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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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Both shows will share a portion of their viewers, but most people are creatures of habit. A bunch of people will watch one live and then the other recorded, maybe the following day. For someone to change their schedule of watching one live and the other later, something really good will have to happen. Blood And Guts probably would have gotten a few people to watch Dynamite instead of NXT, before those people then watch NXT as well anyway.

It was slightly interesting at first hearing the viewing figures, but the longer it has gone on the less it has been interesting. It isn’t like the Monday Night Wars where people had to choose, now it’s really easy to watch one while recording the other. It isn’t so much a war as an extremely minor inconvenience for a couple people 

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On 4/19/2020 at 5:39 PM, Philjax said:

Well, there is that, but that's for the networks. It's more that NXT has held relatively steady while Dynamite has lost arguably 200,000 viewers.

Too much threadbare roster I guess.....

There are mitigating circumstances, though:

1) The weird empty arena shows aren’t really a fun watch, which doesn’t apply to NXT.

2) AEW’s audience is younger, and young people love watching the news.

3) The viewership has been in decline since the first few weeks anyway. It was inevitable - an ultra-niche version of wrestling aimed purely at hardcore fans is never going to be a big mainstream success. For five years we’ve had people saying Raw and SmackDown should just do everything NXT does. Well NXT is on telly now, and a lot less people watch it than watch Raw and SmackDown. 

4) Matt Hardy and Luke Harper are on a lot, and they’re both shit. If they’d not come along, perhaps it would have held steadier. And with the content of the shows already being filmed in advanced, AEW don’t really have the chance to course-correct in response to criticism the way they could have in the old world with live shows. They’re stuck with what’s in the can until the PPV.

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The depleted roster is definitely an issue. They're going without The Bucks, Pac, the Lucha Bros and Hangman Adam Page (who I'd argue is the biggest loss right now, as it was his ongoing story that was building steam). And they're spacing out who they have, but even if the matches are fun, they're not able to build up to much. They've got Mox, Cody, Omega, Jericho and the Inner Circle, and that's about it in terms of heated stars they can use regularly. Everyone else is either a midcarder or local talent.

They're going to want their big names to avoid each other to save it for better times, so it's very much a holding pattern. We might get Lance Archer vs Cody, but other than that, what feuds are they running hot on?

TNT seem to be pretty behind them, so they're likely fairly understanding right now. They're lucky, but I guess producing anything is better than producing nothing from TNT's side. I'd prefer they knocked the tapings on the head, overall.

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Finally watched last weeks episode.

-Jake at the start was gold, he's more intimidating than Archer. I liked Archer/ Cabana but it felt a couple of minutes too long. Also Archer still looks like he's just walked out of the cyber goth club at 3am.

- I liked the Cabana interview spot and Britt in her office. Kills a bit of time but breaks up the show a bit and builds some character.

-Bubbly Club was great, echo the love for Jericho and the orange juice but Sammy is such a brilliant twat of a heel.

-I liked the talking heads hyping up Mox/ Hager (apart from the ESPN guy). Again, pads out the show in a different way.

- Thought the title match was dull as fuck. I like technical/ mat wrestling when it's done right, it just seemed to be a lot of cuddling and rolling around here but shows another element of Mox's character. I thought it picked up slightly after they got out of the ring and started brawling but I'm not a fan of the empty arena gimmick. I thought Moxley's promo after was really cringeworthy aswell.

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Yeah it was entertaining enough to sit through, even for someone like me who has only watched the last 6 or 7 of these episodes, and never followed their careers outwith the show. You're not supposed to take it seriously which is the main thing. The montage at the end also means I don't have to go back and watch any more of 'em, heh.

Edited by Mr.Showtime
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45 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Really enjoyed the 200th episode of Being The Elite. The match was loads of fun and the clips at the end were a really nice touch 


I was wincing at a lot of those bumps - can't have been fun on hard surfaces. Also, Nick's "I'm going to go after his back" and Matt's "Oh, my lower back!" bit made me laugh a lot. 

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Bar the Boneyard match, I thought that Young Bucks backyard match was the best attempt at this no-fans stuff so far. It got a bit too meta and shit at the end, but most of it was dumb, creative fun. I laughed loads.

I’m assuming the one last thing they need to do is the match with The Revival? That’s gonna be fucking huge if they hold off until everything goes back to normal.

Biggest thing to note watching the montage was how much bigger of a star Kenny Omega felt squaring up to Chris Jericho in that initial press conference. Seems a lifetime ago now.

Edited by Supremo
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2 hours ago, Factotum said:

Do ratings during this period really matter that much? chances are not much can be drawn from these at this time.

Tbh the whole NXT / AEW thing just reminds me how fucking dumb it is they're on the same day.

They matter to likes of Meltzer and Alvarez as it obviously gives them content for their newsletters, podcasts etc, and it matters to the people who think that AEW is the second coming so they can go “see, Vince is shit because he didn’t use Cody properly”, but other than that I don’t think it matters a great to most as chances a lot of us will watch both shows anyway.

I tend to look it up out of curiosity just to see who got more and how big the gap was but that’s all, I don’t dwell on it. I only did that number crunching the other day because it was that initial 6 month period we all talked about when Dynamite was launching

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33 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

They matter to likes of Meltzer and Alvarez as it obviously gives them content for their newsletters, podcasts etc, and it matters to the people who think that AEW is the second coming so they can go “see, Vince is shit because he didn’t use Cody properly”, but other than that I don’t think it matters a great to most as chances a lot of us will watch both shows anyway.

I think it matters. I don't care who wins or what the numbers are specifically but I'd like both shows to continue to have a good outlet on TV. Nothing worse than enjoying a TV show only to find out no-one watches it so it's not getting a second series*.

*OK, there are worse things but you get the point.

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27 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

I think it matters. I don't care who wins or what the numbers are specifically but I'd like both shows to continue to have a good outlet on TV. Nothing worse than enjoying a TV show only to find out no-one watches it so it's not getting a second series*.

*OK, there are worse things but you get the point.

I agree with what your saying, I was meaning more that most arn’t wanting one to “win” over the other. Obviously there are those that prefer one show to the other, but I imagine (as others have mentioned) there is a large crossover of folks both shows rather just one

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It matters in normal times and I hope AEW does good ratings so we get a nice alternative to the WWE. I was specifically talking about NOW. Given the climate, people are having a hard time concentrating on anything, let alone wrestling.

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