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Posted (edited)

So, in the 'Random Thoughts' thread I floated the idea of a rolling Raw thread. The forum isn't as young as it once was, and as i'm sure some of the older members will attest, once you start getting on, it's not as easy to perform as you did in your younger years (for your information, i'm in my prime. Thanks for asking).


Raw threads, once upon a time, would routinely get at least 5 pages of virile discussion, whereas last week the UKFF couldn't even get one up.


So, here it is, the UKFF Raw thread. We can just let it roll, and for those of us who suffer through even the shittest Raw, we'll have somewhere to vent our spleen. And, we can even have pre-discussions about why we're so excited for a certain show.


As for last night, it was fucking ace wasn't it?


I mean, that corporate makeover segment was so close to being terrible, but D-Bry salvaged it with an absolutely ace promo that gave us a clear understanding of his character, and what separates him from the rest of the pack. He still looks like he hums, but he also looked like an absolute mega star with that promo. Easily his best character work since he came to the WWE. It almost seemed like they were starting to transition him, slowly, from humorous-character-who-can-wrestle to serious-wrestler-who-can-be-humorous. Vince was great, too, and everyone loves a headbutt. The Wade Barrett bit threatened to derail the whole thing ('HE'S GOT A SMALLER BEARD! THUS HE IS BARBER!') but, again, D-Bry pulled it out.


What a wonderful human being.


John Cena's promo was great, too, and helped solidify the differences between the two men. On the one hand you have the pure wrestling guy, who'd wrestle in front of three people in a ring made out of concrete; and on the other hand you have the WWE company man, who'd never work anywhere else. Neither is intrinsically bad, just wildly different.


In fact, i've got such a throbbing stiffy for the WWE title feud. It's got such a nuanced narrative (for a WWE feud, you understand), with a bunch of different players with massively different agendas. You've got Triple H/Vince/Stephanie on the one side, Randy Orton on the other, John Cena and D-Bry in the centre and now The Shield circling like vultures. It's fucking ace. I mean, it all seems to be pointing towards D-Bry winning, and Vince promptly helping Orton cash-in his contract and thus facilitating a serious side of D-Bry, a Trips/Vince feud and an Orton heel turn, but I don't care if it happens exactly like I already think; it's all so brilliant.


*EDIT* I forgot to mention, John Cena was such a pro in the way he circumvented the 'Boring' chant by that small(ish) group of dickheads (presumably the same people who chanted 'ROH' at Daniel Bryan).


And, like an adulterous schmuck, my engorged member is also pointing at CM Punk and Heyman/Lesnar.


Curtis Axel may be as useful as a handjob from a snake, but everything else is superb. They had the crowd eating out of the palm of their hands through the whole of that segment. Punk looked ace, despite eventually going down and Lesnar looked an absolute killer. Again.


And, the diamond in that particular feud (and possibly the show);


'Paul...Say something stupid...'




But, yeah, i'm giddy.


It was such an exciting show, everything seemed important and i'm buzzing for Summerslam.


Wrestling is great.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz

I loved the Bryan and Cena speeches as well. At this stage, the "shoot promo on Cena" gimmick has, as Cena said, been done to death by Punk and Rock (amongst others)... But the angle they took on it last night was something different. And Orton's involvement is great as well. I'm starting to warm to the idea of him vs Cena.


Didn't care for the Punk-Lesnar stuff as much. I feel like they gave too much away. It made me a bit less excited for the actual match.

Posted (edited)

I thought with Lesnar/Punk, they evolved the previous segment; pushed it further, but then ultimately kept the ending the same and left you with the same questions. I thought it was clever. Heyman looks more evil and more like he needs a pasting, Punk looks more plucky and fight-y and, thus, Lesnar looks more monster-y in taking him down. The crowd went bonkers when Punk hit Lesnar with the chair, which was great, but i'm glad it didn't finish there because if it had we'd have lost the central question the feud is based on; Can Punk take Lesnar down?


By having Punk distracted by Heyman, and then clobbered by Lesnar, you keep the feud moving along with the central question having not been answered.


I'm still aware that Punk hasn't got revenge on Heyman and I still want Lesnar to get twatted.


I liked it.


Also, I loved the old school 'Heenan Family' vibe of the backstage promo with Heyman/Lesnar/Axel and Renee Young. That was great.


My only point of contention leaving Raw is, where does Menry fit in? Is he done with The Shield?

Edited by d-d-d-dAz

Oh, I forgot about the bit where Cena tried to get the crowd chanting "You can't wrestle" and almost nobody did. That was cringeworthy.


