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Vice: Dark Side of the Ring


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2 hours ago, JakeRobertsParoleOfficer said:

Always wanted to see some like New Jack or JBL etc make a mistake/take a liberty  with:


Ric Steiner (or Scott) 


We saw what happened When Konnan fucked up with Ric and Ric decided to 'discipline' him'

Infact didn't some indie non entity (vordell Walker or something like that) try and fuck with a mid fifties Ric a few  years ago on a show to make a name for himself and get battered?? 


From my memory it was Steiner who began to take liberties. Even the most Steiner biased stories suggest Walker gave, at least what he was given.

I've never read that Walker came off worse




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12 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Yeah all I was left with for episode 4 was sadness for Bart Gunn really. He created an instant gimmick by knocking out all those guys, and JBL getting knocked out <insert Karl kissing his fingers gif>. Instead they kept him home to let Butterbean humiliate him. He was fucked by winning something he wasn’t supposed to. He could have had a decent mid card run. Jr was bitter his golden boy was ruined by it

It's awful that the whole incident visibly still haunts Bart to this day.

Obligatory JR is a cunt.

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I actually found Cornette and Russo's heat and perspectives quite entertaining throughout this episode and the Montreal one.

I really enjoyed the episode, lighter topic but it was sad to see the emotional toll it appeared to have taken on Bart. He seemed like a stand up guy who was bizarrely singled out for bad treatment when he could have been given the chance to excel.

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2 hours ago, appalling_daniel said:

Its funny because Jim and Russo are the exact same. But they just don't see it.

They shout a lot, that’s about it. Their views on anything wrestling related are totally opposite. 

Russo: calm down bro it’s only wrestling 

Cornette: wrestling is my entire life and I take it so seriously I would threaten to stab someone over a booking decision I don’t like 



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The Brawl For All episode was the weakest so far but it was nice to see Barts perspective on it. As said by others JR just comes across as a scumbag and you have to wonder how many people he's fucked over during his time in the WWF/E. 

The New Jack episode is old news to anyone who's vaguely familiar with him. I loved how he portrays himself as mega bad ass but in reality he beat up a 17 year old fat kid, an old geezer who no sold most of his shit and a rookie worker. They neglected to go into the Nasty Boys incident and when Zandig supposedly "shot" on him. 

He even bitched about Zandig in one of his shoots but did he do anything, did he fuck. Guy is a flat track bully and nothing more. 

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Tried to watch the Brawl for all episode, but the amount of Russo, puppy drowner and Cornette put me off completely. Why the fuck did they think Dr.Death Vs Austin would draw money in 98? Lad looked like a washed up mid card heel from the 80's at that stage.  You can see it still gets to JR that his Okie college boy shat the bed to this day too. 

At least Bart had a bit of charisma about him, like a jobber boxer villain in a Rocky movie. Seems like a very decent chap too.

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Absolutely fascinated by the news that’s come out regarding Vince wanting to do another Brawl for All with the original cast of NXT. Who do people think would win? Doesn’t Daniel Bryan train martial arts? is Wade Barrett’s “bare knuckle,” thing legit?


Edited by Supremo
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Heath Slater is a relatively big guy and was a Golden Gloves champion so he would definitely have been in the running if they went with the quickly adopted premise from the first one of it being a slugfest.

As mentioned by others, the idea that Steve Williams could have been a main eventer in 1998 WWF is hilarious. 

Good ol'JR going on about how he thought Dr Death should and would have won what was effectively human rock em sock em robots because he was an all american footballer and amateur rassler is as short sighted as Russo or Vince thinking the thing was a good idea.

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