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VHS and Betamax You Have Recently Rented

Frankie Crisp

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We're going to need a smaller thread.

Living in the Material World (2011)

Like Butch starting a thread about Wrexham shaggers or Devon about trainers, I might as well kick this off with a Beatles-related thing. Hand on heart, this is one of the best things you could ever wish to watch. Like The Beatles? Bonus. Ambivalent? No problem. Hate them? You'll still like it.

Whilst the first part of this is about the group, how they rose to success and how they changed music and society for the better, the majority of the film is about George's post-Beatles life, his personal journey and how he became the kind of human being we'd all love to be*. This isn't about them as a band or their music, this is about a 15-year old joining a band, following his dreams, getting pissed off and then flourishing. Not just as a musician, but as a human being.

It's a lovely touch by Scorsese to have George's lad, Dhani, read out the letters his old man sent home to the family when he was fucking about in Hamburg and around the UK during the early years. It's very sweet to know that whilst a young lad was seeing and doing all kinds, he was still considerate enough to get down to the Post Office.

These aren't spoilers because it's stuff everyone's aware of, but the bits about the stabbing/Olivia twatting the intruder (who lived in the same block of flats as my Uncle Terry, FYI) are very insightful, but the best/worst part is Dhani and Olivia describing in great detail what it was like when George died. Fucking hell. I lost it in the picturehouse when I watched this the first time and have done so each time I've watched this since. It's beautiful and heartbreaking.

Honestly, just watch this and as upsetting as it is, you'll end it with the biggest smile. And it's good for people to hear an actual Scouse accent, rather than the weird, forced one everyone hears on the telly.

* It doesn't cover the time he was knocking off Ringo's wife, surprisingly. It's as if the rhetoric has been set in stone.

Edit: there's some alright music in it.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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Horrible Bosses (nefarious means)

I mean, it's alright. Charlie Day is very annoying but there are a few laughs scattered around. It's just not dark enough for a supposed black comedy though. But at least it was better than what I expected.

For a Few Dollars More (YouTube)

I read somewhere after this that, briefly, Lee Van Cleef was regarded as being as big a star as Clint Eastwood off the back of this, and you can see why. Sergio Leone basically has them share the lead, which is an interesting decision after A Fistful of Dollars. Works great though because they play off each other superbly. What an ending, too.

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If... (Amazon Prime) 


First time I'd watched since I waxthed it on Channel 5 at about 3 am on weekend in about 2000. Its a brilliant film, wonderfully directed, and filmed beautifully. Easily the best thing to have Robin Askwith appear in it. McDowell is brilliant in it. 




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27 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

If... (Amazon Prime) 


First time I'd watched since I waxthed it on Channel 5 at about 3 am on weekend in about 2000. Its a brilliant film, wonderfully directed, and filmed beautifully. Easily the best thing to have Robin Askwith appear in it. McDowell is brilliant in it. 

Awesome film. I watched a great film the other day called Another Country (also on Prime) which would make for a great follow-up watch.

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Operation Condor: Chinese Zodiac (Netflix) 

Why Jackie, Why? Considering that his output post 2009 with the likes of Shinjuku Incident, Little Big Soldier and The Foreigner being brilliant. This is a horrendous misstep. Sure the stuntwork is insane, however this utterly sucks as a film. 

Jarring tonality aside it basically tarnishes the original Armour of God and makes me long for Armour of God2: Operation Condor even more.  Definitely one to avoid which is such a shame especially when even the Police Story:Lockdown reboot was pretty decent too. Avoid. 

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Gotta disagree about Police Story Lockdown, that was dogshit. The action is awful. Chinese Zodiac is by no standard top tier Jackie but at least it has Jackie style fights and stunts. I guess it depends on what you are after with a Jackie movie. That reminds me I've had Shinjuku Incident sat an a shelf for the best of 5 years now. Should really get that watched.

 I watch the new 2k restoration of the extended cut of Operation Condor last week and its even better than i remember. Just loads and loads of fun. 

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2 hours ago, DEF said:

Gotta disagree about Police Story Lockdown, that was dogshit. The action is awful. Chinese Zodiac is by no standard top tier Jackie but at least it has Jackie style fights and stunts. I guess it depends on what you are after with a Jackie movie. That reminds me I've had Shinjuku Incident sat an a shelf for the best of 5 years now. Should really get that watched.

 I watch the new 2k restoration of the extended cut of Operation Condor last week and its even better than i remember. Just loads and loads of fun. 

Fair enough. I liked it given the small budget do everything on one set style thing wasn't expecting loads so was pleasantly surprised

Restored..Operation Condor.. OMFG. Payday tomorrow... #win.

