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UKFF Questions Thread v3

Otto Dem Wanz

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5 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

75% of the roster said they had the idea of a run with Mero floated around then didn't they, like he was a stop gap for anyone in the midcard 

He was certainly a stop gap for his wife.

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

This Vinnie Paz song uses an old Kevin Sullivan promo in its intro and again a bit later on. Does anyone know which promotion or what show it’s from?



Florida Championship Wrestling I'd imagine, he mentions Purple Haze at the start who he brought in there. Not sure if they worked together elsewhere 

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Hi, is it still possible to watch old episodes of MLW Fusion?  When I try and watch some of the old episodes on YouTube (episodes 44 and 69 as examples), I get a message saying that the video is unavailable.  But other older ones, such as 50 and 60, are playing fine?

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2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

This Vinnie Paz song uses an old Kevin Sullivan promo in its intro and again a bit later on. Does anyone know which promotion or what show it’s from?


Here you go dude.


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On 8/21/2021 at 5:59 PM, air_raid said:



This was the plan. They started trying to work all the pieces in the directions they wanted in about December time. The face to face on Raw between Bret and Shawn which lead to Sid complaining about people talking about “his title” and bellowing “What I want is some real competition” before Taker coming down, was setting the table for those two matches. Bulldog starting to protect Bret when Austin was trying to Pillmanize him, and Austin occasionally randomly attacking Smithers, was laying the table for Austin vs Bulldog rather than the Hart Foundation formation that we ended up with.

Vader’s involvement at Mania might have been quite different too. The plan was originally (according to Vader) that he’d wrestle and beat Rocky Maivia for the Intercontinental title and have a long run with it. It kind of makes sense, they wrestled each other a couple of times on the German tour the month before Mania which I’d buy were dry runs while they were scrambling to re-work the card. Leon claimed that he talked management out of it because he didn’t fancy wearing a midcard title because he didn’t see himself as midcard. He ended up tagging with Mankind of course, and he also had been pitched something different.

They wanted Mankind to wrestle Marc Mero, potentially over Sable, who Mankind would be convinced was his mommy. They’d done some interactions between the trio on TV but Foley wasn’t keen on that and was saved from having to do it when Mero was benched with the knee injury. Mick pitched to management to let him wrestle Vader at Mania so they could play off their past in WCW and makes it sound like it was considered for a while but they decided to tag them up instead, Foley believes because the emotional build up about losing an ear might have been too intense for a feud taking place lower on the card.

Mankind Vs Vader surely would have decent.

Even Undertaker Vs Sid Vs Vader in the main event would have been better than what we got. Vader had a great performance at the Feb IYH so he hadn’t totally hit the skids there yet.

Vader Vs Flash Funk could have worked too. 2 buddies , well familiar with each other and both capable of great matches. Vader over clean btw…

I would also have done Phil La Fon/Doug Furnas Vs Bulldog and Owen 2/3 falls. 

WM13 is a really fun card to fantasy rebook as all the pieces seem to be there but just not in the most correct order. At least for the lower mid-card matches ….


Edited by RancidPunx
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1 hour ago, RancidPunx said:

I would also have done Phil La Fon/Doug Furnas Vs Bulldog and Owen 2/3 falls.

I don’t think there was much steam left in the Can-Ams at this point, people weren’t really biting on them beating Smithers and Owen once let alone twice. Didn’t help that they were saddled with crap music, no personalities to speak of and that their gimmick was “are really good wrestlers” about 20 years too soon.

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