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  1. Neo Geo was probably around that too, although that was marketed as a luxury console which was essentially a home arcade. It was originally meant for rental market only. Games were knocking £200 back then. That was the cost of a console!
  2. My local Cash Converters had them for £800 at one point, people seemed to buy them fairly quickly whenever they went in the window. I was thinking, while £700 is expensive it has been worse hasn't it? Consoles were far more expensive at one point, in today's money anyway. And you don't need the £700 one to play PS5 games. The Sega CD was £563, that was just an add on Sega Saturn £796 PlayStation £596 (i paid £130 now around £250 in 97 though) Nintendo 64 £478 (game prices were about £115)
  3. PS5 is £479 at the moment I think, the Pro £700 plus an extra £100 for a disk drive. So the original is already £320 cheaper if you want the disk drive. I can't see any lowering of prices just now. I think the PS5 was actually £450 on release date and raised a couple of years ago.
  4. Mate of mine thinks the PS5 Pro is an absolute rip off with no disc drive, but he says he's getting it anyway. He's the target audience, will get it because they play so much. He's had his PS5 since day 1 and probably sees this as an excuse to buy a replacement for his 4 year old console (which I'm sure he'll sell on easily). I do think it's good to just get rid of disc consoles and give the option of a disc drive if you want one.
  5. I still remember renting out old Wrestlemanias after watching 7. I pretty much found 1-4 almost unwatchable, an 6 year old me just couldn't get around it. 5 and 6 had a lot of the same wrestlers as 7, although 5 was different it was watchable. I also find it amazing that in the LOD return in the late 90s they are treated as old gits basically, I'm pretty sure Animal was still in his 30s. They moved around like they were a lot older as they'd had several injuries. Working all those house shows, the territories and Japan tours they must have had more matches by their mid 30s than a wrestler would aged 50 these days.
  6. I'd have preferred a main show in 2025, I find New Japan a bit dull these days. I'm sure it will sell out at the O2 though and tv tapings would get pretty solid attendances, with sell outs or close to. For Sunday's show, I held back and thought I might go, I've decided to just take my son away for a couple of days instead. It looks decent though, with the Casino Gauntlet and main event looking strong.
  7. Unsure if that's his real name or not, but I found it interesting.
  8. Nothing, and I use the tube a fair bit and last year it was all over lots of tube stations. That probably cost an absolute shit tonne though and likely isn't really worth it financially. Last year they wanted to get a huge crowd at Wembley and the costs to get that publicity may have been worth it for that.
  9. I got it years ago on Switch and it was really good, they did a patch which changed the shooting system and was less good but passable. It is over the top, silly and just a fun NBA Jam or Shut up and jam style game. In the first one you can pretty easily collect the legends but apparently the sequel was released by 2k and you had to buy them if you wanted them. You could earn them but it's 2k so you didn't.
  10. With the effort you'd have to go to set up your stadium so it doesn't damage turf etc you'd probably just be better doing a full tour and then doing a PPV at an 18,000-20,000 seater arena included in that.
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