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The General Politics Thread v2.0 (AKA the "Labour are Cunts" thread)


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26 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

Supposed to be hitting Brentford, Harrow, Finchley and Walthamstow soon

I don't think there's a chance these absolute pussies go to any of those places, given that they would get their arses handed to them big time in those areas.

The white fash are not brave enough to go East London.

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9 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

I don't think there's a chance these absolute pussies go to any of those places, given that they would get their arses handed to them big time in those areas.

The white fash are not brave enough to go East London.

Im hoping when they go to Walthamstow they stay another day (boom tush) so they have no time to come to West LondonĀ 

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9 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

The white fash are not brave enough to go East London.

They tried it back in 2013 I recall and were too scared to even get off the bus and quickly scarpered like the pussies and cowards they are.

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10 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

It breaks my heart reading twitter going "that's what the likes of Reading are", "people from Sunderland are like that", "what do you expect from people from there" etc. No, fuck off with that. There's evil among us, because the core of every community is good and are prepared to clean up the mess these cretins make. My love for people has never been stronger, but my disappointment in the actions of thickos has never been stronger either.

Yeah, it's funny how quickly the kind-hearted liberals go mask off and let the classism slip out when there's a chance to make fun of people with funny accents from north of Luton.

The two things to remember are that a lot of these people aren't local, they're travelling in to these towns to kick off because the opportunity's there - that's not to say that those towns don't have their racist cunts and opportunistic thugs, they all do. The other is the old Mr. Rogers line about looking for the helpers - focus on the people like you showing up to clean up, on the people offering their support and safety, and it doesn't make things any less scary, but it does at least help assuage the sense that we're all doomed, and that society's going backwards. It's not, this is a last gasp of a dying culture.Ā 

I've been saying this a lot, but while I think politicians, newspaper publishers, pundits and so on who have created the environment that racist thugs are reading as tacitly endorsing this need to be held account and should never be allowed to forget this, and the actual ringleaders of these Telegram and Facebook and WhatsApp groups need to be tried as terrorists and their funding and methods of organisation properly looked into (I don't fully buy into the idea, popular on lefty Twitter at the moment, of Tommy Robinson getting funding from Russia, but he's getting paidĀ somewhere), the actual on-the-ground violence isn't a political problem, and treating it as protest or a political act only legitimises them. It suggests that they had a point but they just got carried away. It should be viewed as rebadged football hooliganism, basically - gangs of violent blokes travelling to other towns to commit violent crimes and property damage, probably many of them being useful idiots for wider organised crime.Ā 

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13 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Yeah, it's funny how quickly the kind-hearted liberals go mask off and let the classism slip out when there's a chance to make fun of people with funny accents from north of Luton.

I don't think it's about having the chance to make fun of them necessarily; a lot of those people are desperate to convince themselves that it couldn't possibly happen in their community.

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17 hours ago, Tamura said:

The sad thing is that a lot of people that attend Rebellion are a bunch of greyzone old-time punks who are quite happy to sit on the fence and even stand next to Nazi skins, and/or be friends with them on social media while claiming to be anti-fascist (I prefer the term "non-fascist" for people that associate with fascists while paying lip-service to anti-fascism). Don't know the situation these days but there used to be a not-so secret series of white power gigs that happened in Blackpool at the same time as Rebellion, with the skins flitting between both. Given the likelihood of plenty of the usual suspects being in the vicinity, as well asĀ eight out of the top ten most deprived neighbourhoods being in Blackpool, it's hardly surprising something happened there.

Not wanting to derail the thread but Rebellion is an anti fascist fest with no grey zone bollocks on stage.

The sparsely attended fash gigs of a few years back were so the mouth breathers could boast of how they showed up and put on a real Rebellion.

When you get the numbers of people that Rebellion does you will always attract the odd cunt but it's been a long time since I've seen an 88 tattoo on display.

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Just now, Chest Rockwell said:

Fuck me. This is all really not good for my mental health. Can't stand watching and listening to it all, can't afford to ignore it.

