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Remember Bray Wyatt? He's good isnt he ... WELL HE'S GONE!


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There are certain guys that visually represent the sorry shower of shit that WWE has become in the last six years or so, and fair or unfair, Bray Wyatt is one of them.

If I'm AEW, I stay away. Just like Braun. It smells of the other side in a way you want your side not to be, and in a way your fans don't want.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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After the initial intrigue and the first bunch of Funhouse Bray skits, I came to really hate The Fiend. There has been so much nonsense in the last couple of years. That said, I still really like and rate the guy. I think he's super talented and easily the best promo in the company. I'm not surprised by anything they do anymore but I do think it's a shame that that it's come to the point where a guy this brilliant, at his best, isn't a valuable asset to WWE.

I kind of agree with @Liam O'Rourkeon Bray summing up what they've become but I suspect it's for different reasons. I think he absolutely defines their lack of creativity and absence of story telling. He's a great talent, had a superb look, brilliant theme and entrance and a gimmick that could have gone anywhere or been anything but became so repetitive until the only choice they had was for him to go away. Then he/they came up with something else and the same thing happened again.

I wouldn't sign him if I was TK. I think at his age, with the miles on the clock, there's not enough upside. I won't be surprised if they do. I'm just not sure it's the right message.

Regardless, I like the guy, I hope he's mentally in a better place and wish him really well. 

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Haven't watched much of his stuff since the early days of the Wyatt family, but if the Danielson/Punk rumours are true I sense this would be a case of one ex-WWE wrestler too much for AEW maybe? 

Unless he wants a massive character change, there's plenty of scope for a Wyatt-esque character in Impact if they paired him with Su Yung or Decay or something. There'd be a lot of creative control anyway.

Edited by garynysmon
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21 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

There are certain guys that visually represent the sorry shower of shit that WWE has become in the last six years or so, and fair or unfair, Bray Wyatt is one of them.

If I'm AEW, I stay away. Just like Braun. It smells of the other side in a way you want your side not to be, and in a way your fans don't want.

For me it very much depends on what you plan to do with him, or what he plans to do with himself. Brodie Lee and Miro completely reinvented themselves. Miro in particular could have easily just recreated one of his successful WWE gimmicks and in all likelihood very few would have complained. 

He’s come up with two strong characters that WWE took in a very Undertaker-lite direction. I’d be curious to see what would happen if he was left completely to his own devices. It might be good, it might be bad, but it would be interesting if nothing else.

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I am a huge fan of Bray and really hope he is in a good place. The original Wyatt Family concept was great and really captured me. 

I sadly have to agree about AEW. AEW already feels bloated and I just don't know how he would fit. The DO idea is rotten though. AEW seems the type of place that will reach out, especially with the mental health of Bray being bad. 

Wherever he ends up I hope he is happy. 

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I liked when he was doing all the cryptic stuff, dressing like Max Cady and having Harper & Rowan to do his dirty work for him, but when it went all supernatural and they started doing the Sister Abigail stuff it kind of killed the gimmick. Likewise the Firefly Funhouse stuff was interesting, and could have been cool just as a weekly segment where maybe he'd interview somebody and they'd get confused by all the puppets without him having to step into the ring, or with somebody to do the fighting for him, but once they did the fiend stuff, especially that Hell In A Cell with Rollins they booked themselves into a corner. He would have been fine as a special attraction, but they wanted him to wrestle regularly. Presumably once he's gotchomself together again he'll be back in WWE on massively reduced pay. 

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1 minute ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I liked when he was doing all the cryptic stuff, dressing like Max Cady and having Harper & Rowan to do his dirty work for him, but when it went all supernatural and they started doing the Sister Abigail stuff it kind of killed the gimmick. Likewise the Firefly Funhouse stuff was interesting, and could have been cool just as a weekly segment where maybe he'd interview somebody and they'd get confused by all the puppets without him having to step into the ring, or with somebody to do the fighting for him, but once they did the fiend stuff, especially that Hell In A Cell with Rollins they booked themselves into a corner. He would have been fine as a special attraction, but they wanted him to wrestle regularly. Presumably once he's gotchomself together again he'll be back in WWE on massively reduced pay. 

I think that's always been the toughest thing. Especially with The Fiend. And while the booking undoubtedly could've been better I do wonder how much of a shelf life the gimmick could've had. I think it's difficult to book a character like that in a wrestling world in 2021. Especially in a company like WWE where they do mostly expect regular appearances.

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Regardless of whether you’re a Bray fan or not, to release him and to tell him it’s due to “budget cuts” is taking the piss. Made even worse if it’s true that he was suffering from poor mental health since Brodie’s passing. It’s probably true, it’s not like Bray has been on WWE TV much this year. The company is more loaded than ever largely due to Nick Khan.

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53 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Because, like every other WWE wrestler, he has complete control over the direction the company takes with his character, right? 

I get the feeling that Vince became a fan of his and that was ultimately the worst thing that could have happened as you just know he will be completely in charge and hands on of everything about the gimmick from that point on.


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Modern day version of the Sean O Haire 'I'm not telling you anything you didn't already know' gimmick. Fantastic concept and the vignettes before he debuted were great, but they found it hard to make interesting or follow it up in wrestling matches and storylines.

Maybe a company other than WWE might have made it work, but they drove any interest in the character into the ground with the lazy repetitive feuds and hokey supernatural shite. He ended up dragging down anyone who he was paired up with the last few years as well.

He had a good run though for a lad without the usual WWE look or the ability to put on 5 star matches etc.

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The original Bray Wyatt character was incredible, easily the most interesting and exciting character to have ever come through WWE's modern developmental system. Easily the strongest promo too, not even a conversation to be had there. I always got the impression that the NXT Wyatt was the character the man wanted to be, but the hocus pocus hokey Undertaker bullshit was forced upon him by Vince and his main roster creative. You could see it coming a mile away too, the gimmick was always going to be far too nuanced for WWE TV. I think years later The Fiend was his attempt to come up with a character reinvention that he could believe in himself, but which would also appeal to Vince's vision, but once again the character's creative was driven further and further away from the original concept towards a simplistic spooky boy gimmick. I don't think it's at all fair to assume that if he goes to another promotion he'd want to be coming in with special effects and magic spells. He has potential still to be the very best of professional wrestling. AEW should be careful about introducing him, but they would be crazy to pass on him. He's a thousand times the promo their world champion is. 

Edited by Arch Stanton
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