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Covid-19 Megathread


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I watch the 9pm news every two days to get a jist of what's going on. Other than that I've been reading, watching The Simpsons & Boy Meets World on the Disney app and drinking a rake of Guinness when I'm not working the next day.

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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Has anyone else completely stopped watching or reading the news? I've knocked it all on the head completely. I have no idea what the latest 'news' is but if something important happens or the guidance changes my wife will let me know, I assume. 

Yep. I was obsessed up to a couple of weeks ago- constantly on BBC news and watching the briefings without fail. But isolation/lockdown has put us in a bit of a bubble to be honest. I'm not checking the news often at all.

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Same. At this point we know what we’re meant to be doing - stay in as much as possible, wash hands regularly etc. You just get yourself down watching the news at the moment. It’s hard to try to stay positive when it’s just a constant stream of bad news.

I was talking to my old man on the phone earlier and I urged him to fuck the news off for a bit as well. He’s always loved his sport and with that all on hold now, I think he’s had the news playing pretty much on a loop and I can tell it’s getting him down. He’s 70 this year and has some health issues and he’s bricking it thinking he’s not going to see his grandkids again. In 34 years, I don’t recall ever seeing my Dad cry but he spoke to my daughter on the phone earlier and I could hear him getting proper choked up. It was horrible. But I think a big part of it is him just constantly listening to the news. I think naturally because it’s scaring him, he’s always wanting the latest updates but I told him to knock it on the head for a bit because it’s just causing him extra stress. I set up Netflix for him just before the world got battered by this virus so I’ve tried to get him to get stuck into that and he’s said he will. He’s currently in the process of getting his missus to show him how WhatsApp and FaceTime work as well so he can speak to the kids and see them at the same time. That should hopefully lift his spirits. 

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My Dad and my Stepmum have been emailing my eldest through the address we set up for her to keep in touch with her friends.

She absolutely loves it* and they do too, and I actually think it's helped with their communication with her (they tend to baby the kids).

*Wish she'd stop emailing me fucking dog memes when she's not here though. Only kidding.

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The Sun newspaper is facing hardship through declining sales (big "aaaaaah', everybody) ostensibly through COVID-19. The outstanding Man Behaving Dadly has set up a Gofundme to raise money to save it. But wait! All is not as it appears. Go read the detail. Especially if you hate The Sun. 


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7 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

The Sun newspaper is facing hardship through declining sales (big "aaaaaah', everybody) ostensibly through COVID-19. The outstanding Man Behaving Dadly has set up a Gofundme to raise money to save it. But wait! All is not as it appears. Go read the detail. Especially if you hate The Sun. 


Brilliant, absolutely brilliant 

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Hope everybody in the UK is doing well .


Not meaning to stir the pot but .......



Should Brexit still go ahead in lieu of this crisis ?


All EU states will be fucked financially and I am not sure if it’s an extremely good or bad move for the UK to be in or out of the E.U.!


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Am excellent article from Five Thirty Eight on how difficult it is to model and predict COVID-19. Well worth your time. 


TL;DR it's almost impossible to effectively predict how viral or deadly the virus is at the moment. 

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