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Christopher Au has died - fundraiser/funeral details in thread

John Matrix

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  • Paid Members

Blimey, only knew of him from reading here myself. Tragic news. R.I.P

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  • Paid Members

Oh, my god. What horrible news to read. I never met him in person, but interacted a bit on here and a bit on Twitter, and he seemed like nothing less than a genuine, decent guy. Rest In Power. 

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  • Paid Members

I can’t sleep... I went back to look at some of his last posts in here and absolutely love this:

”I just don’t really seem to age so I’ll ride that wave for as long as it lasts knowing it’ll catch up to me eventually.”

Guess he’s riding that wave off into the sunset ❤️

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  • Awards Moderator

How utterly dreadful. Such a damn nice guy. Never met him in person but online was funny and decent, both here and elsewhere. Definitely felt like one of the old guard like Chest said. RIP mate. 

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Awful news. Was a great poster who would go above and beyond for anyone as demonstrated in this thread. It's 11 years since my best mate died of Cancer today too :/. I shall light a candle for them both


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  • Paid Members

Not much more I can add that hasn't been already said. Fucking hell. Had a few interactions on here and elsewhere over the years, but never met in real life. Always came across as a top bloke, and I had no idea he was ill. Cancer is such an utter, utter bastard.

That is so sad, and seems incredibly unfair for someone at such a young age.  


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  • Paid Members

That's absolutely awful news. Never had a cross word with anyone and was such an absolute gentleman, particularly to myself when I was the whipping boy of the forum way back when. I'll always remember that.
Absolutely stunned here. My thoughts, prayers and love to his family and friends. RIP.


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