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VHS and Betamax You Have Recently Rented

Frankie Crisp

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11 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Surprised to see the love for BR2049. Blade Runner is possibly my favourite film ever but I thought 2049 came straight from the “Matrix sequels” textbook of fleshing out a world introduced in the original, going way too far and leaving me feeling cold. The run time of about three days didn’t help.

That was actually one of my concerns going into it. I didn't think a sequel was 'needed' and wondered how they'd justify it and try to translate the world into a modern movie piece. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't think they went OTT like the Matrix sequels did.  I actually thought they were pretty respectful of what had come before, while still giving it a reason to exist. I'll agree that the runtime was probably bloated.

I guess it depends what someone appreciates about the original. For me it's always been a top drawer movie for the direction and the soundtrack. Not that I don't like the storyline or some of the performances but I'd always lean more into the motifs etc. So I think on that level 2049 succeeds where it needs to. They did obviously try to have some social commentary in there too but whether that worked is always going to be up for debate depending on who you are.

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On 10/7/2021 at 5:43 PM, Devon Malcolm said:

Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (Shudder)

Superb and amazingly progressive early-80s slasher with possibly Susan Tyrrell's most deranged performance. She was great. Features a young Bill Paxton by way of a welcome bonus. Really shocked at how great this was even though its title is stupid.

This sounded really fun, so I checked it out and enjoyed it just as much as you did. Also known as Night Warning and The Evil Protege, so that's three bad titles. Bizarrely, it was banned here as one of the video nasties.

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On 10/11/2021 at 6:32 PM, Keith Houchen said:

Pollard made a few grumble flicks didn’t he? And in 1984, you see Ednas hairy fanny. 

I never want to see Pollard and grumble flicks in the same sentence. Especially when the next one's got "hairy fanny" in it. 

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The Last Duel (cinema)

Well, a difficult one to really judge. On the one hand, it's just nice to see Ridley Scott make the effort these days! The battle scenes and the final duel are great, and Jodie Comer is wonderful, obviously. The Rashomon style set-up also works very well. I'm just not convinced of how well it works on the subject of toxic masculinity and rape, so it's a hard one to balance overall. Definitely would recommend seeing it at least once though, but not for Ben Affleck as a blonde.

Exhibit A (Shudder)

A British found footage film! It would have been a really effective one too if the guy playing the dad wasn't such a terrible actor, but at least it was something different for the genre.

The Night Visitor (Talking Pictures TV)

Absolutely mad Swedish psychological crime thriller thing that's almost impossible to describe without spoiling it. Max von Sydow and Trevor Howard is the sort of acting face-off I can't ever resist though. A must see.


Mentioned this in the horror thread. One of the best films of the year so far although sure to prove divisive.

The Church (1989) (YouTube)

Probably my favourite Italian horror film. As mental as you'd expect but also absolutely beautiful and full of great imagery. Michele Soavi did some of the best work in the genre in the short time he graced it.

Noroi: The Curse (Shudder)

Japanese found footage film that is one of the few that actually uses the gimmick in a believable and interesting way. Uses its lengthy running time to flesh out a cracking story, enjoyed this a lot more than I expected.

Mother's Day (1980) (Shudder)

Finally, a Troma film that I liked! Probably because this was made before they started making all that daft, unfunny shit they made their name with. This was great and quite impressive in how it uses female characters within its setting. A huge surprise.

The Fog 

Ahoy there. Yearly October viewing. Still brilliant. Not close to being Carpenter's best though, which just goes to show how great he was.

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2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

The Last Duel (cinema)

Well, a difficult one to really judge. On the one hand, it's just nice to see Ridley Scott make the effort these days! The battle scenes and the final duel are great, and Jodie Comer is wonderful, obviously. The Rashomon style set-up also works very well. I'm just not convinced of how well it works on the subject of toxic masculinity and rape, so it's a hard one to balance overall. Definitely would recommend seeing it at least once though, but not for Ben Affleck as a blonde.

Looking forward to seeing this one - just got to find enough spare time to fit in a cinema trip before Dune likely kicks it off all the screens that aren’t showing Venom 2…

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Ruthless People (1986)

The wife of a business tycoon gets abducted by two people he wronged and held to ransom, unbeknown to them with a mistress of his own he couldn’t be happier. A black comedy that is at times bordering on farce. Such an intricately clever story and very funny with it.

