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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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The mobile general manager game is out now but I've no idea what it's like as it doesn't support my phone for some reason, been reading some pretty damning reviews of it though with lots of people having issues even getting it running.

I was really hoping for something that could drag me away from 80's Mania Wrestling Returns.

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Another million plus viewers. Darby Allin draws big again. Maybe he’s the guy to win the World Title from MJF in a year or so.

I almost never go back and watch modern day wrestling. Maybe a segment here or there at most. I ended up watching nearly this entire show again. It’s amazing. I’ve thought for ages how sad it is that we’ll probably never get someone clicking like Daniel Bryan or Becky Lynch again. That authentic, organic, vociferous reaction to a proper, beloved top star. Turns out I was wrong. Two thirds of this fucking roster got that reaction on this show.

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1 hour ago, mrtrickio said:

 Think it was half way through the Christian / Hardy match but the JR comment "I'm so glad we have time limits" seemed very sarcastic and snide. It was met with complete silence by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

Tbf JR has been going on about time limits forever. In the pre-Conrad days of his podcast, it seemed that he would go on about that should be time limits in matches as well as asking whatever guest was on that week what he thought of CM Punk leaving WWE. 

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4 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Tbf JR has been going on about time limits forever. In the pre-Conrad days of his podcast, it seemed that he would go on about that should be time limits in matches as well as asking whatever guest was on that week what he thought of CM Punk leaving WWE. 

I wish he'd stop bringing up money, as well. I understand he  might be trying to emphasise the importance of wins in that 'legit sport' way. But in wrestling, the drama is in the interpersonal or athletic conflict. There's something sour about trying to push that your babyfaces should be more interested in getting cold hard cash any way they can, than seeking retribution/catharsis for whatever emotional journey they've been on.

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Personally I quite like it. It's good to have stakes to every match. While yes it's better for matches to have emotional/story stakes, for other matches with less (or zero) build it's good to have other story telling tools like ranking systems and references of going to the pay window so no match feels completely pointless. 

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The stakes are wins and losses, leading to rankings and championships.

The inference is always that the higher the ranking, the better the pay. It goes without saying. In fact, I think emphasising that the wrestlers get a hefty wedge for winning anyhow undercuts the hook of merch. If I buy a Hangman shirt, it's to show my support for Hangman, in a kayfabe sense. Two types of wrestlers make big money - champions and fan favourites.

It's a subtlety that I'm probably alone in feeling, but the idea that faces are after the same thing as heels - raw material success - instead of fighting for a cause like saving their friends or standing up against villains doesn't sit right. Sure, Hangman had a Big Money match vs Matt Hardy, but even then, he immediately gave almost all of it to local causes as well as treating himself and the DO to a massive lawnmower. So stop telling me he should just want a fat bank account.

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Wrestling always used to mention the purse money. I always liked that. The idea of a monetary gain has always made sense to me as a kid when Gorilla Monsoon and Ventura would talk about it. Its a weird unique job with these vague financial rewards. It literally does nothing to the product to harm it. I get your point in a way but also don't. 

The Hangman thing, well, he never said what he was spending Matt's money and everyone just wanted a big mean bloke to lose his blood money. 

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Great to see the show back into the swing of things and back in a big arena with fans. Last weeks show was still in a relatively small venue, but this had a big time feel to it.

We all love a face chasing the champion and getting the big win in the end, it’s wrestling is built on, but Hangman has had a long enough build already and the fans are ready for him to win, everything now up until the match (presumably at All Out) is just extra seasoning.
Im hopeful that we’ll get a Hangman v Matt Jackson singles match in the buildup with Hangman decapitating the obnoxious cunt. Obviously Matt being King Prick is great for a wrestling angle, but I can’t imagine it’s much of a stretch for him.

My dislike for Cody is well known, and it’s going to take more than that promo to win me over, but that is the best thing he’s done since the early days of AEW. Just wish they’d settle on either Tommy End or Malakai Black

Matt Hardy v Christian was surprisingly good. Not great, but considering that the youngster in the match is 46 and they first faced off over 20 years ago, it was alright even if the finish was a little dodgy. 
The match also had the ‘Dark Results’ ticker- 18 matches!? I know that show isn’t as canon as Dynamite is and it’s generally a bit more relaxed, but fuck that.

I’m sure Jericho’s promo was alright, but his receding hairline is massively distracting.

I’m assuming that Rampage will be on FiteTV like how Dynamite is?

I’m still not sold on Ethan Page, but this was the best thing he’s done since coming in. That could be down to having worked with Darby a bunch of times in the past, but even so, this was very good. 
And people asked why they brought Sting in. Just listen to that reaction he got when he came out, always has been and always will be a star.

