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Covid-19 Megathread


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8 minutes ago, Tamura said:

That's not how taxes work.

It's not how the NHS works, either. If we start depriving one group from accessing it based on their life choices, then why not throw in others as well? Love a KFC? Bit of a fat cunt? No NHS for you! What's that? You like a drink? No NHS for you! Smoker? No NHS for you!

I'm sure you were being flippant, as was I. The Tory's would love that though. 

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5 minutes ago, David said:

It's not how the NHS works, either. If we start depriving one group from accessing it based on their life choices, then why not throw in others as well? Love a KFC? Bit of a fat cunt? No NHS for you! What's that? You like a drink? No NHS for you! Smoker? No NHS for you!

I'm sure you were being flippant, as was I. The Tory's would love that though. 

There’s a difference between a “Lifestyle choice” and not believing/trusting the medical professionals and experts. If you don’t trust them on the vaccine, why trust them with anything health related?  Personally, I understand peoples reservations concerning the long term effects, if any, of this vaccine, but that’s a failure of communication. If however you think it’s all Bill Gates and 5G cack, and how it’ll change your genetic make up, you should quite honestly jump at the chance at having your genetics modified. 

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32 minutes ago, David said:

It's not how the NHS works, either. If we start depriving one group from accessing it based on their life choices, then why not throw in others as well? Love a KFC? Bit of a fat cunt? No NHS for you! What's that? You like a drink? No NHS for you! Smoker? No NHS for you!

In 2012 54% of doctors backed denial of treatment to smokers and the obese. In 2016 the obese were denied treatment, and there were also reports it may be extended to smokers. If it's down to resource management, I'm 100% of the opinion that people who, for no legitimate reason, refuse to be vaccinated should be very much at the back of the queue for for life-saving healthcare should they be hospitalised with COVID. There's been more than enough stories in the press about anti-vaxxers dying from COVID for them to get the message that everyone is potentially vulnerable.

Edited by Tamura
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1 hour ago, David said:

I'm sure you were being flippant, as was I.

That's one thing you've got right at least. However the drain on NHS resources by the unvaccinated is undenaible. In the north of Ireland, up to two-thirds of COVID patients under 50 in hospital haven't been vaccinated, and one hospital trust says every COVID patient in an ICU bed puts an operating theatre out of action for a week.

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1 hour ago, David said:

It's not how the NHS works, either. If we start depriving one group from accessing it based on their life choices, then why not throw in others as well? Love a KFC? Bit of a fat cunt? No NHS for you! What's that? You like a drink? No NHS for you! Smoker? No NHS for you!

I'm sure you were being flippant, as was I. The Tory's would love that though. 


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1 hour ago, Tamura said:

In 2012 54% of doctors backed denial of treatment to smokers and the obese. In 2016 the obese were denied treatment, and there were also reports it may be extended to smokers. If it's down to resource management, I'm 100% of the opinion that people who, for no legitimate reason, refuse to be vaccinated should be very much at the back of the queue for for life-saving healthcare should they be hospitalised with COVID. There's been more than enough stories in the press about anti-vaxxers dying from COVID for them to get the message that everyone is potentially vulnerable.

It's hilarious in the US because you get the same person who has views against COVID (just a cold ain't it, only people who die are old and frail), refuse to get vaccinated, and at the same time proud to have no health care coverage and definitely NONE of that socialist coverage. Of course they have a tendency to then need hospital care (and UP IN ARMS at the scarcity of it) from their "I'M LIVING MY LIFE AND FUCK WEARING A MASK" behaviour and its all rounded off with their families posting online looking for contributions to their gofundme's (covering said medical and in some cases funeral costs).

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Yeah, I believe alcoholics and smokers do, generally, find it more difficult to get transplants when theirs pack in. So there’s absolutely a precedent for prioritising health care based on lifestyle choices and if two patients required an ICU bed with one being fully vaccinated and the other an antivaxxer then I’d have no issue with the former being prioritised. 

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The Wrexham game being against the cunts from Solihull on Boxing day is something I'm happy about. As our Boxing Day game is always a sell out and we play shit in front of a big crowd. We should be winning it now as it's behind closed doors. 


And as the UKFF's favourite football team, isn't that what really matters?

Edited by PowerButchi
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