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Cousin Jim Bob

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  1. Gousto/Hello Fresh are great for trying new stuff. I remember having a Chicken Laksa from Hello Fresh that blew my mind a few years ago and I kept the recipe card and like to still make.
  2. The Boys TV show is very much supposed to be a pisstake of SuperHero Movie stuff in general. It's a satire Homelander is nightmare fuel. He is the villain of the piece but presented as Superman
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/08/magazine/prince-netflix-ezra-edelman-documentary.html?unlocked_article_code=1.JE4.VC_A.oj-rZ872vsPB Long article there which covers some of the domestic violence, homophobia, grooming etc.
  4. The more I learn about Prince the more depressing it gets. For all his genius as a musician he was seemingly a total scumbag to pretty much everyone he came in contact with.
  5. McGuiness was very, very good back then though and if he has a short run left in him it could be fun. If it it is just a one off Danielson match and back to commentary it would feel a bit of a waste of time though.
  6. Its things like this that worry me if Microsoft do ever leave the premium console, hardware business. You just know Sony would take the fucking piss with their pricing. PS7 that will be £1000 please and make sure to pick up a few games, they are £100 each.
  7. Yes, Tizer taste like disappointment and regret. Regret that you didn't choose any other soft drink in its place.
  8. Astro Bot is getting unbelievable reviews. Seems to be a must have if you've got a PS5.
  9. I had to resort to reading bloody DVDVR for impressions of All In. Yes I sunk that low. Christ I'm glad this place is back.
  10. Its going straight on Ubisoft Plus. I might just get a month of that for £15 if its any good.
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