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Minor Annoyances (Vol 2)


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5 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

So it's a genre of games - with the term being invented relatively recently. Basically, it's relaxing games - games that make you feel "cosy"; things like Animal Crossing, A Short Hike and Stardew Valley. Whatever the case, the term itself certainly doesn't leave me feeling "cosy".

People mis-use it all over the place too. There was a big IGN article about "Why Pikmin 4 needs to be your next Cosy Game" that really bugged me. As someone who did everything there was to do in Pikmin 4 never once did it make me feel cosy. It was full of time management and difficult battles and racing about. It's frantic, not cosy at all.

It's a buzz word for streamers and Tik-Tok idiots that they apply to anything that is cute or has a slither of farming or crafting in it.

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Heavens that's annoying.  It's part of the man-bun-isation of advertising.

@RedRooster  there's a bar/restaurant in town called Cosy Club, all dark mock-art-nouveau furnishing.  It really gives off a swingers-club vibe.

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On 9/17/2023 at 7:04 PM, Joe Blog said:

My old boss who was essentially a giant man child called Asda Asdas and the Coop the Coop Shop. 

He would come to work with the same packed lunch every day, a jam sandwich and a yoghurt. He also used to spin around on one foot and do a twirl when he farted, he would accompany this by shouting ‘get oot and walk’ he was not ashamed of this either, he would do it in front of senior managers and even guests. 

I think of and worry about him quite often. 

A mate and I used to call Asda "Wasda" but it was because we're massive fans of Mark & Lard and it was a nod towards how Lard would refer to albums as "Walbums" during Lard's Classic Cuts. 

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2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Mark & Lard

I loved their show.  That really was the era of comedy/radio duos wasn't it?  Mark and Lard, Collins and Maconie, Lee and Herring, Adam and Joe, Skinner and Baddiel.  I wonder why that dynamic is so out of fashion now?  Every comedian is a solo act.  You don't even really get ensemble sketch shows any more.

Edited by Loki
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probably the same reason Vince McMahon doesn't like tag teams. Why pay two comedians when you can get one, pal?

In broader terms, I wonder if it's something to do with how far removed we are from variety acts - a lot of the great comedy double acts from the generation before had either come up through variety, or were actively evoking it and mimicking the likes of Morecambe and Wise. By the time you get to Reeves and Mortimer, they're putting Eric and Ernie through a surrealist filter, leaving it almost impossible for anyone coming after to them to play that kind of act straight.

It's also probably to do with a shift from variety to stand-up as its own distinct form, too, where comics are expected to be conversational with the audience and have at least the illusion of improvising and ad-libbing. That doesn't really gel with double acts, which tend to rely more on scripted bits and expert timing (not so much for the '90s and early '00s comics you've mentioned, but just as a thought on why the double act in general is less common these days).


Sketch shows is an easier one to explain - the budget is astronomical. The amount of different sets and costumes required for a half-hour show when each sketch has a different setting, and might only last thirty seconds, the cost soon adds up.

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When people write eulogies (either online or in cards) and include excessive swearing.

OK fine, you might have spoken to each other in real life like that, and that's absolutely fine, but do you really want your parting goodbye to be something like "Love you always you fucking little cunt" for all to see.

"Until we meet again bitch-tits" Really? Bit weird.

Edited by SuperBacon
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On 9/26/2023 at 4:14 PM, Carbomb said:

Mitchell & Webb and Armstrong & Miller were a little later, but I can't really think of any comedy duos after them. 

Horne & Corden probably put the bullet in the idea of comedy duos.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Maybe it's just me, but I'm developing an irrational annoyance at the amount of stuff that Halloween seems to be misappropriating from Christmas. Suddenly its Halloween trees, Halloween wreaths, Halloween tinsel. Umm, there's already plenty of enjoyable spider/skeleton/witchy nonsense on the market you can scatter/hang around your gaffe to make it spooky, you don't need to steal from Christmas. Next it will be dead reindeer and zombie Santa, and we'll have the same stuff up for three months in a row with a slight palette swap at half time.

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