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AEW All Out 2021 - September 5th


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I'm a huge tag team wrestling fan. Grew up on the Hart Foundation, Rockers etc. I love a proper tag team with tag moves and cutting the ring in half and all that jazz. When it's done right it's fantastic.

But I also have to accept that things evolve. It's easy enough to say "not MY tag wrestling!" as much as it is to say "not MY Doctor!" to Jodie Whittaker for example. It's natural to have your favourites and the style that you enjoy. But what the Bucks did at the PPV is no less tag wrestling than things that came decades before. It's just different. And they've shown they're not JUST spot monkeys over the years. Sure they do have matches that go that way but they're capable of delivering stories too like the Hangman stuff.

For me the longer they go on the more they have to be considered as one of the best for a variety of reasons. That match against the Lucha Bros had everyone on their feet. They were desperate for Penta and Fenix to win, and let's be honest it's probably more a reflection of how badly people actually wanted the Bucks to lose rather than how over the Lucha Bros are. They've absolutely nailed their heel act lately but they can be sensational babyfaces too.

TLDR: a different style doesn't mean they're not every bit as great as many say they are.

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I agree that styles have to evolve.

But if there are no tags, it surely can’t be on the shortlist of greatest tag matches.

The 1992 War Games match is one of the greatest matches I’ve ever seen.
But I wouldn’t put that on the list either! 

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Just now, dopper said:

I agree that styles have to evolve.

But if there are no tags, it surely can’t be on the shortlist of greatest tag matches.

The 1992 War Games match is one of the greatest matches I’ve ever seen.
But I wouldn’t put that on the list either! 

Don’t know about that, because then you’re discounting TLC’s and the like too.

I think anything that fits into the ‘teams of 2 against other teams of 2’ structure should be considered a Tag Team match. As it’s Tag Teams having a match. Anything above that should be considered a multi-man match I guess.

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But there are no tags!

Shouldn’t tag matches have tags?!


Canadian Stampede 1997 as another example. It was a multi man tag match, so in terms of classic tag matches I’d have that on the “Greatest Tag Matche’s” shortlist ahead of any TLC or Cage match.


I’m not narrow-minded enough to totally discount the other point of view, but the “tag” part is the important part for what I look for in matches involving opposing teams. 

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2 hours ago, dopper said:

But there are no tags!

Shouldn’t tag matches have tags?!

And there in lies the issue for a lot of people. They talk about having brought back Tag Team wrestling, whereas their style is ‘do a few minutes with tags, then a load of double team stuff where tags go out of the window’. FTR are probably a better shout for having brought back Tag Team wrestling in its traditional form- beating down the face, building that sense of “he kicked out that but he can’t take much more of this, he needs to make the tag” and then hit the hot tag- but they’re guilty of just doing the double team stuff towards the end too. That’s just the way the modern style is. If they wanted to take it back to that more ‘traditional’ Tag Team style, it’s not as if they haven’t got people on the payroll who can teach that style

Im not a Bucks fan by any stretch of the imagination but I enjoyed the Cage Match this weekend and the match with Omega & Hangman last year

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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There is a whole generation whom for the John Cena will be the greatest wrestler of all time. You hear people say Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race we’re the greatest wrestlers of all time. It’s a very personal choice to a lot of people and that will include memories and emotions as affecting that decision. So for some The Bucks could be.

And, for a total package, they could have a point. If you look at current wrestling FTR, in ring on work rate alone, are an amazing tag team. They are also often dull and boring. The Bucks are fantastic shit arse heels, they have complete ridiculous spots, but they also have this ability that you want to see them get beat. The storytelling with them is better then anything we saw within the early 00’s golden era of WWE Tag Wrestling  which was also built on big flashy spots. 

What I’m saying is, having watched AEW, BTE and associated shows, my opinion on the Bucks as goofy spot monkey baby faces to prick heels has changed my feelings on them, and the impact they have had in wrestling. I mean without them, there wouldn’t be an AEW.

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I think it's perfectly fine to not have enjoyed that PPV, but if you couldn't find joy in it then you shouldn't bother watching more AEW. Not in the sense that you're wrong for 'not getting it' but that was probably AEW at its peak of what it offers and if it didn't bring you joy to watch then you're very unlikely to get anything from watered down versions of it on Dynamite & Rampage

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The Young Bucks are better than Gallows & Anderson at least.

