kid like I was, this was heaven. My 11-year-old mind was blown when I was perusing a pizza menu we got in the door one day after school and I noticed an all-day breakfast pizza was advertised. Fried egg, fried mushrooms, rashers, sausage, pudding & fried tomatoes. I insisted on getting one that evening for dinner, despite my Mam warning me that I'd have to finish it even if it was horrible, as she assumed it would be. Unfortunately for her, I loved it and ordered it every time we were getting pizza. When my sister was a few months older, things returned to normality and our burnt-to-a-crisp steaks, pork chops with overboiled spuds and veg and watery bisto gravy dinners returned. One evening I was left to my own devices for an hour or two and I'd the bright idea of making my own all day breakfast pizza. I got a frozen pizza out of the fridge and lashed all the fry up stuff onto it & waited for it to cook. I couldn't figure out how to do the fried egg bit in the oven though, so decided to just make scrambled egg in a mug in the microwave (horrible I know!) and throw it on when the pizza was done in the oven. I was delighted with the disgusting, greasy results and dry egg on top and ended up topping many a frozen cheese or pepperoni pizza with the microwave egg abomination until I mentioned it to one of my friends as a teenager and she rightly shamed me into never making one again.
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