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The Smackers Thread


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I enjoyed Edge's rise up the babyface ranks after the initial roster split (winning tag titles with Hogan & Rey, great feuds with Angle, Eddie & Jericho) but then he got the bad neck injury & was gone the guts of a year. They brought him back with no hype as a bland face and he floundered until the shite with Lita/Matt which turned him mega heel and led to the title win and the entertaining feuds with Foley, Cena & Flair as well as the brief team with Orton.

He was grand for a while after that but once that ran its course  & they split him and Lita & they tried it again with Vickie (to diminishing returns) I always felt he was fairly meh and more a top midcarder rather than a proper main eventer. Only proper feud I can remember after that was the Taker Mania one with Ryder & Hawkins as his goons and the rest sort of blurs into sameness beyond that for me. It was nice seeing his return at the Rumble last year, but I had no appetite to see him as regularly like they've ended up doing.

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After thebfeud with Taker the shine had gone, mostly due to booming an injuries I think. He came back and jumped about in feuds from Triple H, Jeff Hardy and Cena with the big gold being hot shotted around. The Mania match with Cena and Show had a build worth of a midcard b level ppv too. Then after his injury pretty much all his booking was rotten until the end. 

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I am left wondering what the plan was - if anything- back at the Rumble, and how things may have changed since.

Did they ever plan for Edge to be the one to dethrone Reigns? And if so, now he's heel, can you really swap to a tepid Edge from Reigns? I don't think for a second they'll allow Bryan to come out on top again, but they have just booked themselves into a mess.

Bryan should have won the Rumble, Edge should have built to a blow off with Orton. 

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I know it was done before (MITB winner), but probably would have preferred Edge coming back as a surprise and winning the MITB case, buggering off for a little while and then cashing in 'on his terms' rather than win the Rumble. I'm not Daniel Bryans biggest fan but you could have had him win the rumble to face Roman and then have Edge cash his way into the match/main event as the heel who wants the gold one last time. 

Edited by Briefcase
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23 hours ago, air_raid said:

I know “Edge was never the big deal WWE pretend he was” is a pretty common flag to fly these days, but I think this is pretty harsh. Guy was on top for ages on and off, had plenty of great matches and a fair few genuinely memorable feuds and great moments, and was World Champion many times including a spell where he was the best bad guy in the company taking in a lengthy feud with The Undertaker that went on last at a Mania. He’s definitely been.

Really good post that covers just about everything for me - Edge will never be remembered as a tremendous worker or "THE" guy but he was a legitimate Champion and sold a fair bit of merchandise back in the day. His feuds with Cena and Undertaker still stand up to scrutiny today when you watch them back and he carried Smackdown for a couple of years when they were a bit light on the ground in terms of stars. In the two title era, for me he's the number two guy, first one that springs to mind. 

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20 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

I know it was done before (MITB winner), but probably would have preferred Edge coming back as a surprise and winning the MITB case, buggering off for a little while and then cashing in 'on his terms' rather than win the Rumble.

Problem is (a) thats not very babyface and (b) it’s been done not just before, but to death. Not just the trope, but specifically to Edge. In his former life as “the ultimate opportunist” he won world titles by cashing in the briefcase TWICE, by inserting himself in an elimination chamber he wasn’t booked in and by showing up unannounced at the end of a triple threat match he wasn’t in, as well as winning a Rumble as a surprise return even before this years. “Edge shows up as a surprise and wins” has happened so often it hardly comes as a surprise anymore, the last thing we need is him carrying a briefcase around for a third time.

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Been announced tonight that next week's go home show will be a Wrestlemania appetizer featuring the Andre Battle Royal and a 4 way for the Smackdown Tag Titles between the Dirty Dawgz, Street Profits, Los Mysterios and Alpha Academy plus interviews with Reigns, Edge and Bryan

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5 hours ago, Angle_fan said:

I wonder what the pre-shows will be. Crazy. 

No matches on Night 1 on the pre-show I imagine, so they can make a big deal of the first match back in front of fans on the main show. 

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9 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

They've had two years to come up with a name for Roode/Ziggler and the best they could do was Dirty Dawgs?!

They still haven’t been officially announced as such, despite wearing merch with that name on for nearly a year, you can’t even buy them on WWE Shop


1 hour ago, mim731 said:

No matches on Night 1 on the pre-show I imagine, so they can make a big deal of the first match back in front of fans on the main show. 

Thats the rumour doing the rounds from that Wrestlevotes account, no pre show matches next Saturday so that whatever goes on first gets a monster pop

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