That match is the only match from the PPV I haven't got round the watching yet and I love Pentagon & Fenix and lots of people are saying it was the best match of the show.

If I ordered on Fite, is there a time limit to when I can watch it, or does the show just stay in my account forever?

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I think it’s almost a generation behind thing. The people who grew up with territories didn’t like the rock and wrestling of the WWF, who in turn saw the attitude era through unkind eyes. Attitude era don’t see ruthless aggression as their wrestling etc etc

AEW seems fine for people who have been left behind by WWE and that’s great. It’s almost like a classic metal night where people don’t have to go and moan about Yungblud or whatever Kerrang is playing that wouldn’t be on a rock night in my day when things were better and proper. 

In short, watch what entertains you, don’t keep watching something that doesn’t. I much prefer reading enthusiastic posts where people are excited over frankly weird ones about a show you haven’t liked in years. 

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4 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

In short, watch what entertains you, don’t keep watching something that doesn’t. I much prefer reading enthusiastic posts where people are excited over frankly weird ones about a show you haven’t liked in years. 

This is absolutely spot on. As exiting as wrestling is at present, I feel like my interest levels couldn't be lower and that's for all shows whether AEW or WWE. When I watch shows, one of the main parts that draws me, is being able to discuss afterwards, however its a real struggle at present to do that without the 'hate watchers' being first to comment on everything and bog down any type of discussion. I've never understood hate watching something just to take jabs or make snarky comments about something and its not just wrestling, it seems to be every type of entertainment. 

Whether its AEW, Raw, Smackdown or NXT, instead of just enjoying it for what it is, people seem to be happier to hate things than enjoy them. All Out seems to be the first thing in a long time that seems to be mainly positive and its been great fun discussing and reading peoples thoughts on it, rather than snarky digs about HHH or Tony Khan. 

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The Young Bucks are very, very, very good at what they do - and that's not just high spots, it's escalating the pace of a match to the point where you can't see how they could possibly top each near fall, yet somehow still managing it. They have some of the best timing of anyone in wrestling - in AEW, the only people on their level in that regard are Omega, Hangman and Rey Fenix. 

I'm not always a fan of their style, but there's no one doing it better than them. And what you have to remember is that so much of the reason why they work the way they do is that they weren't really getting anywhere until they decided "fuck it", and started intentionally doing everything they were told not to by the generations that came before them. That's why they do other wrestlers' schtick (the Randy Savage taunts and so on), why they do such elaborate double teams and so many flips and such nonsense, and it clearly works, because it's got them where they are today, and they're ridiculously over. If everyone on the roster worked like them it would be a problem, but they don't - FTR don't, Santana & Ortiz don't, so the intrigue still comes from how they match up against their opponents, and you know when they're up against a team like the Lucha Brothers that it's going to be an entertaining car wreck, but that's fine when it's not every match. Variety is the key to what makes AEW work. Mostly I'm just glad they're heels, because they're so much better at it, and because contrary to received wisdom about flippy moves making you a babyface, they do it like such pricks you have to hate them for it.


As for MJF, I don't rate him. I see him talked about as the second coming of old fashioned heel workers, but it's all really obvious cheap heat. His social media is pretty tragic, just real lowest common denominator stuff, and in-ring I couldn't tell you a single classic MJF match. I think people have just been so used to years of scripted WWE promos that they've been fooled into thinking that someone who can talk confidently off the cuff is an absolute master of mic work, when it's all very basic stuff. Screams midcard to me. 

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1 hour ago, dopper said:

But there are no tags!

Shouldn’t tag matches have tags?!


Canadian Stampede 1997 as another example. It was a multi man tag match, so in terms of classic tag matches I’d have that on the “Greatest Tag Matche’s” shortlist ahead of any TLC or Cage match.


I’m not narrow-minded enough to totally discount the other point of view, but the “tag” part is the important part for what I look for in matches involving opposing teams. 

The match is a no dq match taking place in a steel cage that can rip your skin to shreds and both teams absolutely despise each other but lets make sure one member of each team should stand in the corner at all times and that teammates should slap hands because that guy will be illegal otherwise ?

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