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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Amazing how out of the blue this is. Jinger was a comedy act with he-tits who got the sack, brought back looking like Jeep Swenson's cock and now he's the champion. Whatever you think of this decision, its pretty fucking out there! Since they were after an Indian champ, I bet Sonjay Dutt is thinking he should have gotten on the gas that Kevin Nash expected he was on in those Paparazzi skits.

TNA might put the belt on Sonjay, now. Remember when Daniel Bryan won the title, so they put the belt on Eric Young because he had a beard?

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I'm not into Mahal, mainly out of guilt for the Bollywood Boys. They came in as happy young guys who wanted to show everyone their culture and were a bit of fun. They've been thrown in with Mahal just because, and to be honest I can't help shake the feeling they look gutted every time they come to the ring. They literally didn't get a chance to do anything of note before being put right back into theses stereotypical roles. 

Maybe they don't give a fuck and are just happy to be with someone at the top of the card. Maybe the Cruiserweight Classic worked too well in establishing their previous characters. I just can't help feeling bad for them.

Im not knocking Jinder, I'm happy to let it play out. But out of all the emotions I should feel during his entrance, sympathy for his cronies isn't one of them 

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29 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

TNA might put the belt on Sonjay, now. Remember when Daniel Bryan won the title, so they put the belt on Eric Young because he had a beard?

Is Shera still about? He'd be perfect for that 

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51 minutes ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

Amazing how out of the blue this is. Jinger was a comedy act with he-tits who got the sack, brought back looking like Jeep Swenson's cock and now he's the champion. Whatever you think of this decision, its pretty fucking out there! Since they were after an Indian champ, I bet Sonjay Dutt is thinking he should have gotten on the gas that Kevin Nash expected he was on in those Paparazzi skits.

TNA might put the belt on Sonjay, now. Remember when Daniel Bryan won the title, so they put the belt on Eric Young because he had a beard?

He wasn't big when he got brought back. He was basically the same. The massive steroid body and scarred back all happened within the last 9 months or so. It's mental. I can't believe they have the nerve to put him on tv. 

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I'm with Scotswizard in that while he is a massive jobber, he looks a hundred times better than some other people on the roster who have/probably will be champs. He wrestled the boring Randy Orton main event style perfectly too.

It's something fresh

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11 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Nobody is really paying to see anyone take a beating these days though, are they? It's not like Flair in the 80s. When was the last time people were that invested in somebody getting their comeuppance that they'd tune in JUST to see them hopefully lose, over a sustainable period? Triple H in 2000 comes to mind.

It happens now with Roman Reigns and for the last twelve years it happened with John Cena. The WWF has pretty much always been a promotion built around a babyface, and now they get to build it around a babyface who is also a Flair-esque heel at the same time. Only instead of the Horsemen running in to save the title with interference, it's Evil Vince and Evil Head of Creative Kevin Dunn saving the title with their Evil Booking. Nu-Kayfabe fucks up pretty much the whole roster, but it works wonders for making a top babyface interesting to all sections of the audience.

Jinder Mahal as WWE champion. How mental. I much prefer it to Randy Orton as WWE champion.

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Not seen much talk about the actual match - only me who really enjoyed it? I'd go as far to say I enjoyed Jinder/Orton more than Styles/Owens, although Owens has been boring me for about a year now. 

Anyway, I liked that PPV. Thought everything was good to great with the exception of Rowan vs Harper, which was pretty dull, and the Womens match which I used as a tea-break. 

Pissed myself at that Singh brother commentators table spot. Fucking brutal.

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3 hours ago, Loki said:

I for one welcome our new Indian overlords.

This has been overlooked. Bravo.

in all seriousness, is Jinder on the juice? How on earth would he get away with it with all the "testing" they do?

His back looks worse than mine and I have terrible acne!!!

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Again for one of these B level PPV's it felt like an extended version of the TV show rather than a big event.

The opener was ok. I thought it was a decent match, not the quality of match Nakamura probably needed for his main roster debut, it probably needed to be better, but it starts him off and I'm sure there will be better to come. 

I loved the tag title match. I'm sure others didn't but it was way more fun than I expected. The Fashion Police were being used to tick things over until New Day :( turn up to go after the Uso's. In the space of a month they made me fans of theirs and hope they still get wins against the other teams in the division.

Zayn v Corbin was fine. That was about it. Harper v Rowan wasn't quite up to scratch, Harper worked hard and looks great at the minute, but Rowan is a handicap for anyone to have to carry.

Styles and Owens had the best match of the night by far, but it had to finish the way it did to keep things going. It was fairly creative for a count out finish, but it doesn't say much for the rest of the show when the best match has a count out finish and is still head and shoulders better than anything else put on that night.

Jinder was always winning the belt from the moment this push started. He's fucking shite, and the weirdo's in that Chicago crowd cheering him on with those duelling chants need barred for life. Orton bores me a fair amount of time but he can be great when he wants to be. Jinder though, that man needs a wellness failure and sharpish to spare us much more of this bollocks. 


Edited by WeeAl
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