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The General Politics Thread v2.0 (AKA the "Labour are Cunts" thread)


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5 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

The chief correspodnent of Channel 4 news went as far as to blame both sides if not putting more blame on "asian males" as he put it, he's now deleted all those posts as he rightly got pelted for it.

This was something I was waiting for, straight out of the MAGA playbook and trying to "both sides" it. I don't feel it was a coincidence that one of the few shots of counter protests (not that rioting looting and so on counts as protest but we'll run with the media for the point) included a tiny group of young men shouting "allahu akbar" to set up any efforts to portray it almost as an evil islamist immigrants Vs True Brits or some other stupid "both sides" thing. People have gone out and attempt to commit premeditated mass murder of people. They don't deserve any form of benefit of doubt and the media have tried very hard to push a blatantly false narrative around things.

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57 minutes ago, stumobir said:

It’s an absolute disgrace that the media, particularly the BBC, are continuing to call these race riots “protests” and the violent, racist, thugs “protestors”, and when there’s an attempt to burn people alive or pull them from cars based on their skin colour, I would go further and call them pogroms.

Not sure where or when you've seen this but I've seen news outlets pretty uniformly using 'riots' and 'violent disorder' now. Arguably not strong enough language still, but I think that change shows how important the language Starmer uses is in setting the tone. I know we like to shit on politicians here but it does make me thankful for our change in government.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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(Not to make this about me because I am aware that I am an incredibly privileged white male.)

Just wanted to say that all this vile, hateful stuff kicking off is really truly bothering me. As the father of a mixed race daughter, its an awful feeling knowing the sort of complete bullshit my wee girl is going to have to deal with at some point. There's only so much you can do to protect those you love.

Nothing but love and support to all the people terrified in their own communities at the moment. What an awful time. Feels like we have really regressed.

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8 hours ago, Just Some Guy said:

I can't begin to imagine how that feels and don't have the words to bring any sort of comfort. 

Wish I did.

For my own part, I was locked down in Blackpool Winter Gardens for an hour or so on Saturday as the Nazi's attempted to start something outside.

The punks & skins in attendance quickly had them on the run and cleaned up the mess afterwards.

One of my friends who was working in town was telling me about this. Bunch of fucking idiots kicking off outside Britain's biggest Punk festival. Apparently at one point one of the punks got on his motorbike and just smashed into a bunch of them when they were doing the big "Come on then" shite. 

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I've warned my husband not to venture in to Birmingham and stay home. Me and the kids are at my mum and dad's in Huddersfield and there have been riots here, police have advised businesses to shut and quite a few have. The fucking state. 

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54 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

One of my friends who was working in town was telling me about this. Bunch of fucking idiots kicking off outside Britain's biggest Punk festival. Apparently at one point one of the punks got on his motorbike and just smashed into a bunch of them when they were doing the big "Come on then" shite. 

The sad thing is that a lot of people that attend Rebellion are a bunch of greyzone old-time punks who are quite happy to sit on the fence and even stand next to Nazi skins, and/or be friends with them on social media while claiming to be anti-fascist (I prefer the term "non-fascist" for people that associate with fascists while paying lip-service to anti-fascism). Don't know the situation these days but there used to be a not-so secret series of white power gigs that happened in Blackpool at the same time as Rebellion, with the skins flitting between both. Given the likelihood of plenty of the usual suspects being in the vicinity, as well as eight out of the top ten most deprived neighbourhoods being in Blackpool, it's hardly surprising something happened there.

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4 hours ago, wandshogun09 said:

Anyone in Birmingham stay in if you can. Meant to be riots here anytime now. Fuck’s sake. 

Yeah, some videos going round on social media showing the local pub where I grew up has just been smashed up by a horde of idiotic, racist, scumbag thugs. No police in sight. Disgrace.

i forget who the poster was here when i was a regular that was constantly pretending he was moving abroad because the UK had gone to shit. Dunno if he ever did it, but he had the right idea.

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I was one of the ones picking shit up off the ground in Sunderland on Saturday. Utterly depressing state of affairs. I'm never a glass half full type, but if you really get among people the day after stuff like this, it really does remind you not everyone is a cunt. There's amazing people out there.

It breaks my heart reading twitter going "that's what the likes of Reading are", "people from Sunderland are like that", "what do you expect from people from there" etc. No, fuck off with that. There's evil among us, because the core of every community is good and are prepared to clean up the mess these cretins make. My love for people has never been stronger, but my disappointment in the actions of thickos has never been stronger either.

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