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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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The KOW don't really fit the narrative for me, even with the Hero history. I think a couple of obvious choices would be Homicide and Low Ki. He can easily play them up as a pair of killers and there's a super long history there.

My complete never happening outside bet is on someone who just came out of retirement, the Necro Butcher... I know Eddie loves the guy with him and Brodie Lee saying he's probably the most underrated wrestler.

Edited by Merzbow
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4 minutes ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

I've read that Eddie has long-standing heat with Hero, so that seems unlikely. Homicide and Hernandez maybe? Homicide has already showed up once.

He's made a deliberate point to bring up his name and Cesaro's in more than one interview or podcast. I always honestly just took it as him playing with Kayfabe.

I think I heard that they used to be roomies back in the day, so it could go both ways.

5 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

The KOW don't really fit the narrative for me, I think a couple of obvious choices would be Homicide and Low Ki. He can easily play them up as a pair of killers and there's a super long history there.


I could see Homicide, but I don't see them going anywhere near Low Ki based on the gymnastics they were doing not to acknowledge him during the Daniels/Danielson match and all the ROH hooplah.



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I'd prefer him to find two people who have history with Jericho, an Anti-Appreciation Society. Not sure who that'd be necessarily but it'd work for him to recruit two people who hate Jericho as much as he does. Mickey Rourke because of WrestleMania 25, and Kevin Nash because Jericho beat him in that Hair match on Raw in '03, why not.

More realistically, you could develop something with Christian Cage and Jungle Boy. Christian's got history with Jericho and they can go back to that 10 minute challenge angle from 2019 if they want to. Weave in Christian turning on JB during the match or something, proving to Eddie he can't trust anyone outside of his best mates and getting him away from all the factions.


Anyway, I'm sick of Sammy Guevara feigning an injury just as they go to ad break, lying there the entire time we're in picture-in-picture then hopping right back into it as soon as the ad break's over. Must be the fourth or fifth Dynamite main event he's done it in now. I appreciate not wanting to keep doing the big action during the ads but he could be less obvious about it.

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24 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

It's weird how sex pests = fine yet Low Ki is such a no go area for the company.

Big fan of little Tone booking Low Ki, only not telling him the real reason is so security forcibly remove him from the venue. 

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30 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

I'd prefer him to find two people who have history with Jericho, an Anti-Appreciation Society. Not sure who that'd be necessarily but it'd work for him to recruit two people who hate Jericho as much as he does. Mickey Rourke because of WrestleMania 25, and Kevin Nash because Jericho beat him in that Hair match on Raw in '03, why not.

AEW context: Nick Gage & Juvi 

30 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

Anyway, I'm sick of Sammy Guevara feigning an injury just as they go to ad break, lying there the entire time we're in picture-in-picture then hopping right back into it as soon as the ad break's over. Must be the fourth or fifth Dynamite main event he's done it in now. I appreciate not wanting to keep doing the big action during the ads but he could be less obvious about it.

I listened to the Alvarez & Meltzer youtube snippet on this. Whichever feed they were on (live or West Coast) the P-I-P for this was blacked out. All they saw was the ads and a black box.

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56 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Has Lance been reading this thread?



He did a promo on his own you tube channel, followed by a Pro Wrestling tees shirt. Then he would appear on random AEW wrestlers vlogs and at ringside. But I don't believe it has ever been referenced on TV as such and I think he's been cleared this year to wrestle again. Not sure what the plan is, but I completely understand why people don't know about it.

Here is a edit of some apperances I found 


Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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From what I can recall, he's been doing it since Miro snapped his arm in the door, but it hasn't really been noticeable on TV. It seems like it's becoming more noticeable on TV so benefit of the doubt would be that it's something upcoming. 

I've only heard of it because of fans posting pictures spotting him on social media.

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Only just finished Dynamite.

I'd had the main event spoiled and was a bit disappointed when I read that there was another title change. It worked well actually watching it though. Sammy is a delightful heel and Tay did a good job too. The only jarring thing is that it technically means that Dan Lambert is a babyface. I assume that might get sorted with a Men of The Year split soon?

The above discussion reminds me of the abandoned storyline where Miro was "helping" Penelope Ford, because he still considers Kip his mate, and was oblivious about how terrified she was.

I love Miro. Hope he's back soon.

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I thought they might even have Lambert talk about old ECW matches like he has with the territory stuff to help face him up a bit last night. 

Sammy and Tay are a right couple of dislikeable smug pricks aren't they? Real Edge/Lita feel to them for me. 

Punk and Hangman feels big time and while I like Hangman I want Punk to take the belt to give a fresh format at the top of the card. With Punk still referencing Kingston I hope the plan for end of year is heel Punk Vs Eddie. Outside of Chicago the fans would be so behind Eddie as the challenger. Page can then move into the Undisputed Era/ Elite storyline of Kenny isn't ready. 


I guess the JAS Vs Eddie and friends story is going more towards blood and guts than stadium stampede although a Vegas based one around MGM would be tons of fun, Casino Combat?

Big Cass(forget his name on impact) Vs handsome Wardlow should be fun next week.

How long has Julia Hart been sitting on the steps all match like she's trying to pass a UKFF worth shit? That's a storyline that needs moving on like a few in AEW that drag on a bit too long these days. 

Not much else to say that hasn't been said about this week's show took a few weeks off, come back and wonder why I stopped.

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Really enjoyed the story of that FTR match in the opener. Punk on commentary helped it a lot, and I loved those Hart Foundation inspired trunks. 

JR still can't remember Bryan Danielson's name. 

Wardlow flying against Archer was pretty impressive. 

Enjoyed the street fight. Serena Vs Rosa could be a good match. 

House Of Black? Death Triangle? Blackpool Combat Club? When are we getting Tony's big announcement of the trios tag titles? 

That ten man tag and the thing with the t-shirts could have been done with a backstage segment. I have no idea where it goes from here, unless they're wrestling five lads from Bullet Club at the New Japan show. 

Scorpio Sky is a much better fiery babyface than heel. They were loving him in Philly. He did some great stuff in the ladder match. I think I saw reports that Sammy was actually injured doing that stupid somersault off the top of the ladder. I wonder whether they had to change the finish to avoid having to crown another interim champion while Sammy recovers. That pop when Sky tipped the ladder up and Guevara fell into the barbed wire was huge. All these title changes aren't going to be good for the title though, not off the back of all these long runs. Sky Vs Kazarian could be an interesting match though. 

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