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Bellenda Carlisle

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Batgirl movie will no longer be released (digitalspy.com)

Absolutely mad story that after spending $90 million on this that it will be another film condemned to the vault of never to be released films. They also scrapped a spin off from Scoob! so thats around $150 million they are just writing off as a tax loss. Seems utter madness to me but yet another example of how Warner Bros, even under new management, are still an absolute mess of a studio. 

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1 hour ago, Lorne Malvo said:

It's easily the laziest thing the MCU has ever put out. Absolutely dreadful. 

I'm usually pretty easy going with these things. The comedy usually hits the spot and they generally get the balance right.

This was just cringeworthy from start to finish. Nothing was funny. Someone clearly told them they could say "shit" because they did it about a hundred times.

They randomly shoved in some emotional stuff but that missed the mark completely because they'd say "shit" again two seconds later.

I can't believe that group of people.. most of which were involved in Ragnarok (which felt like a genius movir at the time and even more now).. could deliver something that bad.

I genuinely can't work out how most of it made it past quality checks or whatever it is they do. It's like one of those movies that feels like someone came in and fucked it up only I don't think anyone actually did.


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I think it's telling that Waititi said he didn't want to do another one after Ragnarok, then did a massive U-turn. The whole of Love and Thunder felt like he'd just pointed cameras at two actors in the Volume then fucked off. Marvel clearly saw even more dollar signs after Ragnarok and wanted more of the same, but Taiki thought fuck it, fine, I'll take the money. Plot points by committee, lip service to "themes" and "inclusion", a threadbare script and zero editing, temporarily masked by the ad company doing a brilliant last minute trailer. Save Bale hamming it up wonderfully in a localised IG filter, and fat Russell Crowe's casual racism, a flat slog.

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Really liked She-Hulk ep1. It was a lot of fun and thank god they 


did away with the origin story within the first 5 minutes. Was dreading an hour of boring build to one shot of She-Hulk ala Moon Knight.

The CG has definitely improved a bunch but I actually thought it was 


Hulk that stank up the uncanny valley.


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Im still not decided on She-Hulk yet to be honest...


Was quite looking forward to watching it, as I know nothing of the character, and it seems more connected to the films than some of the other recent streaming output, however.... I thought the CG on She-Hulk looked really dodgy. In contrast to DEF above, I thought Hulk looked fine.

I think that what the problem is, is that Hulk couldnt really be real. People dont look like that, and so a CG representation of that works, but with She-Hulk, she just looked like a big green woman, no ridiculous muscles or body shape, and as such the CG doesnt look right, especially her hair. I genuinely think they should have done this Lou Ferrigno style, and had a different muscular actress painted green being She-Hulk. If she needed to look bigger then use some perspective tricks. Practical effects would have worked so much better I think. CG on her face if you need/want to

Also, the 4th wall breaks annoyed me. Ive heard since that its a thing from the comics, but that doesnt mean it needs shoehorned in. Weve already established the supposed Marvel world, and that it's 'real', so who is she talking to? Leave that stuff to Deadpool.

Also, the ending annoyed me. Her cousin spent years on the run hiding his identity, presumably to avoid getting chopped up by the US army and avoid killing innocents. But she drops her identity at the drop of a hat, just because someone burst through the wall like the Kool-Aid man from Family Guy. I dont think she was even after She-Hulk as no-one is supposed to know who she is, or that she even exists.

I dont know who the woman that burst in is either, apart from her being on T4, but she looked like the young bucks sister to me, look at this outfit:


I might be too quick to judge though, and next week it will be revealed that she was too hasty showing off her true self, but Im not sure, they seemed quite keen to show that she was 'better' and more savvy than Bruce Banner.

Didnt want to be so negative though, Ill keep watching.


One more thing, I really want Abomination to recreate this at some point:



Edited by alanchiz
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I liked it a lot more than I thought I would and the CGI was far better than I expected. There is a hint of uncanny Valley with She Hulk but that's more to do with her having more human features than Hulk.

1 hour ago, alanchiz said:

Im still not decided on She-Hulk yet to be honest...

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 Also, the 4th wall breaks annoyed me. Ive heard since that its a thing from the comics, but that doesnt mean it needs shoehorned in. Weve already established the supposed Marvel world, and that it's 'real', so who is she talking to? Leave that stuff to Deadpool.

Also, the ending annoyed me. Her cousin spent years on the run hiding his identity, presumably to avoid getting chopped up by the US army and avoid killing innocents. But she drops her identity at the drop of a hat, just because someone burst through the wall like the Kool-Aid man from Family Guy. I dont think she was even after She-Hulk as no-one is supposed to know who she is, or that she even exists.


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Marvel has always had 4th wall breaks, knowing asides from Stan Lee and sarky editors notes, it's what set them apart from DC. The Deadpool 4th wall breaks you mentioned literally nicked it from She Hulk and it's as much a trademark of her as being big and green. 

The identity reveal is by all accounts the whole plot of the the series and about super powered people showing up in that world. As far as her not running and hiding like Banner did. We aren't in a world where he's hunted by the military anymore. We're in a world where he has an icecream named after him, kids ask for his autograph in diners and they have a stage musical. That's the one big complaint a lot of people have about the MCU,  literally no one has a secret identity.


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