Shinjuku Incident is possibly my 2nd fave film from Jackie after Operation Condor. Hope you enjoy it

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Yeah, I watched Chinese Zodiac a couple of weeks ago and was bored shitless. Not really a fan of the Armour of God trilogy, they're all lower tier Jackie for me.

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Indiana Jones 1, 2 and 3 (the 80s)

God, this was so much fun. I’ve seen them a bunch of times in fits and starts over the years but for whatever reason (couldn’t be arsed doing any work and had some new crisps), I decided to watch them back-to-back today.

The first one is (I think) regarded as the best and I can understand why. It’s funny, it wastes no time getting into the action but it has the right amount of downtime to let the viewer catch a breath. It’s clever enough to set the ‘teacher is a bit mad and goes off getting battered’ story so quickly you don’t question how daft it is.

The second is good, but just doesn’t have the fun and flow of the first. It’s still a hoot, I just found myself wandering off trying to stay invested. But it’s got Michael Choi from Brookside in, so there’s that.

The third takes it for me, but that may be because it’s the one I remember seeing at the pictures with me Dad. The flashback to start with, the great scenery throughout and knowing Elsa is inevitably going to be a mate of the Nazis but still being fit. It’s got the lot. Harrison Ford takes a German Suplex from a German, on a tank, for fuck’s sake. Connery is ace.

Anyway, these are great. Harrison Ford would be the best action lead ever if it wasn’t for Tom Cruise. Star of the three, Ford aside, is Denholm Elliot. He knew exactly how to play the berk.

Away We Go (2009)

Still one of my favourite films of all time, despite the abuse I got on here for saying as much a decade ago. Cleverly written and performed, the soundtrack is perfect and the smaller roles are what make this. Bert’s mum and dad’s five minutes are just wonderful, the mad pissed-up mate who is appalling to her kids works well as they try to understand upcoming parenthood and the bit in Montreal - after the niceties - is heartbreaking. The trampoline scene wrecks me every time, as does the closing shot. I adore this film so bloody much. Thirty stars.

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War Of The Worlds. The Tom Cruise one. I always forget this is Stephen Speilberg until his name flashes up at the end. I've seen this a bunch of times and I still think it's great.

The tripods still look ace and its only a couple of scenes where the green screen work has aged badly. It's still as tense as I remember aswell, particularly when they encounter the crowd when driving the car, hiding in the house with crazy Tim Robbins and the bit at the pier.  It also features Tom Cruise throwing a sandwich at a window- what's not to like.

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Road Trip (nefarious means)

Shame it was directed by Todd Phillips as a decent director could have done something better with this. Still pretty funny but Breckin Meyer is a fucking bore in the lead.

Gregory's Girl (Amazon Prime rental)

Bill Forsyth is one of Scotland's greatest ever directors and it's about time he was recognised as such. I normally hate sports films but there wasn't that much football in this. Really nice and funny romcom.

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On 6/23/2020 at 6:24 AM, DEF said:

Gotta disagree about Police Story Lockdown, that was dogshit. The action is awful. Chinese Zodiac is by no standard top tier Jackie but at least it has Jackie style fights and stunts. I guess it depends on what you are after with a Jackie movie. That reminds me I've had Shinjuku Incident sat an a shelf for the best of 5 years now. Should really get that watched.

 I watch the new 2k restoration of the extended cut of Operation Condor last week and its even better than i remember. Just loads and loads of fun. 

Very fond memories of watching this alongside you and your other half at that special screening.

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8 hours ago, John Matrix said:

Very fond memories of watching this alongside you and your other half at that special screening.

It's entirely possible I'm a little bias towards the film because of that very reason. That's easily all time top 3 experiences at the cinema stuff for me.

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Days of The Bagnold Summer

One of those movies where there isn't really a storyline as it's just what happens to a son and his mother over the course of a summer but it was still quite enjoyable. Directed by Simon Bird from The Inbetweeners who does a good job but obviously has spent a lot of time going through that One Perfect Shot twitter account in the hopes that this movie gets included. Nice turn by Nick Cave's son in the co-lead and I'd like to see some more stuff from him in the future.

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Wish You Were Here (YouTube)

Up yer bum. Emily Lloyd was so great, it's so sad she had such severe personal issues. Just an amazing young actress. Still a really good film, this.

Dude, Where's My Car? (nefarious means)

Chinese foooooood.

The Insider (YouTube)

Michael Mann's best film. I'm not really a fan of his (Collateral is great and Thief is pretty good) but he stops arseing around and makes a really solid, epic investigative drama with a truly great Russell Crowe performance. Brilliant character actors in this too - Bruce McGill, Philip Baker Hall, Stephen Tobolowsky. Lovely stuff.

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