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Shitting Thread #374


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Making my first entry in the shit threads having finally worked up the courage to share that I too have recently been struck with my first case of the dreaded Jeremy Kyle's.

Started while I was on holiday last week as what I thought was just a small tear from a heavy poo in an unfamiliar caravan khazi. I soon realized that it wasn't going away. After a particularly active and challenging weekend, my drive home Sunday was teary agony. Monday is a blur of Anasol applications and gently whimpering on the sofa in front of Family Fortunes on Challenge.

I had my second daily serving of soup, water and Neurofen before a restless early night. I lay alone in the spare bed atop an old towel, a fan pointed at my bare arris as I tried to remember what masculinity felt like by watching Burt Reynolds as Malone. After hours of painful dozing, it happened.

"I've shat the bed!" I shamefully awakened to as I felt a horrifying warm moistness beneath me. Then I realized the truth of the matter was something far more unknown...



If I could make a list of situations I don't want to deal with at 4am on a Tuesday, this is definitely high on the list. I fashioned something of a Sumo wrestlers jock out of my worst case scenario towel and waddled to the throne and listened to the sound of blood pour from me. I surveyed the situation around me, the bathroom already looking like a crime scene and considered my next move.

I took a sizable wad of poo tickets to blindly mop up the initial bloodbath behind me, but quickly realised I was in over my head. I needed to hose this fire down. I gingerly climbed into the shower and took extra time and care to achieve a steady, lukewarm stream. Finally, I started to feel some relief! Some humanity had been recovered! As I stood under the water like Andy Dufresne as he left the pipe, I realized that I could walk again! I had thoughts of getting back into bed and being comfortable. Dreams of maybe leaving the house again. Fantasies of normal pooing!

I left the shower and dealt with the cleanup operation. The spare bed was horrific, but I knew that everything was ok now. As I loaded the washer at 5am with bloodstained sheets and towels, I smiled like a deranged murderer telling myself "Everything is going to be ok now!"

The sun rose and my family awoke. With a tear in my eye, I met them as they sleepily found me in the kitchen doing a wash. I held them close and we all held back tears as we knew that our lives could go back to normal. We had survived this invasion and next time, we would be better prepared against the new enemy.

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On 8/6/2019 at 7:54 AM, Nostalgia Nonce said:

Is Vietnamese Fish Sauce just a Vietnamese sauce made from fish, or a sauce made specifically from Vietnamese fish?


Without googling it's made from the very small fish which are no good to eat. They are typically sun-dried and the oil is extracted. Then it is mixed with salt and water to create the sauce known as Nuoc Mam which is extremely salty in its pure form. Typically it is diluted with more water and sugar depending on the dish. Garlic and chilies are also added. I really like it but it's very smelly and takes some getting used to. 


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11 hours ago, Scott Malbranque said:

As good a place as any to drop this:

Showing off massive shits to your friends is normal behaviour. In work once I did such a good poo that I left it and cleaned my arse in another toilet (the cubicle next door) as I didn’t want to cover it up. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have gone through every stage of the Bristol stool scale over 3 main sessions. A combination of being backed for a few days, gorging myself on Saturday at a Chinese buffet and several ales. All led to  unintentionally doing a colonic cleaning.

The Bristol stool scale, hidden from the squeamish.



Edited by Rey_Piste
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On 8/1/2019 at 7:20 PM, Lord-Mountevans said:

My other point was that if you call it "Anusol" you might as well call it "Rectum Relief" or "Anal Agony"? Why not call it something a little less crude or obviously "arse related". Any decent product should not necessarily have a link to its use, within its name

Vagisil and Vagisan are the same with naming. I’ve never heard of anything more horrific than Vagisan MoistCream. For fuck sake, Karen, if you were any more dry you’d be a fire hazard!

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  • 3 months later...

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