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quote the raven

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About quote the raven

  • Birthday 12/22/1978

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  1. What a great main event @Supremo summed it up Hangman and swerve was just perfect the crowd ate it up to.
  2. I did back when i worked for eurotunnel. Full pay inc night shift allowance and no weekends....Most of the time we would go in wait a hour and be told to go home. When we did get a case it was so poorly put together that two of the jury thought the prosecution was the defence. Deliberated for no lie 5 minutes then decided we best wait for a bit before going out and giving the news. When i was asked if i wanted to stay on for another case i jumped at it, sadly they deselected me so i had to go back to work. I remember talking to another group who had been weeks and weeks on a fraud case they had more or less checked out from the whole process
  3. Voted Lib Dem, their candidate has been super affective on local matters and the parties policy about the disabled is to close to home to not get behind.
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