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Vince McMahon may actually be done this time [Trigger warning: Sexual Assault]


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3 hours ago, JakeRobertsParoleOfficer said:

I imagine EVERY wrestler of a certain vintage (or I reckon whose career started pre 2015) is shitting himself on either their actions, enablement or culpability being called!!!

Rather too much shitting all round.

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That's kinda the answer you'd expect from John Cena though, right? I doubt he's even thought about the allegations much. He's a dick for not coming out in support for the victim, obviously, but he's also an idiot. He's always been ignorant and oblivious. 

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Ryback alleged that there were NDAs around John Cena back in 2022. Might be worth looking back at the 75-page "contract" he made Nikki Bella sign before moving in with him, too, and considering that as something serious and suspect, rather than a bit of goofy reality TV business.

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47 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

It comes to something when you look at the laundry list of indiscretions both Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels are accused of re:women and their general behaviour, and they give better answers to this whole shit show than John Cena and Kevin Nash. 

You're doing it on purpose now.

41 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Another potential slogan for this place

Never forget.


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Could be self preservation mode kicking in or it could be Cena being Cena. He’s kind of like Perfect Peter to Brock’s Horrid Henry so maybe he wasn’t in on it but you wouldn’t bet against him being in some dodgy Vince WhatsApp chat groups.

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19 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Could be self preservation mode kicking in or it could be Cena being Cena. He’s kind of like Perfect Peter to Brock’s Horrid Henry so maybe he wasn’t in on it but you wouldn’t bet against him being in some dodgy Vince WhatsApp chat groups.

No doubt, but you would think with him currently in Hollywood he would have had a better answer to that question than that. You know Stern is going to bring it up, so just give a non de-script answer. You don't have to go into the level of bullshit he did. Either that or show some genuine humanity.

All this just makes me love Bret even more.

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20 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I know it's a reality show and edited to fuck, but anyone who watched Total Bellas could tell you Cena was a really weird emotionless black hole of a human being.

Considering it didn’t benefit anyone for him to come across badly, I always assumed that any editing on that show was an attempt to make him more normal, and he was actually even weirder than he came across.

The man’s an absolute oddball, even by pro-wrestling standards. A broken robot. Nikki Bella dodged a huge bullet.

But yeah. I keep coming back to it. We’re supposed to believe the Inner Circle Lifers like Cena and Taker didn’t know? All this stuff is coming as a genuine shock, completely at odds with the man they knew? Chinny reckon.

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45 minutes ago, Supremo said:

But yeah. I keep coming back to it. We’re supposed to believe the Inner Circle Lifers like Cena and Taker didn’t know? All this stuff is coming as a genuine shock, completely at odds with the man they knew? Chinny reckon.

I guess there's different levels of "didn't know" isn't there? You can get an idea of someone who's clearly a bit of a wrongun but you probably don't think of the depths that this Vince stuff seems to go to. I don't think anyone assumes anyone else can be THAT bad. So when you hear speculation or whatever else about someone you're close with or work closely with etc, I imagine their natural reaction was to just brush it off as "Vince being Vince" and not actually knowing the seriousness of it all or assuming it was six of one half a dozen of the other and all that. Guys that were regularly benefitting from Vince's support probably didn't look too much into it all.

OR they knew everything and they covered it up and they're arseholes for it. I'm not sure we'll ever know either way.

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4 hours ago, neil said:

Present proof of this within 24 hours or be banned.

It was over 10 years ago so I’ve no idea what thread it was in. Basically he told me I was subjecting my daughters to child abuse by taking them to WrestleMania. I pointed out they weren’t children they were, at that point, 17 and 21. I do remember what he intimated but I’m not prepared to repeat it. Several other posters called him out on it at the time. 

Apologies for shitting up the thread. The love the guy gets on here makes me feel sick. 

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