By having Punk distracted by Heyman, and then clobbered by Lesnar, you keep the feud moving along with the central question having not been answered.

See, for me it answered too much. Punk did take Lesnar down and would've annihilated him had Heyman not got involved. Just seemed way too early for that twist in their story to me.


My only point of contention leaving Raw is, where does Menry fit in? Is he done with The Shield?

I don't think he is, but I think the Usos are, considering they lost to the shitehawks on Raw. It was odd that Henry and The Shield didn't interact at all this week, but I think that ending kept Ambrose and co strong to renew something with Henry (and Big Show?) next week.

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Posted (edited)

I thought the Cena/Bryan promos were pretty average. I think it probably has a lot to do with the tired "shoot" thing people seem to do with Cena, these days - that and I immediately thought of Mr. Connors when Bryan called himself a wrestler and Cena an entertainer. Cena then came out and started well by calling Bryan out on his tired remarks, but then Cena went off on a weird rant about wrestling on the indys, which made it seem like Cena missed the point, a bit. "Daniel Bryan glorifying wrestling anywhere else but the WWE", which wasn't what he was doing at all. Of course, you then had him trying to lead a "You can't wrestle" chant which fizzled out quickly.


Cena/Punk/Heyman is great fun, though. I'll also echo the love for the Heenan Family-esque backstage interview (and, of course, Lesnar comedy).

Edited by Blackson Jackson

I think the fact that they are both slightly missing the point is what could make this work.


I did think it was awkward when King & Cole reacted like Bryan looked amazing in a suit, when he actual fact, he came across like Alan from The Hangover. It's a shame that Barrett went the way it did - it could have worked out to be a pretty cool Sweeney Todd style gimmick for him.


It needs to turn out that actually Big E is into Layla and not AJ, that'd be awesome.


Ricardo bumped like an absolute mad man, but he's on the way out now, right? Unless he's going to team with the freak brigade of Khali/Hornswoggle/Natalya/Santino.


I don't think they're supposed to get any particular 'point'.


They both represent completely polar opposite views on pro-wrestling, in a way it's a take on old-school vs. new school; with a 'rasslin guy who believes in travelling and sleeping in small cars, wrestling in gyms and prioritising skills over look vs. a guy who believes in the machine, where you work your way through the WWE and ultimately attain success.


I like that they both presented their take as a virtue. Just two, honest guys fighting from different perspectives for one title. If anything, the title represents a victory for their beliefs in this feud.


It's ace.

  • Paid Members

what was with Lesnar's 'Paul, say something stupid' comment?


I dont see everything and ive missed a lot of recent Lesnar stuff but that comment just seemed completely off the cuff, it made me laugh though. Lesnar looked off camera just after he said it as if someone was signalling to him too.

Posted (edited)

Ever since he's come back, Brock's sort of had a 'I don't really give a toss..' vibe about him. It's pretty brilliant.


My favourite 'I'll-do-what-I-want-and-if-you-don't-like-it-i'll-fuck-off' moment was when he launched a directors chair at Miz's head like he was trying to kill him. That really made me laugh.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz

I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone. There's not much value in a tubby, peripheral character who's breaking their golden rule. The negatives start to outweigh the positives.


It probably hasn't helped his cause that Alberto hasn't exactly floundered in his absence.


I thought it was hilarious that despite making Christian the number one contender, he still got the jobber entrance, a match against a schlub and no interaction with the champion. With such little faith in him, it's bonkers they didn't just go with the returning, hot RVD against ADR.

I thought it was hilarious that despite making Christian the number one contender, he still got the jobber entrance, a match against a schlub and no interaction with the champion. With such little faith in him, it's bonkers they didn't just go with the returning, hot RVD against ADR.


The philosophy has to be that SummerSlam's selling on Bryan vs Cena and Lesnar vs Punk alone, so they can have Del Rio vs Shitty Christian on there. Whereas RVD in a title match might be a selling point for a show that needs it. That has to be it surely.

Is Ricardo about to get another suspension? That was all I could take from last night, a way to write him off TV for a further 60 days.

He will probably side with Christian for the next two weeks leading into Summerslam, turn on him at the PPV and reunite with Del Rio again.


Where do we see the likes of RVD, Orton, Shield, Henry, Ryback, Axel, Kofi, Fandango, etc fitting onto the Summerslam card?


Ziggler and Langston I can see ending up in a mixed tag with Kaitlyn and AJ. Singles matches between them have been somewhat worn out over the past few weeks.

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Not too sure I like the idea of a Raw Omnibus, might be spoiler issues and that at some point, I'll let it run for now though.

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