Strangers on a Train (1951)

Bruno Antony has a theory on how two complete strangers can get away with murder; a chance meeting with tennis player Guy Haines sees him put that theory into practice. After struggling with the Birds, this was more up my street. Mystery, suspense, intrigue, great performances, great film.

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

Twenty years after a mining accident, the town’s residents defy warnings and plan a Valentine’s dance. Said residents then start to be killed in the most gruesome of ways. Pretty cool and unique with a lot of this film taking place in a mine. Good slasher bearing some similarities to The Prowler.

Sweet Sixteen (1983) (YouTube)

Melissa Morgan is new in town and about to turn 16, however any male that shows an interest in her turns up dead. Despite the slasher elements ventures more on the murder mystery side of things. It’s always good when I don’t guess the killer but the end explanation was too confusing.

Blood Tracks (1985) (YouTube)

A rock band head to the mountains to record their new music video, however a reclusive group of troll like folk living in the abandoned factory don’t want them there. Utter rubbish. The dark picture doesn’t help, but it’s not like good lighting would have made a difference. Shite.

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Dune (2021) (Amazon Crime). I've never read the book or seen the 80's movie so whilst I was excited to see this I wasn't as super hyped up as some. George Lucas hasn't half nicked some ideas from this hasn't he! Genuinely didn't have a clue what was gong on at points so will warrant a rewatch so I can understand it better but this is one of the most stunningly beautiful films I've ever seen. And Javier Bardem looks like Oliver Reid now.

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18 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

Dune (2021) (Amazon Crime). I've never read the book or seen the 80's movie so whilst I was excited to see this I wasn't as super hyped up as some. George Lucas hasn't half nicked some ideas from this hasn't he! Genuinely didn't have a clue what was gong on at points so will warrant a rewatch so I can understand it better but this is one of the most stunningly beautiful films I've ever seen. And Javier Bardem looks like Oliver Reid now.

Would this be of the HD streaming variety? 

I made the exact same comment about Lucas in the Audiobook thread although I’m sure someone else pointed out that Dune itself nicked from something else. It’s all space bollocks.

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Night Teeth (Netflix)

Netflix are doing better with their horror stuff and I rather enjoyed this. Trades more on style than its story but the cast are all ace (especially Lucy Fry) and it's a bit like a vampire Collateral. Shame about the shitty title though.

Fear Street (Netflix)

Wasn't expecting anything from these films at all but they were a blast, especially the 1978 one. It probably would have worked better as a TV series as all three films felt a bit stretched at times but they largely work well in their own right and the story connects together nicely over all three of them. Surprisingly good stuff.

One Dark Night (YouTube)

Low budget early 80s horror about Meg Tilly seeing out a night in a mausoleum as a hazing ritual. This was really great - relies on building up tension and features no jump scares and hardly any blood. Never heard of it before last night but it's one of the best things I've watched this month.

The Borderlands 

Wouldn't expect any horror film with Gordon Kennedy (yes, that one) to be any cop but this really was. Probably didn't need to be found footage in nature but the story's well built and the ending is great. Kennedy was really good too, bizarrely!

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It 

Disliked the first two Conjuring films, absolutely detested this. James Wan's determined to run horror into the ground with his jump scare shit, the absolute bell. Vera Farmiga deserves better than this, but I think everyone does.

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4 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

The Borderlands 

Wouldn't expect any horror film with Gordon Kennedy (yes, that one) to be any cop but this really was. Probably didn't need to be found footage in nature but the story's well built and the ending is great. Kennedy was really good too, bizarrely!

Totally agree. Don't want to go into spoilers for the ending, but as someone who suffers from claustrophobia it genuinely gave me a panic attack the first time I saw it. Even thinking about it now gets my heart going.

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On 10/15/2021 at 4:18 PM, Devon Malcolm said:

 Noroi: The Curse (Shudder)

Japanese found footage film that is one of the few that actually uses the gimmick in a believable and interesting way. Uses its lengthy running time to flesh out a cracking story, enjoyed this a lot more than I expected.

Been on the fence about checking that out for ages.

Thinking Halloween viewing. 

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