Fucking ditto.Ā 

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14 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Fuck me. This is all really not good for my mental health. Can't stand watching and listening to it all, can't afford to ignore it.

Right there with you. I'm meant to be doing some EDI training for my team next week and I genuinely think I'm going to have to pull out of delivering it because my head is all over the place, and I may start crying.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Yeah, it's funny how quickly the kind-hearted liberals go mask off and let the classism slip out when there's a chance to make fun of people with funny accents from north of Luton.

I've been saying this a lot, but while I think politicians, newspaper publishers, pundits and so on who have created the environment that racist thugs are reading as tacitly endorsing this need to be held account and should never be allowed to forget this,


The video @Cousin Jim BobĀ postedĀ infuriates me and both of these points are reasons why. OK the guy isn't a northerner, but it's still a smug centrist dunking on this idiot without addressing any of the real issues here. Yes the caller sounds very stupid and yes he has bought into all sorts of lies on social media, but our big-brained host "taking him down" still concedes "yes small boats are a problem but it's not ALL black people". He isn't trying to explain to the caller that demonising migrants and foreigners is a distraction from the real problems. He's saying "yes, you're right to be up in arms about the boat people, but you've taken it TOO FAR." He then reaches the conclusion of "look, this idiot doesn't even know what he's mad about!" Well yeah, but how does that help anyone? What's the victory there?Ā 

The toxic narrative is "the reason your life is shit/this country is shit is because of immigrants/illegals/all foreigners" but the "your life is shit" part isn't being addressed elsewhere. It's all well and good Starmer using better words like "riots" and "violence" instead of "protests" but he is still going to deliver four years of neoliberal business as usual. He himself still had to make sure he had a "stop the boats" plan as part of his platform, so legitimised that narrative in a more weaselly way. So he'll just condemn people when they get duped and their anger and frustration is exploited by complete turds like Robinson and Farage.Ā 

Sir Kier can't come out and say "migrants and brown people aren't why you should be mad. It's the guys who were just in power, and of course it's us as well because we'll be delivering a more palatable version of the same shit." They won't back unions, they won't do anything about wealth inequality or poverty, they won't look at electoral reform, these people's lives will still be shit, they'll just put the fires out when their anger gets out of hand and the worst people in the world take advantage of that.

Instead they'll say "yes, it kind of is the boat people, but there is NO EXCUSE TO BE VIOLENT THUGS ABOUT IT."Ā 

A nice convenient side effect of this is that the more financially comfortable, the better educated and the sensible become less inclined to support the poor and working class because they're on the news being violent racist thickos. Naturally, the working class people helping to clean up afterwards or stepping up to defend their areas receive a fraction of the coverage. So we can sit here and sneer at them, we can blame social media, we can dunk on Reform voters etc. And I'm guilty of doing all of those things myself because I despair at what I'm seeing and I hate being scared to go outsideĀ  for fear of being attacked for my skin colour, but it's really just more culture war/unrest taking the place of the class war and demand for meaningful change that should be happening.Ā 

I agree that the people spewing the bile and organising and facilitating this need to be prosecuted. As a brown person myself I am particularly fearful for my relatives who live in some of the more hotbed areas for this shit. It's frustrating that the issue of WHY it's so easy to hoodwink people with this bullshit isn't at the forefront of the discourse though.

Edited by JLM
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31 minutes ago, LCJ said:

Alastair Campbell reposted this. Iā€™m inclined to agree. Elon Musk is making matters even worse.

Obviously these things can happen without social media but the amount of kids out there rioting and attacking people is astonishing and you would think the majority of them wouldn't even have considered doing it if the likes of Twitter and TikTok weren't around. There will, and hopefully soon, come a point where governments realise they're more detrimental than anything and outright ban the lot of them. They've came a long way since 2006 where you'd just use it for FarmVille and chatting to your mates between games of COD.

There's been court hearings in Middlesbrough today and the amount of them that were sobbing kids in over their heads was shocking.

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