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Devon Malcolm

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2 hours ago, waters44 said:

That’s Raheem Kassan on the right I think, he spends his time running rings around Sky News. 

That isn’t saying much. Even Kamala could run rings around Sky News. 

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Lots of reports of the Cabinet finally moving to force May out, with suggestion of Hunt, Gove or most likely David Livington as an "interim PM" before a full Tory leadership race. (By "interim", they'd be the actual PM, just with a promise to step down in due course.)

Can't think of anything more on-brand for Brexit Britain than Lidington -- a man I assume 95 percent or more the population have never heard of -- becoming Prime Minister without even Tory MPs having a vote.

Edited by JNLister
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From BBC:

"MPs in the party have said they might reluctantly back the agreement if they know she will not be in charge of the next stage of negotiations with the EU."

Help me out here. What negotiations are there to be had if the bloody deal has been accepted? How does the deal go from being something you can't support to something you can just because May is gone? Utter, utter self-serving bullshit. 

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This is just the withdrawal agreement, the placeholder deal that says how we trade while the real trade talks take place. Actual trade deal negotiations with the EU haven't even begun. Trade deals between large blocs take years to complete. It's not an exaggeration to say that we will hearing about Brexit for the next decade. 

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I marched in London yesterday and had a great time. Stopped off for a few beers in Trafalgar Square on the way round and managed to find a way round into Parliament Square also. Great atmosphere and really glad I went.

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1 minute ago, The King Of Swing said:

When was the last time a march actually achieved anything of note?

Marching achieves something of note every time to the people marching/protesting. 

It makes people feel that they are exercising their right to march/protest and that is what matters.

I marched with my Grandad in the anti Iraq war march, and apart from seeing Brentford together, was the only thing we ever did together, so it was worthwhile 

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It may well have emboldened shy Remainer MPs.  Until the last week, open talk of  A50 cancellation or a 2nd referendum was still political anathema as the loudest voices by fair publicly over the last 12 month have been disgruntled Brexit supporters.

Such a huge showing of public feeling, combined with 1/10 of the population signing a petition (unheard of in UK political history) might well change the narrative of the next few weeks.

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4 hours ago, Loki said:

It may well have emboldened shy Remainer MPs.  Until the last week, open talk of  A50 cancellation or a 2nd referendum was still political anathema as the loudest voices by fair publicly over the last 12 month have been disgruntled Brexit supporters.

Such a huge showing of public feeling, combined with 1/10 of the population signing a petition (unheard of in UK political history) might well change the narrative of the next few weeks.

Yeah, I hope people are making an effort to check how their MP has voted recently.  Croydon on the whole voted to remain but Chris Philp who is my representative has been voting the hard leave line. Thankfully he's been on the losing side of the recent votes but I've still written to him asking to know why he's chosen not to represent his constituents. 

These apathetic twats with their snide remarks can fuck off. Don't see you doing anything.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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