So yeah, as others have said, a fantastic show on the whole and far more enjoyable than almost anything that WWE or anyone else have put out for a very long time

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44 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

It's a subtlety that I'm probably alone in feeling, but the idea that faces are after the same thing as heels - raw material success - instead of fighting for a cause like saving their friends or standing up against villains doesn't sit right.

I would agree with you if they were pushing it hard, but outside of the occasional mention on commentary it barely comes up. I think fans are intelligent enough to know that "hey if a wrestler wins they make more money and I can relate to that".

In contrast to years of WWE having wrestlers fighting for no reason or for "brand supremacy" or some shit I'm glad that AEW actually mentions that wrestlers are people who get paid.

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Winners purse is an easy to understand way to explain why people are fighting. Also talking of giving money is a subtle way to talk up they are a big company with cash which adds status. Don’t mind it in meaningless matches. Blood feuds don’t need that chat. 

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Add me to the list of people who are enjoying wrestling more than they have done in years. AEW is killing it week in week out. I remember early doors their target audience was the lapsed fan who used to love the product. Imagine how big the viewership would be if they could somehow attract the lapsed fan, as once they're in they'll stay in. 

I went to Wrestlemania in 2019 and 2017, though I am now completely tuned out of the product with the exception of the big 4 PPV's. What I've seen of Romans great though I just can't watch that either. 

Thank heavens for AEW or I'd be a lapsed wrestling fan. 

Adam Page - What a story. Story telling 101, and it's original. So much of it's been done on BTE yet it's still over. Kenny Omega has been great ever since being heel. The Young Bucks ooze heel characteristics, and remain heel despite high spots. 

Darby Allin has the same sort of charisma as an early Jeff Hardy did. Eccentric, crazy, enigmatic with loads of charisma. I can't help thinking he won't have a long career though it'll be fun no doubt. 

I don't hate Cody as much as most. He's done a lot more good work in AEW than bad, it's just the more recent stuff has been energy draining, plus beating Ogogo clean was an annoyance. When he's on though, he's great. I quite liked Blacks promo, likening Anderson to a useless old horse. Made sense to me, and the 'I hoped you'd say that' - superb.

Miro is a specimen. Great on the show. 

Hope Jericho and MJF pay off will be worth the build. 

Christian and Matt Hardy didn't fill me with joy. Both had good runs in Impact, though it felt like the b players in great tag teams squaring off. There's definitely a place for them in AEW mind. Loved the small detail of jungle boy at the end. 

Britt Baker is the best promo in all womens wrestling worldwide. No one comes close and she smashed it. It was pointless cutting to Nyla and Vickie in the back, it felt like a child trying to get the last word in when they've already been disciplined.

Moxley has put a little weight on during his time off with the baby. And why not, has to enjoy those moments with his family. I like the idea of other promotions titles being defended. It keeps AEW titles prestigious and also adds value to the contest at hand. Archer next though.

Ricky starks was so over. I can't get into Sammy Guevera at the moment, he doesn't feel like he's close to any title, he doesn't have a meaty feud so just treading water. 

Is Rampage another 2 hour show or is it 1 hour? Is there a concept behind it? Part of the reason i tuned out of WWE was a too much content made everything have less value so hopefully this works to the point i want to watch it. I like the idea i can miss Dark & Elevation and it have no impact on me following stories

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5 hours ago, mrtrickio said:

Agree. But he still seems a bit like he doesn't like the product at times. Think it was half way through the Christian / Hardy match but the JR comment "I'm so glad we have time limits" seemed very sarcastic and snide. It was met with complete silence by Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

I thought he sounded very sarcastic too, but then I remembered that I've heard him talk about time limits before in a very positive way. Think that's the old NWA/WCW announcer in him. But I think sarcastic/snide is just JR's default tone these days, even when he's being sincere. Grumpy old bastard.

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I genuinely think it's a smart move to mention a wrestlers wage and bring that aspect into it because it makes it more relatable to a legitimate sport that way. E.G in the ufc if you win you get more money and certain benefits as you climb the ladder.

It's effective and smart 

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I just rewatched the show with a mate over Discord who hasn't watched wrestling for a while and the most over pair were Yuka and Darby, I daren't ask why he liked Yuka so much but to be fair she does really stand out. I don't think she should have been women's champ but she's certainly a better babyface in peril and has far more emotion than Riho had.

He got sucked into the Page/Omega story, I think Revolution 2020 was the last show he watched so was intrigued at how it's come to this over a year later.

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