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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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He’s not a Tory, but this is Tory rhetoric so belongs here - Starmer’s comments on the NHS recruiting too many foreigners really make my blood boil. His suggestion that we need to recruit more Brits implies that there is a ready-made talent pool that we are failing to dip into, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Given the widespread staffing shortages, he should be saying ‘thank fuck for the non-British NHS workers, rather than trying to appeal to flag-waving racists. Perhaps we do need to train more people up on these shores, and we absolutely should take steps to retain staff (retention being a key issue in the NHS) - but presenting foreign workers in a way that implies they are a problem? Fuck off, you Tory-lite twat.

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

He’s not a Tory, but this is Tory rhetoric so belongs here - Starmer’s comments on the NHS recruiting too many foreigners really make my blood boil. His suggestion that we need to recruit more Brits implies that there is a ready-made talent pool that we are failing to dip into, and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Given the widespread staffing shortages, he should be saying ‘thank fuck for the non-British NHS workers, rather than trying to appeal to flag-waving racists. Perhaps we do need to train more people up on these shores, and we absolutely should take steps to retain staff (retention being a key issue in the NHS) - but presenting foreign workers in a way that implies they are a problem? Fuck off, you Tory-lite twat.

What I think is ignored is that the country mood is still heavy on Brexit and immigration. The country turned their back on leftist Labour overwhelmingly. As shit as the Tories are their fan base is massively ignorant. If he moves too far from the centre in what he says, he risks alienating flip flop voters which is key to winning the next election. 

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

If his aim is to appeal to Tory party values he should join the fucking Tory party. Offer them a better alternative not the same shit packaged differently.

So how does someone win an election when the majority of voters appear to be racist thick idiots? I don’t agree with the approach Labour are taking. But they were completely destroyed under Corbyn. Blair was seen as a red Tory, so how does an opposition win in the current climate?

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1 minute ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

So how does someone win an election when the majority of voters appear to be racist thick idiots? I don’t agree with the approach Labour are taking. But they were completely destroyed under Corbyn. Blair was seen as a red Tory, so how does an opposition win in the current climate?

The short answer is that they won’t. Even after everything that’s happened the last few years, even with the so called lead in the Voting Intention polls, the country has a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome and I’m fully expecting the Tories to win the next General Election 

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Mad that people are claiming a long term plan to move away from the neo-liberal model of importing a ready trained workforce. That removes the need for domestic investment (as we saw when the Tories scrapped the nursing bursary) is being claimed as being 'Tory'. 

It's the opposite.


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He’s absolutely right though if you listen to the interview - successive governments have used cheaper migrant labour as a way of avoiding training and properly paying NHS staff.

 The Labour movement should absolutely stand for better opportunities for UK workers, investment in training and careers.  Labour’s stated plans for staff retention, hiring etc.  seem absolutely sensible for me.

 From Wes Streeting - 


    The NHS will always have an international workforce, which is a strength.

    But the failure to develop home-grown talent has made us over-reliant on people overseas, with consequences for other countries who need their own people, too.

    Labour has a fully-funded plan…

    Labour will abolish the non-dom tax status and commit £1.6bn as part of a serious workforce plan:

    Double number of medical training places

    10,000 extra nursing and midwifery training places

    Double number of district nurses qualifying

    5,000 extra health visitors

    Labour has a plan to tackle the NHS staffing crisis.

    The Conservatives have no plan. In fact, they’re making it worse.

    The Government needs to get the unions around the table, listen, and then negotiate a retention package to avoid more walk-outs.

 If you cede any discussion of immigration to the Tories, you’ll get only Tory governments.



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I fully appreciate that none of you may be able to answer this question, but historically, how pro immigration were Labour? During the 60's/70's when there was a big influx of people coming in from the former British Empire, were Labour generally pro or anti this?

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