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Darkside of the Ring season 3 discussion


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1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Have to echo what's been said about the Grizzly Smith episode - a really tough watch.
However it does go a long way to understanding why Jake was such the mess he was for so long.

Have you not seen Beyond The Mat, SBA? Worth watching if you haven't though equally tough to watch the Jake sections.

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I've not watched this weeks yet as I'm just watching the Warrior ep first that I forgot about last week.

As just a general wondering, how can DSOTR use so much WWE footage? I know it's not in HD quality or anything but I don't understand how they can use it when WWE have stopped companies doing much less. I'm not clued up on that sort of thing though so be good to hear why.

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47 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Have you not seen Beyond The Mat, SBA? Worth watching if you haven't though equally tough to watch the Jake sections.

Until recently, I thought Jake’s rants on Beyond the Mat were due to him being ripped to the tits.  Now I wish they were.

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59 minutes ago, FUM said:

As just a general wondering, how can DSOTR use so much WWE footage? I know it's not in HD quality or anything but I don't understand how they can use it when WWE have stopped companies doing much less. I'm not clued up on that sort of thing though so be good to hear why.

If I remember correctly, rather than showing the footage, they film a TV that's playing it, and somehow that functions as enough of a loophole for them to be able to use it.

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Grim is definitely the word what suits this weeks episode best, makes you think how much was just looked aside back in the day as well like BabyDoll in the ep saying was dubious but though nothing of it even though there was a 13year old girl in the back of the car

I think most people would have spoken up about that but of course she was just getting a start so didnt want to rock the boat it seems

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That episode was truly grim. My partner loves crime documentaries and loves dark side of the ring though this one was on a much darker level than previous ones. 

They only quickly brushed on all the topics too and this could have easily been 2 hours. 

It's crazy at the end they still had fondness for the man.

Somehow they managed to end it on a positive too. 

Grizzly though- horrible horrible man 

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17 hours ago, BomberPat said:

If I remember correctly, rather than showing the footage, they film a TV that's playing it, and somehow that functions as enough of a loophole for them to be able to use it.

Will a lot of it not also come down to copyright and cost, though? I imagine most of it will fall under “fair use” as they’re using the footage as part of telling a story and for criticism. They’re not say, asking for a copy of a PPV so they can then re-broadcast it and cost WWE in terms of lost revenue (which if they did, WWE rightfully would sue them to high heaven).

However, I imagine going to WWE and asking for the raw footage to use in episodes would come with two snags:

“Can we use some footage to demonstrate what a piece-of-shit company you were when someone died at a live event?”
“Sorry. We’ll be declining your request at this time.”

“Can we use some footage for [insert title of another episode] where the company won’t be disparaged?”
“Sure. The fee is XXXX dollars.”

So, the cheaper alternative is to just stick it on a TV and record a few seconds from that.

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19 hours ago, FUM said:

I've not watched this weeks yet as I'm just watching the Warrior ep first that I forgot about last week.

As just a general wondering, how can DSOTR use so much WWE footage? I know it's not in HD quality or anything but I don't understand how they can use it when WWE have stopped companies doing much less. I'm not clued up on that sort of thing though so be good to hear why.

Fair usage laws, especially in the US offer a fair few loopholes for using copyrighted footage. It's the same reason people can show a clip on YouTube as long as the work is a) transformative or b) you are adding commentary or comment to it. 

In this case they could argue either. Their main issue is that WWE won't allow their footage to be used in anything they can't control the narrative of so the producers either have to source it elsewhere, which is usually VHS or YouTube. Because of the quality of much of the available footage, I'd assume the filming a tv or adding extra grain is a style choice to hide the worst offenders and give a similar look to all footage used. 

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I've not checked the episode order so I just play the latest episode on watch wrestling each week hoping for the plane ride from hell. Once I saw the warning screen this week of 'contains accounts of abuse and incest' I noped the feck out of that.

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Does this show get any mainstream pub? I've never bothered with it because it's depressing, and they're telling stories I know but the benefit of it is taking some of this scummy behaviour to the masses. Does it actually lead to any questions being asked or is it just the TV equivalent of "Yesterday's papers are tomorrow's chip wrappers"?

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36 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Does it actually lead to any questions being asked or is it just the TV equivalent of "Yesterday's papers are tomorrow's chip wrappers"?

Pretty much this, sadly. The good stuff that comes out of it are more like discovering how amazing Linda Pillman is and Kim Wood getting an audience. But in terms of impact, it just boils down to what usually happens in wrestling. Those that care, already know. And those that dont know, dont really care.

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18 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Pretty much this, sadly. The good stuff that comes out of it are more like discovering how amazing Linda Pillman is and Kim Wood getting an audience. But in terms of impact, it just boils down to what usually happens in wrestling. Those that care, already know. And those that dont know, dont really care.

The last sentence of this is so true and it correlates to current times. 

It's staggering how little reaction there has been to Jamie Horowitz being hired by WWE despite him being fired in the last couple of years because of sexual misconduct. 

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in terms of positives, I think allowing Martha Hart and her kids a platform, and the release of Owen Hart and Nancy Benoit merchandise with the proceeds going to the right places has to be considered. But it's like any true crime series, really, they're discussing things that have been and gone, and that there's little appetite to act upon even if someone like Grizzly Smith was still alive to face punishment. 

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