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That belt is ugly and that probably isn't by design but I think the belt should look ugly really. The joke is that it's meaningless crap for the midcarders and lower to fight over. It shouldn't look pretty. That it manages to be a particularly garish version of a modern day WWE design makes it even better. Wrestling and shit designs should be forever linked. 

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3 hours ago, Supremo said:

You could sense the crowd were into it and would’ve popped huge if they’d just announced it as the Hardcore Title, revealing a smashed up pile of shit belt.

That wouldn't make sense though. The smashed-up title at the time had a well worked backstory between McMahon and Foley. Other than Foley announcing the belt, and to pop the fans for nostalgia on one occasion, there is no reason to use the old Hardcore title.

That said, the new belt looks proper shit mind. They've had a good run with nice looking new belts lately, so they were due a shit'un.

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Before Brock had even left the ramp I was starting to rethink my reservations about him winning MITB. Goofy Brock is pretty glorious. I'm still not too pleased about him having the case really - ultimately Brock's already presented as a guy who can have a title shot whenever he asks for one - but seeing him here revelling in everyone's disgust was pretty excellent.

I enjoyed the Ricochet/Cesaro and Usos/Revival matches.

My dream for the 24/7 title now is that, at the start of every episode of Raw and Smackdown, you have four jobbers from the opposing show turn up in a Wacky Races scrum to use up all the wildcard places. I want Roman Reigns to show up on Raw to call out Brock Lesnar only to be told, "sorry, Roman, no can do... we have no time for you this week... the wildcard slots were taken by Apollo Crews, Bo Dallas, Epico and Mike Kanellis racing by in an indistinguishable blur... off you trot".

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Brock with the briefcase is genius. Unprecedented level of menace lurking in the background. Completely new dynamic.

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The interesting dynamic that the 24/7 does bring is that it might reduce the number of midcard matches that go on for no reason other than to fill up space in a three hour card.  Until he loses it, there's no way Truth is wrestling a match, and you would assume other people will just spend their time looking for him.  Given one of the major issues is the lack of any "point" to a lot of matches and wins and losses not seeming to matter any more, bringing in a plot device to (a) give people a reason to fight (b) in different circumstances (c) where winning matters actually seems to make a lot of sense and could actually fill a decent chunk of time if done well.


Writing those last three words though does reveal the issue with it!

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20 hours ago, air_raid said:

Brock with the briefcase is genius. Unprecedented level of menace lurking in the background. Completely new dynamic.

It would be brilliant, but you just know that he will announce on Raw next week that he is cashing in at (not in Saudi Arabia) Super Show Down, and that will be that.

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Just now, The King of Old School said:

It would be brilliant, but you just know that he will announce on Raw next week that he is cashing in at (not in Saudi Arabia) Super Show Down, and that will be that.

Of course. Because the only thing that the company does better than failing to conceive good ideas, is fail to spot potentially good ideas with the same lack of imagination.

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Loved happy Brock with the briefcase, it's such a perfect role for him, better than champion, it's a great reason to have him in the background like an end of level boss who will suddenly appear. Liked Heyman's comment about the champs auditioning to be the one good enough for Brock to bother with, made Brock sound epic, never mind the fact that one of them beat him a month ago. Really hope he doesn't just cash it in soon and then leave a question mark over his future, would be fun to have him tied to something for a bit, I'm sure they could come up with some Brock MITB stuff that would shift some merch as well, he's had so many suplex city t shirts he could do with a new hook.

24/7 title was fun and I must admit to chuckling a couple of times, thought it could have done with starting with a bit more star power, like if the main event of the show was nearly everyone on the roster trying to get it before the guys higher up the card realised it was a right crazy ballache and left it to the lower card guys. Main event was pretty boring, if there are two champs I'd just as soon they weren't both slim, high-flying, fiery babyfaces TBH.

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I was thinking the 24/7 title would be a little more interesting if there were some long term stakes with it such as the holder of the title on December 31st at midnight gets the title shot at the Royal Rumble or something. Gives the undercard guys a bit more purpose than "Oooh shiny shiny" and due to its nature you don't have to commit to anything, Vince could even live stream at 11:55PM Roman Reigns or whoever pinning the current holder if they like although I do like the fantasy booking idea that came into my head of Drake Maverick winning it while Joe is champion and has been on a massive destructive path then trying to lose it for a week or two while other lower card guys try to avoid him creating a reverse of the norm. 

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