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Today I learned from an article on Football365 that Michael Ballack may be the unluckiest player ever, lost 2 European cup finals, a European Championship final and a World Cup final, fair enough he won some titles and he's loaded but Christ, can't think of another player losing that many top finals


He actually missed the 2002 World Cup final through suspension, after he got his second booking in the semi chopping down someone who was clean through on goal. He then scored the winner a few minutes later!



Didn't he lose like three finals in the same year? 

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Actually seems like all I do on Facebook is correct myths.

Exactly what i seem to do.
Ditto. The amount of times I comment on someone's share with a link to Snopes that says, “This is bullshit, and you’re a gullible moron who couldn’t be arsed to spend 5 seconds Googling the specifics of a racist/scaremongering post.”

I have one very smart mate who's proper jumpy, and I gently correct him on thinking FB is going to start charging/tumblr is closing etc, and a bunch of former FB friends I've ditched for all their "England shirts banned from pubs/no Christmas songs in Indian restaurants"

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I've got a load of family that I am still friends with on Facebook, but I have them all blocked from my main feed. That way I don't get bombarded by my cousins' incessant Britain First and misinformed Daily Mail bullshit. Then I have a few friends that have been blocked, because they go too far the other way like one of my friends who moved from being vegetarian to being vegan around 6 months ago. He is constantly posting anti-animal abuse videos and videos of vegan recipes.

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scratchdj, I haven’t gone cold turkey in regards to removing myself from social media like you have, but I turned push notifications off my iPhone a couple of months ago as every time my phone pinged I’d check it, then spend the next 10 minutes reading down my Twitter timeline until I reached the point I last left it. And like you, I’d then just check Facebook, Instagram etc out of habit. Not looking for anything. Not a conscious, “Oh, going to have a look at what’s going on Facebook.” Just unlock phone, tap icon, mindlessly browse.


I did remove every one from my Facebook friends list in preparation for closing my account a year or so ago, but then realised I’d lose access to the Pages I manage for myself and clients, so only re-adding family and close friends (i.e. those who I speak to on a regular basis). Even they annoy the hell out of me.


I have the same dilemma with Twitter. It’s a fantastic source of information for my line of work as anything worth knowing about surfaces from those I follow (or that they retweet). So to remove myself from that would actually harm my professional development in a way.

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I did remove every one from my Facebook friends list in preparation for closing my account a year or so ago, but then realised I’d lose access to the Pages I manage for myself and clients, so only re-adding family and close friends (i.e. those who I speak to on a regular basis). Even they annoy the hell out of me.


The new Business Manager interface is what you need then. Separate account just for Pages.




I have the same dilemma with Twitter. It’s a fantastic source of information for my line of work as anything worth knowing about surfaces from those I follow (or that they retweet). So to remove myself from that would actually harm my professional development in a way.

Use TweetDeck, and delete all the personal feed columns.

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The new Business Manager interface is what you need then. Separate account just for Pages.



I’m using that currently to manage pages (stumbled across it a couple of months or so ago). Don’t I need a personal profile to log into Business Manager?

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Facebook is infuriating, but I can't bring myself to delete it because it's the only source of contact I have with a lot of people.  I've deleted most of the people I couldn't care less about, but total strangers still show up on my timeline just because one of my friends has liked their post.  It's even started to show posts from total strangers that have been liked by none of my friends, and with whom I have no mutual friends with, yet I have absolutely no interest in the post and I can't for the life of me figure out how or why it's forcing itself upon me.

Edited by Slapnut
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