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Covid-19 Megathread


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10 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

He clearly said a family can be together for walks runs etc.

Donā€™t group up with your football mates and go for a run or take your family and go hang out In the high street. Ā Prevent it jumping householdsĀ 

My sister in law works for a large paint store.... they are open....... give it a few days of sports direct and the like acting like twats and the lockdown will get more severeĀ 

Management where I work are apparently also trying to stay open.

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

Decided against the half hearted self isolation/ restriced contact hunter gatherer approach before the announcement was madeĀ so I'll be staying in work. A woman complaining about her M&S garmemt arriving late and a different woman opening her door whilst coughing on to me before I had chance to dive for cover has me already regretting this.

So, fellow divorced dads, what the fuck do we do? I'm waiting for a slither of hope that I can have some form of contact but it's not likely they'll be able to stay with me is it? The idea I won't be able to see them for that long is killing me. I've never gone more than a few day's without contact their entire lives. They live 16 miles away otherwise we'd have strategic daily exercise meets but unless there's an exception made it looks like my mental health is about to plummet.

They can't enforce that, so you'll be ok. Chin up mate.Ā 

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I'm about to head to the office to get everyone set up to be able to work from home, and then heading home myself.Ā 

I luckily have an office space I can work in at home. I think I'd struggle to work in a room at home where I'm in every day, so a nice bright closed off room I'm never in will help.Ā 

No. It's not the toilet.Ā 

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

So, fellow divorced dads, what the fuck do we do? I'm waiting for a slither of hope that I can have some form of contact but it's not likely they'll be able to stay with me is it? The idea I won't be able to see them for that long is killing me. I've never gone more than a few day's without contact their entire lives. They live 16 miles away otherwise we'd have strategic daily exercise meets but unless there's an exception made it looks like my mental health is about to plummet.

"Where parents do not live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parentsā€™ homes"


Edited by Uncle Zeb
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7 hours ago, Nostalgia Nonce said:

I work in home insurance. Considering the tantrums we put up with each day from people that have dropped their phone or smashed their TV screen, they're going to go fucking mental now that they can't get a replacement.

Maintenance should absolutely be classified as essential work, or that's a lot of people clutching warranty chits like lottery tickets.Ā 

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37 minutes ago, seph said:

Maintenance should absolutely be classified as essential work, or that's a lot of people clutching warranty chits like lottery tickets.Ā 

My step-dad and his kids/grandkids are plumbers, and they have been told they can continue to work as normal. The issues seem to be that all the big materials suppliers are either closed or have said they are closing this week. So if anyone's boiler packs in, they can go look at it, but getting parts is going to be a nightmare!

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So my line of work is essential because we deal with waste but we're still taking in scrap metal which think is wrong. Just had the council tip nearly 3 tonne of it. How irresponsible that local authorities are still disposing of non essential materials. Fucking joke.

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With no clarification regarding online retailers and manufacturing processes we're pressing on as usual until told othwrwise. I've seen more traffic and people out and about today than I did yesterday. How? Idiots.Ā 

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Its OK to be out as long as you're a safe distance away. I assume most are not.

Has there ever been a stupider idea from Khan then to reduce the Tube service at this time? Its led to absolutely packed trains and platforms as people have to wait longer for tubes or all go to a station that isn't there usual one.

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They're clearly trying to minimise the economic impact. They have been from the start. They could have locked down earlier once they discovered their "herd immunity" scheme was a killer but they're desperate to keep the closures, job losses and loss of businesses to a minimum, is what it seems to me. Even now, they still have a list of exceptions, some which still seem unnecessary to me but it's clearly to keep as much work going as is possible. They'll be desperate to avoid a full shutdown like Italy.

I'm not sure about it myself but I am keen to get some jobs done round the house and garden so pleased some shops are still open. My pal's lad works at B&Q and they were asking people with symptoms to go in and ring 111 in front of a member of HR if they wanted to self-isolate, so they can fuck off.

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Just now, tiger_rick said:

They're clearly trying to minimise the economic impact.

Doesn't that make sense though? Complete closure reeks of chopping off our noses to spite our faces. Granted, we minimise the effects of a virus, but we then invite mass job losses, businesses going to the wall and so on, which will lead to a whole host of issues. Chuck in the shortage of basic goods, the month-long waiting list for supermarket food delivery in some areas, and it's a very dangerous mixture that could eventually make the dangers of the virus look like small potatoes.

What alsoĀ astounds me is the amount of people who think that this government will be able to send everyone 80% of their lost wages.

Only a few short months back we thought they weren't capable of running a bath, and we were condemning them for how they treated unemployed people on benefits. now they're going to be writing cheques and handing out cash in a timely manner?

Not a fucking chance.

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46 minutes ago, David said:

Having seen the fallout from all of this, it should be clear to anyone with half a brain that it's entirely unworkable. So many different circumstances that there's no way to legislate for them all.

An absolute shambles.

I think what so many people seem to be missing here is that without having a complete list of every business, scenario or workplace with a yes or no applied next to it then it would be near impossible for absolute clarity at this stage. We will end up with everything bar supermarkets, pharmacies, Police, NHS/healthcare/care staff, fire brigade and army pretty much being shut down in the future and likely with all parks and public places shut with only short walks for excercise permitted outwith essential trips for medicine, food or medical/heath treatment. Yes it's pointless to ask people to use their common sense because a) so few people have any b) so many people still don't realise how serious this is c) you're always going to get the "they can't make me" idiots. There's far too many people having to go to work today who shouldn't be and it's not only increasing the risk of spreading the disease but it's unneccessarily putting them and their families at risk. Hopefully bosses make the right decisions where they can and shut down of their own accord but it shouldn't have to come to that. Despite what anyone thinks, nobody in any government in the UK or Ireland wants these type of conditions or to have to enforce them. They are only here because they are needed and that's that. For those with children split between 2 households, keep them split solely between those 2 households wherever possible. Nobody is suggesting an enforced 3 weeks of not seeing your kid if they're currently with the other parent but let's all make a real effort to not be one of the mutants who has been letting their children out to run about with a group of 20 of their mates to all then go home and potentially infect 20 families. This isn't fun for anyone and if it is then shouldn't be. Yes there's a gigantic strain on people in all manners whether it be mental health, financial or anything else however people are dying and it is. Very soon if not already we are going to have no medical care available for those who desperately need it and as with in other first world countries who've been experiencing all this ahead of us people are going to have to start making decisions about who they even try to save and lots of people who could have survived are going to die because we didnt have the people or equiptment to help them. Whose fault that is and all the policial stuff is at this stage entirely irrelevant and a discussion/argument to be had once as many of us as possibleĀ get through this. I wish each and everyone one of you, your friends and your families the best of luck and the best of health but we all need to accept how serious this is.

Edited by Jonny Vegas
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There are a good number of manufacturing businesses around my way that have told staff they have to work as normal, or claim SSP(they won't apply for the 80% furlough payments on their behalfs). These are not what anyone would call "essential"(one is a huge door factory that employs hundreds of people). It's just asking for trouble...

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