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Covid-19 Megathread


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On 12/22/2020 at 5:16 PM, johnnyboy said:

Officially locked in for the finale of 2020 after JB Jr just tested positive.  Proper fucking shite.

I feel for you, I've been in the same boat as you mate. My wife was told to self isolate for 10 days last Saturday morning (which devastated her as it meant she couldn't see her parents over Xmas- this was hours before we had any idea the government would send us all into Tier 4). She then tested positive herself a few days later and I'm certain I've had it over Christmas too. 

It's no surprise, it's tearing through this town like wildfire. We have one of the highest rates of infection across the country now. 

My isolation period is up on 1st Jan. At least with lockdown I could go out for a walk/run/bike ride, or at least go food shopping. Being cooked up like this is killing me. 

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@johnnyboy Same here- I went out last Sunday and went mad in Lidl and Asda, knowing that for the first time ever we'd have to sort out Christmas Dinner at home ourselves (and not at either sets of parents). The following day she tested positive, so I got it done by the skin of my teeth. £4 cheap Baileys for the win. 

My wife has had it similarly to your child- but with her energy drained too. I've had the cough and the flu-type body aches. We're on the mend now, hopefully you'll all come through the other side soon. 

@SuperBaconmadness isn't it, the tier system is bollocks and it couldn't be clearer that the biggest spreader over the past few months has been schools. The evidence is there for all to see. My wife got it because she works in a school and it has gone through everyone there in no time. 16 members of staff at last count apparently. 

Youth grassroots football can, incredibly, resume in Tier 4. Coaching is what keeps me going and I suffered without it during the first lockdown, but I struggle to understand how it can resume. The rules say you can only meet one other person in public yet on a Sunday morning I can share a similar space with 30+ folk from '1,300 cases per 100,000' Thurrock as 14 kids come into very close contact? It's bollocks. 

Edited by PunkStep
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After coming down with a fairly bad cough and temperature I’ve went and got tested this morning. I’m almost certain it’s going to be negative but can’t really risk it.

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Add me to the self-isolation gang. Got the message a few days back then came down with a cough and tight chest last night, so currently waiting on a home test kit to arrive. Not being able to go for a run along the canal, which does wonders for my mental health, is really fucking me over.

My mam tested positive a few days back too and my dad's fairly certain he's got it. They've both got tons of underlying health issues which is my main worry. I'd kind of braced myself for my mam getting it as she's a carer for the elderly, but the timing is shitty as it meant they had to cancel seeing all their grandkids on Christmas day. This new more transmissible variant seems to be ripping through the country.

Still, I get 2 extra days off work.


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Wishing all the best to you folks and your families that are sick and/or having to isolate inside at the moment. Here in NI it feels like we're heading for the worst point to date of this whole pandemic, and by the sounds of all the rest of you, it's no better on the mainland. 

The vaccine arriving should have been a watershed moment, but the anti-vaxers seem to be just as common as those taking the vaccine so far, which is a worrying sign for the chances of anything changing in the near future. 

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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

After coming down with a fairly bad cough and temperature I’ve went and got tested this morning. I’m almost certain it’s going to be negative but can’t really risk it.

Smart move and don't be shocked if it is positive. I would have sworn up and down before my positive test it was nothing. 

Edited by ElCece
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21 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

After coming down with a fairly bad cough and temperature I’ve went and got tested this morning. I’m almost certain it’s going to be negative but can’t really risk it.

Well colour me fucking dead wrong. Ya boy Felatio has Covid.

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11 hours ago, scratchdj said:

One of my oldest and dearest friends has had a whole life of medical problems. He was born with a hole in the heart and has been in and out of hospital all his life. He had a kidney transplant at 15 and emergency open heart surgery at 28 and almost died of a heart infection 5 years ago.

Exactly 1 month before Christmas he was diagnosed with a stage 3 lymphoma and was put on a course of chemo almost immediately. I’ve just been told via his family he’s now tested positive for COVID in hospital. He’s only 41 and is the nicest, warmest and most incredible person I’ve ever met and doesn’t deserve this. The fact he’s going through this all on his own is truly heartbreaking.

We’ve got a WhatsApp group with his closest friends and all 5 of us are worried sick, but at least we can keep in touch with him.

What struck me most is that despite the severity and aggression of his cancer, we’re all much more worried about a virus none of us had heard of a year ago.

I've my fingers firmly crossed for you Scratch. Try not to overthink it, obviously he is in a really difficult situation but covid is such a fickle virus. I've heard of numerous immunocomprised people who shrug it off. 

Do what you can to support him and his family through not only Covid but also his Lymphoma and that's all you can do.

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